33. Brandon; damn his eyes are green

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Saturday and Nora was the one messaging me asking if I wanted to go out anywhere with her. I asked if we could head to town to do some Christmas shopping and well she’s a girl so of course she agreed and we went. So far my presents had been easy. Nora straight up told me she wanted a ring but no way was I getting that serious that quickly even if she hadn’t meant an engagement ring. The next time I asked she wanted some heels telling me the exact pair, colour, size, everything so I brought them that night so I wouldn’t forget. They were £57 so she was done that easily. My Dad always says he doesn’t need anything but then something always comes up, this year it was the microwave breaking so he said he wouldn’t mind me buying a new one. I know microwaves aren’t really a Christmas present but that’s what he wanted... He also does a lot of reading so I snuck a look at what book he was on right now planning on buying him the next two in the series today. I rarely see my Mom so if I saw something she’d like that was cheap I’d get it but if not it doesn’t really matter much I didn’t have plans to see her anyway. That just left Mason. I hadn’t gotten him anything before because I wasn’t sure if we would even of been seeing each other but now we aren’t pretending to hate each other there was no doubt I was going to spend money on him, on what though I didn’t know yet.

Nora ended up pointing out more stuff to me she liked, a makeup pallet and nail varnish so I bought them for her too declaring that’s all because I’d spoilt her, just over £80 is a pretty decent present from your boyfriend you haven’t even been with for six months so hopefully she somewhat returned the favour or at least shown she appreciated it.

I ended up in the Levi’s shop looking at jeans for Mason. He looks better in jeans than joggers, even though joggers look bomb on him too, and definitely better than basketball shorts but he hardly ever wore them saying they are uncomfortable and don’t fit right.

The only pair he does like to wear whenever he gets the chance are my Levi’s even though they are too big on him. I found a nice blue washed slim fit pair not even looking at the price I was thinking with a mix of my heart and my dick imagining how good he would look in them. My jeans were a 34 inch waist so I went with the 30 for Mason just guessing really having to sneak a look at how much smaller than me they were because I was lying to Nora that they were for me. He was also shorter than me so I had to guess that too making sure I kept the receipt just in case my guess was completely wrong. “£90 please.”

The cashier told me as she bagged up the jeans, the first time I heard the price. It made no difference to me and I paid it glad I hadn’t told Nora they were for Mason because she would probably of been annoyed I’d spent more on him than on her, also I had only just started shopping for him.

I had quite the productive day really, in the end telling the truth to Nora about one of the presents I brought for Mason, a grey Nike t-shirt which was only £22. She couldn’t be mad about that really and after that and buying my Christmas cards I was done. We went out to grab some food before I drove her home, getting home myself at almost seven. I hadn’t heard much from Mason today, a message at around lunch time asking what I was up to, I told him shopping with Nora and he told me to have fun. Then again at about half four he messaged he was finished with work again asking me what I was doing. I told him just leaving town to get some food and again he didn’t reply.

B. Finally home!

I wondered if it was the fact I was with Nora that had made him not message me much but then again last night he didn’t either so maybe I’d done something wrong.

He seemed normal on FaceTime and he talks about Nora now like she means nothing so maybe I’m overreacting. My Dad was working today from seven till eleven, I know it’s the weekends but he rarely isn’t at work because he doesn’t have much else to do beside work. Even Christmas he will break up Christmas eve normally around eleven and then have Christmas day and boxing day off and then back to work again. He even works New Year’s so normally I hang out with Mason as much as possible. Last year I went to his house Christmas eve which was full of people, something I like about his family is how close they all are, his grandparents came over and his brother so it felt cosy. Then we went out to Tony’s house for New Year’s. It was nice.

Right now my Dad was mooching around getting a couple things together for work before he leaves taking a seat beside me to get his shoes on. “You alright bud?” He asked as I lay across the entire sofa moving my feet to the side to give him room, twirling my phone in my fingers on my stomach.

“Yeah.” I smiled waiting for a text back from Mason.

“I thought Mason would of been over... after making up and all.” He looked up at me with a knowing grin making me blush remembering he saw us wrapped around each other.

“Dad...” I dragged embarrassed rolling my eyes.

“Hey.” He finished with his shoes putting his hand on mine over my phone stopping me from playing with it to make me concentrate on whatever he was about to say next. “You two are my lads.” He spoke clearly looking into my eyes so sincerely. “I couldn’t care less what you get up to behind closed doors. Just next time I will remember to knock.” He chuckled that low laugh I’ve heard my entire life ruffling my hair as he stood up ending the conversation there. “So is he coming?” He had walked away to get his coat on asking me from near the front door. “Do I need to knock the front door and make a load of noise when I get home?” He teased making me cringe.

“No Dad just act normal. I don’t think his coming anyway.” I sighed and he heard coming back over to me standing above me.

“You fell out again?” He frowned looking concerned. Again I just sighed not even knowing if we had. I opened my mouth to speak, the feeling of my phone vibrating stopping me making me pause to look at it.

Yay finally! I was showerin haha
“No Dad we are fine.” I smiled still looking down at  my phone.

“Alright. I’m going. See you later.” He waved and I told him a proper goodbye before typing to Mason.

B. How was work?

M. Works work. Same old

We text on and off for about half an hour before he stopped replying again only this time I didn’t let myself stress over it. I’d been laying across the sofa in a dark room the only lights being that from the Christmas tree and it was just how I wanted it to stay. The way I’d have this any different would be if I weren’t lay in my jeans and if I had a blanket because my Dad was stingy with the heating and because I hadn’t been home all day he hadn’t had it on. Oh and of course I’d have Mason here too but if I got the choice I’d love to have him with me pretty much 24/7.

B. Ur missing out big time my house looks like Christmas morning :)

After I text him I went onto YouTube to find something to watch to lazy to get up and take my jeans off just yet. It was still early too I could end up getting hungry again and wanting pizza or McDonald’s I don’t know yet. I found a scary Christmas horror stories video that was about twenty minutes long, flopping lower onto the sofa I settled down to watch it on my large iphone plus screen.

I was feeling a little paranoid when I was past half way into the video. Every little sound in the house making me think there was little demons in the house or that someone was watching me. When I heard a car pull up outside I freaked out wondering who it could be. Probably someone here to kill me, a Christmas tragedy would be all over the newspapers if they even cared. My poor Dad would have nobody... I forced myself to stop being stupid it was probably just someone next door getting home or coming to stay for the holidays or something, it could literally be anything and the chance that they were here to break in or kill me was like 3% probably if not less.

So when the front door opened I almost screamed my heart pounding and my hands sweaty ready to fight back, but that voice instantly calmed me bringing me back down to earth. “What have I told you about locking the door.” He mumbled as he kicked his shoes off at the front door unaware at how shit scared I’d been until he was standing at my feet staring at my unamused face.

“Your an actual prick you know that?” I smiled at him even though I wanted to murder him my heart rate still not back to normal yet.

“What did I do?” He gasped shocked. I jumped up diving for him grabbing him around the waist falling backwards onto the sofa with him so he lay on top of me poking his sides.

“You gave me a bloody heart attack I was watching scary videos!” I shouted laughing as he wormed to get away from my attack falling to the floor beside the sofa as I turned to still reach him finally stopping when he dropped his head back onto my chest looking up over himself at me with puppy dog eyes making me stop and just let my arms fall around his shoulders holding him absentmindedly.

“Your heart is pounding.” He pulled to turn around to face me probably hearing as he had lay back on me. He seemed a mixture of concerned and humoured smiling at me with a serious voice.

“You okay now?” He continued to ask making me smile back at him. I wasn’t sure if my heart was pounding because I was still scared or just because he was so close to me and damn was his eyes green today.

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