35. Brandon; not gay?

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“I’m not having a flour fight with you this time so don’t even try it. My Dad’s home at eleven I don’t need him coming into me having hand makes all over my body.” I told him as I poured water into  a jug as he emptied the mixture into a bowl on the island behind me. He didn’t say anything back so I took the water over reaching around him to start pouring it in.

“You’ve got to mix I’m rubbish at this stuff.” He stepped to the side only walking into my arm.
“You pour slowly then.” I gave him the jug and he did a good job at slowly adding the water as I stirred. Once all mixed in, pretty sure he was loving watching me stir it as the mixture became thicker and harder. “It needs more water.” I told him as it became effort to stir my breathing picking up at the work I was putting into it. After about three more table spoons added poured from the jug again it eased up to the right consistency. Mason had already laid out the trays while I’d preheated the oven before we began so it was fast in the oven cooking as we headed to the sofa.

“What film? Your pick.” He told me picking up the remote and passing it to me. I thought about it for a minute before saying Elf. He was okay with that so I turned the T.v. on and looked for the film on Sky knowing it would be on there.

We sat on opposite sides of the sofa as I found it and we began watching it only getting a few minutes in when the oven beeped they were ready. “Wait here.” I told him not needing any help as all I needed to do was take them out to cool down.

“They okay?” He asked as I joined him on the sofa again after leaving them on the side.

“Yeah. We got to wait for them to cool so might as well watch this first.” I told him looking back to the film. “When it rains it rains oo ohh heavy from heaven.” I sang along not knowing the words just loving the song as buddy the elf explored new York city. Mason was looking at me funny this cute smile showing. He'd swung his legs around onto sofa leaning his back on the arm facing me as I stayed slouched my legs stretched out in front of me. “Was that you last week?” I asked imagining him being like a kid running the streets.

“If I’d of been with you yeah probably running riot but Blair’s too embarrassed.” He spoke that smile so charming.

“Maybe in the summer we can go somewhere else. Us though without Blair.” I told him regretting I didn’t just plan going away with him instead of asking Blair to take him.

“Yeah that be nice.” He smiled my phone vibrating somewhere interrupting us. I hadn’t been on it since he got here and I dropped it somewhere when I pulled him on me. Mason somehow knew where it was though going straight for it on the floor beside the sofa. It was probably Nora and she was pretty unpredictable so I was getting ready to snatch it from him the second he starts being nosey reading my messages. I was surprised when he came back up with it in his hands not even looking who it was just handing it over to me.

“It’s probably not important.” I told him unlocking it anyway seeing it was Nora like I’d thought.

Miss u sexy ;) was wondering
wht ur doing xmas?

B. Probably a family thing?

“Nora.” I answered honestly putting my phone in my lap waiting for her to message me back. Until then I turned my attention back to the film.

N. Oh. Thought ud wanna come
up the cabin with mine

B. Really nora family is a big thing at Christmas its only me and my dad so I can’t ditch him. Hope u have fun up there tho really x

“You okay?” He asked somehow sensing my frustration that she expected me to bail on everyone to spend the most special time of the year with her away from everyone else I know. She leaves next week and doesn’t come back until the second of January as if I’d go with her.

“Yeah. She wanted me to go with her to her families cabin for Christmas.” I told him putting my phone on the sofa between us. She probably wouldn’t text me back and if she did I’d said my piece I wasn’t going so whatever she said didn’t matter.

“Imagine how much sex you’d get though.” I quickly turned to stare at him like his lost his mind. “What come on. Over Christmas!” He laughed. I normally wouldn’t kiss and tell but...

“Non actually. She doesn’t have sex over Christmas apparently because it’s a holy time.” I explained remembering when she said that and I thought she was kidding.

“Holy time? Is she for real? I think you should rethink her mate.” He chuckled shaking his head.

“Holy time yeah.” I winked thrusting the air.

“Oh I bet yeah. Your phone full of naughty elves I bet.” He joked our relationship just as if we were any other blokes, sex being the main thing on our minds even if on his was blokes.

“Hey what happens between me and my phone only my bed knows about.” I smirked looking away to the T.v. as he hummed an I bet.

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