54. Mason; heated

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Blair and Levi had been over for almost an hour now meaning it was gone eight and we still hadn’t eaten dinner yet. The biscuits had been dished out long ago, a packet of pink wafers as well as everyone having another beer except me, Brandon made me another red bull and coke. While he was off going to the toilet I tugged on his hoodie that was still on the back of the sofa my arms and legs covered in chills from the lack of his body heat. The jumper was still warm I think because it had been behind his back on the sofa but still it made me feel cosy.

The sound of his feet back on the stairs brought a smile to my face as I waited for his dorky smile to come back into view especially when he sees me in his clothes. I sat forward to act casual reaching for another biscuit discovering somehow us four lads had devoured the entire back leaving just this one. “Mason! I wanted that!” Brandon’s voice whined as he flopped deflated onto the seat beside me again not paying any notice to the fact that I stole his hoodie, maybe his just so used to seeing me in his things now.

“Share it.” Blair spoke up even though I was about to just give it to him.

“Yeah lady and the tramp it.” Levi shot darting up right in the seat to watch us as I took in Brandon’s bashful look kind of wanting to play along.

“Why we could just-" Brandon was trying to come up with excuses but Levi wasn’t having non of it interrupting him. “But I dare you both. That means do it or you get another one.” We both knew that if you turned down a dare the next would be twice as bad if not worse even if we hadn’t agreed to play at this very moment. I wasn’t risking it and I didn’t care anyway I was up for doing it before he even mentioned it as a dare. Sticking my end of the biscuit in my mouth I touched Brandon’s forearm for his attention distracted for a second by how tense his arms looked a long vein prominent down the length of it.

Looking back up finally I saw how he was lingering close by his eyes flickering between mine and the biscuit that my lips were loosely wrapped around. He swallowed hard as the guys hyped up Levi actually jumping up and down excitedly in his seat as Blair sat closer to watch, the utter perverts.

Without too much reluctance Brandon leant in closer his mouth turning into a smile before he too enclosed it around his end of the biscuit our mouths almost brushing against each other as I bit down into it breaking it in half just as Brandon pulled back. For whatever reason I closed my eyes as I took the wafer deeper into my mouth a little shocked when I felt his lips push firmly against mine quickly not giving me a chance to respond. There was no reason for him to come back for a second time but the pressure of his lips made my stomach flip as I quickly opened my eyes looking at his lips seeing him grinning his eyes literally lighting up as he beamed.

I couldn’t help but smile too, the guys oohing and woof whistling as we still sat staring at each other me a little confused but still not dissatisfied.

“Blair we should go, let these guys continue.” Levi joked not making any attempts at leaving in fact he slouched backwards on the sofa further holding his stomach as he laughed a bit more.

“I wish you two would just get together already.” Blair was shaking his head finding his drink.

I could feel Brandon’s eyes on me but I was too shy to look back at him. It had been ages since anything last happened between us and even though I knew he liked me I wasn’t expecting anything to happen again with us especially not yet and especially not in front of our friends.

The next almost half an hour that the guys stayed was a little awkward as at first I still couldn’t properly look at Brandon and then when I did he was always looking at me too the only time he was looking at Levi the butterflies the sight of his lips gave me was intense enough to make me look away. I wasn’t even turned on by him at this point I was just jittery.

I waved to Levi ignoring his comments to have a really great night, I stood to quickly hug bye to Blair before I fell back into my spot as Brandon saw the both of them out.

“I’m ordering pizza because I really can’t be arsed to cook.” I heard him call across the living room after the front door closed indicating it was now just the two of us. I didn’t say anything as I heard the dial tone across the living room then heard him order two large meat feasts with meatballs. I was a little apprehensive what would happen when he comes back over here but hearing his voice kind of flat, steady made me relax at least a little because he sounded pretty chill. All of that slipped though when he joined me back on the sofa only now he was facing me, back against the arm rest, leg tucked up under himself both his hands holding onto it as he locked his gaze onto me.

“Are you glad they came?” I asked trying to get a hold of exactly what he was thinking hoping to get us back to our normal way of acting.

“Yeah other than them meddling in us.” He chuckled making me smile again lightening up. I caught as his eyes wondered to my lips making me question if he was thinking about kissing me again. “I don’t see why it’s any of their business anyway what happens between us.” He spoke as if in a trance looking at my mouth the entire time only breaking the stare to sneak a glance at my eyes before going back to my lips.

I hoped he wanted to kiss me because it was all I could think about now as I too stared at his mouth wanting to kiss him. Would it even matter if we did? The only reason we stopped any of that was because of Nora, because things weren’t going any where between us but that was because of her too. What could be the worst that could happen if I kissed him? Okay he could push me off but I doubt one more kiss would ruin us not after everything else we have done together...

All I could now see was me kissing him day dreaming about our lips moving together and what it would feel like.

All of my thinking stopped when I in one movement leant towards him pushing my lips to his after the longest silence had fallen between us. I closed my eyes praying he would kiss me back and of course it didn’t take him long to respond to me his mouth pushing back onto mine just as hungrily. He reached out for me his hand settling onto my hip as I leant closer to him my hand tangling in the side of his hair so I could guide him tighter to me.

Passionately I slipped my tongue into his mouth as he granted me access after I’d licked his lower lip.

I almost devoured him entirely when I heard a throaty moan escape his throat into my mouth at the taste of my tongue somehow though I managed to contain myself.

We may of kissed a few times before now but this time it was different. The first time was angry and confusing as neither one of us could explain why we were kissing each other. The second was almost just as heated and demanding as he pushed me up the wall our bodies rushing each other. Then the third time it still was an irritated provoked make up as he roamed my body making me push for more from him. Now though I wasn’t thinking about more. I wasn’t even thinking about what would come next or what we would do after we stop I purely was thinking about kissing him.
About showing him everything I had and would give to him.

I buried my hand deeper into his hair still wanting him closer to me as I leant into him our chests inches apart so much so that they rubbed each other every time we tried catching our breath. I removed my tongue smoothing my mouth back with his it feeling incredible as he clung to me tighter each one of his breaths rugged. I felt his hand dragging higher up from my hip to my waist still innocently supporting me but just knowing he was touching me, feeling him graze over my body was enough to turn me on if I wasn’t already rock hard in my shorts. His tongue was now the one taking lead as it coasted it’s way inside my mouth brushing with my own making my head spin.

We were now in the middle of making out neither of us showing any signs of stopping or taking it further other than my spare hand that was sliding up his chest which was now making him take a break from the kissing still lingering over my lips as he breathed deeply his eyes still closed as he focused on my touch. I continued it up over his throat making him swallow hard eventually I settled on his chin tugging his mouth back to mine very quickly getting back into it my tongue almost instantly swirling with his. His hand that was on my waist as well as his other that was suddenly on the other side was lightly pulling on me as he leant backwards towards the arm of the sofa not stopping even as he couldn’t go back any further. I helped guide him back until he stopped then I kept going my chest eventually hovering his our hips rubbing against each others making us both moan into the others mouth. I was tempted to ground down against him in fact I was about to when the door knocked and we were broke apart as I looked up to it.

“Pizza.” His voice was so clouded when he spoke. It was gruff and scratchy almost making me moan and dive back onto him for more but I couldn’t. I looked down at him below me loving the cute smile he was sporting. It probably matched mine growing when we finally locked eyes with each other.

“Are you going to answer it?” I teased knowing he couldn’t move and neither of us wanted to either.

He held back for a moment us both staring at each other my eyes slipping back to his lips. They are bright red and puffy an easy give away of what we were just doing. I only broke away when the door knocked again and Brandon groaned I’m coming before he tried removing himself from under me. “Are you now?” I teased as I finally pulled myself away falling backwards to the other end of the sofa as he went to get it laughing at my joke.

It was only seconds later he was back dropping into his space beside me on the sofa my lap quickly full with a hot box of pizza it killing my boner as it burnt my lap probably the one in Brandon’s lap doing the same. “I’ve decided.” He began making me look to him curious to what he was about to say... “I love you in my clothes especially when I’ve only just taken them off.” After he finished his confession he turned to grin at me making me smile shyly before adverting my eyes to the food in front of me I desperately needed.

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