17. Mason; Brandon is your family

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I was right in thinking my Dad wanted us all to look our best for meeting his brother and his family for the first time. I knew their names and that was about all as my Dad never spoke much about them. I wasn’t sure why meeting family had to be so formal it was as if he wanted us to scream we are better than you which couldn’t be further from the truth as they literally lived in Australia one of the best places on Earth and we lived in this run down small town. Doesnt Australia have money too? Something our house looked like it lacked.

When I got home Brandon had been waiting outside for me I couldn’t blame him for not feeling at home enough to walk inside without me not even to just wait in my room. Even as we walked into the house together he must of been uncomfortable getting stares from my Mother who was just waiting to hear my Dad kick off about him being here. “Brandon is helping me get ready.” I announced knowing that would be the question he would ask first. He nodded without another word which I found strange but all the better for us I suppose so we started going upstairs.

“Door open.” I heard him yell after us. Calling back I know I seen Brandon into my room telling him I was going for a shower and to take no notice if anyone comes in and tries talking to him.

Once dressed in my black suit trousers and crisp white shirt I sat on the bottom of the bed putting my socks on nervous an understatement. My brother was here downstairs I could hear him and my sister play fighting about something my Dad telling them to knock it off before everyone gets here. Me and my brother got on well for the most part he was nothing like me though in the way he wouldn’t take half of what I stand for. He had met Brandon a couple of times but non recently mainly before he moved out. They got on as well as I could of expected really. “I suppose I should go soon.” He asked most of the time he had been sat just watching me keeping an eye out for the signs of a panic attack and I couldn’t blame him for it. I was stressed to the max.

“Ten more minutes.” I pleaded as I grabbed the tie I’d lay out and wondered to the mirror on the wall beside the door. Flipping my collar I lay it under and began fiddling with the thing to knot it. My hands were shaky and I couldn’t remember if it was under over or over under or if it even mattered. I was freaking out over nothing it’s not like it would of been the end of the world my brother or Dad could of or probably even my mom but right now something so trivial was breaking me. But just like that Brandon was behind me his arms reaching over my shoulders hands on mine stopping their shaking. I sighed at the feeling and moved them letting him take control.

“You’ll be okay Mase. It’s dinner. Just eat. Answer questions and smile. They will love you.” He soothed before he pulled the tie through the loop. I span to face him and he was already playing with my collar flattening down.

“Thank you.” I whispered looking up into his eyes. He stopped movements for a second before he went on to my tie again tightening it around my neck and straightening it up.

“It’s just a tie.” He smirked but he knew I’d meant more than just the tie. He ran his hand the length of it down over my chest to lay it flat when he got to the end near my waistband he gave it a tug his knuckles brushing against the top of my trousers. The last thing I needed right now was a boner but there was something about his actions that had that effect on me.

He was still in his work clothes, navy trousers and a white shirt the top two buttons now undone and for a second I felt like asking him to stay... but he couldn’t and I’d never put him in that position in front of my Father. “I’ve got to go.” He quickly let go of me with a cough and stepped away his eyes flickering to the open door beside us uncomfortably. I turned to see what he was looking at seeing my brother stood there watching us for how long who knows.

He moved to the bed to find his phone it only taking seconds before he was back to me still stood a little froze not sure what to say. “You not staying Brandon?” Leah is here.” He looked over to me with a warming smile mentioning that his girlfriend was here. He sounded like whatever he had seen between me and Brandon was irrelevant making me come back to life.

“No he can’t Dad won’t let him. Leah is family according to Dad.” It sounded bitter. His girlfriend had been in the picture a shorter time than Brandon even if she was now wearing a ring on her finger Brandon was still closer to us than she was. Don’t get me wrong she’s lovely and her and my brother adore each other but I was jealous I suppose and it felt like my sister could have more of a chance of having her school crush here than have Brandon stay.

“Brandon’s yours.” He surprised me. It was no secret that Charlie was a supportive guy. Ever since childhood he had my back as well as anyone else who needed it including his gay friend when she came out as a lesbian in high school. It’s always easier for girls but people in school are still cruel and she lost a lot of friends... not Charlie though, but him saying Brandon was my family wasn’t something I expected. “If you want him to stay don’t listen to Dad. Uncle Si is coming to meet his Niece and Nephews not shells of people in suits pretending to be something they aren’t.” He winked with a knowing smile before leaving the room. “See you downstairs.” He called as he went.

“Mason hurry up please.” My Dad yelled up after me.

I turned to Brandon to see a dorky smile on his face. “So I should leave.” He whispered but it sounded more like a question now. I was having this huge argument inside myself wondering if I should ask him to stay or not deciding not only because I wanted to protect him from my Dad’s wrath.

“I will see you tonight.” I promised him not able to ruin his hopes thinking I’d let him stay. He wouldn’t understand why I had to send him home.

“Your coming over?” He asked taken aback but happy either way.

“Hey I had prior plans with you didn’t I? I keep my word.” I nudged his chest earning a bigger grin. “That’s if you don’t mind picking me up? I plan on drinking to get through tonight.” I filled him in hoping he wouldn’t mind.
“Text me when your finished.” He was digging through his pockets for something stopping when he found his car keys.

“Mason now!” My Dad shouted louder this time making me shout I’m coming Brandon coughing to cover his naughty laugh.

“Dirty minded git.” I shoved him us both laughing like school girls. “I’ll see you later.” I settled down serious now. I don’t know why but this goodbye felt hard. He nodded and was about to walk past me when I reached out finding his hand making him stop. I tugged on him and he was weightless as he let me pull him into my arms embracing me as I did him. The hug was so tight and meaningful, I seem to sink into him all the worries for tonight leaving my body for just a moment. He pulled away too soon though when we heard the front door open downstairs and my Dad greeting someone.

“Fuck. I really got to go.” He rushed smiling. “You’ll be fine. Text me.” He reassured me as we both left the room. I was so dead for being late to the meal and for Brandon still being here.

“That’s a nasty dent in that jeep. And for such a new model I bet that hurt.” Someone was saying as we came to the bottom of the stairs.

“It isn’t ours.” My Dad said through almost gritted teeth seeing us enter the room. “Simon this is Mason.” He brought me over to my uncle his hand dragging me by my shoulder as Brandon moved closer to the door.

“Great to meet you.” I held my hand out but instead I was pulled into a hug. I was half expecting my uncle would be like my Father, stern and cold but his smile when he pushed me away to look at me was anything but.

“And whose this lovely gentleman?” He turned his attention to Brandon who was lingering near the door waiting to catch my eye before he slipped out.

“That’s just Mason’s friend he should be leaving.” My Dad spoke up interrupting him almost but I answered again for him.

“Brandon. He was here helping me get ready.” I lit up talking about him and I think Uncle Simon saw because he did too.

“Aren’t you staying for dinner?” He asked Brandon.

“No sir I have to get home. But thank you for the offer. I will see you all later. Have a good night.” Brandon said always the charmer. He looked over to me with a smile before he left.

“What a great chap a shame he isn’t able to stay Mason I’d of loved to of heard more about you two.” He looked at me genuinely and for a moment I wondered if he knew more about me in just the two minutes he had been here than my own Dad did.

“Shall we?” My mother changed the subject gesturing to the dinner table she had laid out.

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