8. Brandon; Worked up

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We stayed up late last night talking neither one of us broke the hug occasionally Mason would move and I’d wonder if this was all too weird for him but then I’d smile as he sank back down into me again. Whatever had gotten him so worked up I had no idea, I didn’t need to know though. Whatever it was wasn’t my concern and when his ready to tell me he would I know he would.

When I woke up he was still in my arms. We had fallen to sleep still hugging and even though my arm was dead and my shoulder was aching with the weight of him on it I’d never had such a good sleep. This was wrong though. I couldn’t be thinking things like how I wanted to stay like this all day, how I could watch him for hours still asleep in my arms. I pulled myself from under him not caring too much if he woke up from it I just needed to make myself move. I sat up stretching my arm tingles warming it as Mason moaned stirring awake. “My arm is no longer in working order shit face.” I spoke trying to act as though us sleeping tangled together was something I didn’t enjoy or wanted to happen.

“Oh shame don’t tell your girlfriend that after spending the night here.” He joked. Always with the innuendos he was right though I’m sure Nora still wasn’t convinced we weren’t hooking up. I turned to look at him he had this adorable smirk on his face looking mischievous. He had woken in an amazing mood unlike myself.

“You’ve got to stop doing that.” I told him turning away from him to hide my own smile seeing his. If he saw my face when I said that to he would know I couldn’t care less what he says about us or what Nora thought about us.

“She’s an adult I’m sure she would understand.” His leg moved under the sheets to kick my leg more of a tap than an actual kick though. I turned to look at him again his eyes were literally lighting up at something the smile on his face probably making his jaw hurt. God he was something else. The sun was pouring in through slats in the blinds from where I’d knocked them yesterday golden colours spreading over the bed a rainbow of light like a halo just for him.
We were broken from our moment by his bedroom door flying open us both snapping to see his Mom standing there.
“Is there any reason my son has another boy in his bedroom Mr. Jones?” She was staring at me but soon the stern look slipped away and the warm smile she always gives me replaced it.

“No. Sorry Mam. I should of asked but it was late.” I stood from his bed another smile coming when I saw my t-shirt I’d leant Mason on the floor by the bed. I reached down picking it up throwing it his way without moving my eyes from his Mother who was smirking between the two of us. “It was my idea. Mason didn’t know I was coming. I will go.” I took the blame not needing Mason to get into any trouble knowing he would be if his Dad found out. Whether I’m a guy or a girl, no matter how long we have been friends I have only slept here once before and was made to leave the door open and sleep on the floor. I come here in the day sometimes but we normally see each other at mine it’s just easier unless we hang outside playing ball.

“Mr. Walker isn’t here this morning. Don’t let his moodiness stop you coming around more often. Your in no rush. Come down for breakfast when your ready.” She surprised me being so okay with me being here. She likes me I know that she even buys me Christmas and birthday presents but still whenever I’m normally here its weird looks and asking to take it outside... then again his Dad is always around though. I look over my shoulder at Mason who is now wearing my t-shirt again I wish I had a good excuse for him to keep it. It looks better on him than it ever did on me. He gave me a smile and a slight nod.

“Thank you.” I nod to her to that we wouldn’t be too long and she pulls the door to as she leaves it staying still the inch or two open that they normally ask for. I waited until I heard her feet on the stairs before sitting back on the end of the bed falling into my back running my hands over my face with a groan. “If that was your Dad we would be dead.” I couldn’t help but smile. His Dad is an idiot I mean why does it even matter me being here it’s not like he can hear us moaning all night. I understand rules are rules though I know his brother was never allowed people over either probably why he moved out and quickly his girlfriend moved in with him.

“Oh for sure.” He chuckled pulling the blankets from himself not caring that he threw them over me as he stood up to stretch probably just as achy as me. I watched as he bent his arms over his head pulling on his elbows then arching his back his joggers being made it fall tighter on his body. Fuck he had a semi. I adverted my eyes my stomach falling as I did butterflies in it that I just looked on purpose why else would my eyes of been on him there. I let them look back but he was bent over groaning.

“You okay?” I asked seeing his face frown at something.

“Just worked up from yesterday. Plus I slept bad.” He complained still pulling faces of pain as he continued trying to pull the kink from his back or shoulders or whatever it was. I hated hearing he slept bad. Did he mean he got no sleep or he lay bad?
He done a loud groan falling back into his bed face down laying across it right behind me arms up over his head face buried in the blankets.
“Where about?” I asked putting my hand out wondering if this is something guys do... I wouldn’t normally even question my behaviour with him because I wouldn’t compare our relationship to anyone else but after cuddling all night is he going to get weirded out if I offer to give him a massage? He moaned everywhere so I stopped thinking about it. If this isn’t too much for him I need to stop worrying. He can be just as hands on as me. He really doesn’t care.

I turned around getting onto my knees beside him hands shaking a little I drew one up the length of his back noticing how he stopped breathing for a second before letting a jagged breath out. His back must really be tense for a small touch like that to feel good. I pushed my thumb into his shoulder blade rolling a circle into it slowly testing the water. It was hard and knotted I could feel how tight his back felt just in that one touch. I added my other hand to his other shoulder moving around lining myself up at his side. After a minute I moved them both up to his shoulders squeezing down him beginning to come undone as he melted into my touch. I wasn’t as scared to touch him now my hands sliding to his biceps that were just as hard but I think that’s just because he works out. I moved away and to his back again my hands travelling lower to the curve of his spine I rolled my knuckles down earning a moan from him into the sheets. Fuck. I could feel myself growing in my shorts for him.
This was so wrong.
This was crazy and really shouldn’t be happening. I sat back away from him moving my hands away confused with myself.

“Don’t stop please.” His voice was hooded as he reached for my hands again pulling them back to his shoulders. I couldn’t stop without him thinking something was the matter and he was clearly liking this too. I was helping him not be in pain... that’s all. Even if my body was having other thoughts. The hand he had put back on himself I continued where I left off kneading patterns in him, my other hand I adjusted my semi trying to hide it.

Moans were leaving  his mouth freely now rolling out into the bed being slightly muffled. I was getting a little carried away myself enjoying having him feel good from what I was doing to him. Every time he would moan at a certain spot I’d leave it going to the opposite side doing it again and then returning to it making him breath heavier. I’d stopped caring about my now full on boner I had. I didn’t understand it but whatever right? I almost lost control and moaned myself when my name slipped his lips breathless. “Brandon.” He  sounded desperate... “Your hands are incredible.” He confessed shakily.

I had to act normal. I took a deep breath to get my breathing under control before I spoke. “You going to tell Nora that too?” I smirked wondering what she would think of this too. We had probably been doing this at least ten minutes. He pulled back rolling onto his side but tucking his leg up leaving it bent looking down at himself before up to me with a massive smile.

“Are you going to?” He questioned that naughty lopsided smirk making my heart jump. I had a massive boner and if he looks down over me like he just done himself he would see it in an instant.

“Probably not.” I winked before I stood from his bed turning my back on him. “I need the bathroom.” I chuckled shaking my head at all of this. My escape probably sounded even more suspicious than if I’d of just thrown a pillow on my lap and refused to move for twenty minutes.

The walk across the hallway was awkward as I hid my hard on as soon as I was inside closing the door behind myself and locking it, something I couldn’t do at home. Both my hands on either side of the sink I tried calming my breathing still trying not to think about why I felt this way. His just my friend... I like girls. He likes girls. I turned the cold water on cupping it in my hands I splashed it on my face hoping it would shock me back into innocence.

After a few splashes I was back to my normal self. I cleaned up and went to the toilet before emerging from the bathroom bumping right into Mason. “Come on took your time.” He joked pushing me aside so he could go in leaving me to wonder back to his room alone. I found my phone and checked to see if I had any messages.

So is he okay?

Did u stop at his?!

Take it you went to Masons?

Yh sorry never said it was last minute.

I text my Dad back first he was the easiest to tell that I’d spent the night here. Nora was already second guessing everything I said. Everything that’s happened this morning with Mason had left me wondering if I even liked Nora... I thought I had. My head sank as I realised again I was going to end up dumping this girl like all the others. I couldn’t do it now not over text, not when I was feeling mixed up. I thought through different things I could say to her before sending the best I could think of.

Its personal. Ill speak to u later

“We going down or what?” I heard Mason by the bedroom door leaning on it arms crossed making me wonder how long he had been there watching me. He wasn’t as happy as this morning but still he in a considerably better mood than yesterday.

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