46. Mason; boxing day

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I wasn’t particularly surprised the next morning when Brandon’s Dad answered the door to me telling me he was still asleep, it was early after all. He allowed me inside and I went straight up silently opening his bedroom door seeing him lay on his back eyes closed fast asleep still. He was shirtless the covers being pulled to his chest hiding his perfect body but still I paused to take in the sight of him looking so peaceful. Of course I’d be about to disturb that peace throwing my body onto the bed beside him he jumped awake in shock before he groaned covering his face seeing it was only me. “Can you at least act happy to see me?” I faked hurt pushing into his ribs making him smile even as he tried to hide it moaning at me for waking him.

“What time even is it?” He was still shielding his eyes his forearm over them as he covered his face not ready to wake up. I answered almost eight which made him voice his discontent even louder.

“Brandon it’s Boxing Day. That means it’s our Christmas day so wake up...” I made my voice irritating and winey as again I poked into his side him still complaining but with a smile now.

“Let me have half an hour more?” He almost begged even as I shook my head no. He moved his arm to see me disagreeing his eyes locked onto mine for the first time today a bigger smile coming to both our faces. “You can lay with me...” He tried to tempt me opening out his arms wanting me to lay on him but still I shook my head no even though this time it was harder to deny him for a small second I did think about it.

“Your so lazy. Just get up.” I laughed out only again he growled pulling the sheets up over his head. “Come on. We are going to have a fun day playing that new game you brought me and eating loads and watching rubbish and maybe go out somewhere...” I tried to change his boring ass mind finally he removed the sheets from his face.

“If we eat loads of food and watch a film can we have a nap?” I couldn’t help but laugh at his answer. I gave into him saying okay wondering what time he got to sleep last night to be this tired still. We had text until about eleven maybe a little later when I went to sleep I know I’m boring going to sleep so early on Christmas but I knew I  wanted to wake up early today. I also know it’s stupid that it took me over an hour this morning to get ready just to see my friend but I wanted to look good for him, showering, shaving, cutting and cleaning my nails, finding something good to wear, spending too long fixing my hair then even smelling nice for him.

He interrupted my thoughts as he pulled himself from the sheets finally not bothering to pick the pillow up that had dropped onto the floor at some point or tidy his clothes from yesterday that were still littered all across his room. I stared at his flawless toned back and shoulders as he went across the room to his chest of drawers spraying himself with deodorant.

“You speak to Nora yesterday?” Even I was surprised at my words, surprised I even cared if he had. I wanted to act civil though especially because he says his happy. I don’t want to seem moody and bitchy about her anymore even though I actually despise and of course envy her. I knew Brandon constantly being reminded of that must be annoying for him, to know his best friend and girlfriend don’t get on.

He had made up with her after the other night I knew that much. He didn’t talk about her much which I was thankful for so any information I got normally was when I asked.

“Yeah a little.” He again was vague.

“Eyes.” He told me indicating he was about to strip off. I dropped back on his bed laying back staring up at the ceiling just catching sight of his lower hips as he started tugging down his shorts.

“She isn’t back until after New Year’s though.” He continued about Nora making me hum at his words. “Gosh don’t sound too happy about that.” He teased making me begin to sit up to look before he again called eyes telling me he was still not decent making me flop back down before I saw anything.

“How does me saying hum make me happy?” I asked confused making him laugh at me. “You always read into everything I say!” I complained my voice sounding irritated especially as he kept laughing.

“No I just know you too well.” He answered and again I went to sit up before his words stopped me.

“Naked still.” I grumbled as once again I slumped back staring at the ceiling. “You get me all to yourself for another week how lucky are you.” He teased me making me scoff. It went quiet for a little while me not moving knowing he again would probably scold me for it, standing still naked. Our perfect Christmas/Boxing day wasn’t getting off to the best start as so far today we both had been annoyed at each other. “I’m brushing my teeth.” He called making me finally sit up seeing him in a pair of jeans and again quite well fitted hoodie the hood pulled tight how he always wears it. He left the room and I followed him standing beside him as he took his toothbrush and squeezed the paste onto it. “What did you do yesterday after here?” He asked thankfully changing the subject before he began brushing his teeth the paste all bubbling up in his mouth.

“Charlie was over when I got home so me and him just messed about. He had this drone was funny.” I told him, watching through the mirror his actions our eyes meeting in it as he looked over for me to continue. “He was saying if his baby is a boy that he will have another one the year after because he said having a brother is better than anything.” I paused as he spat wetting his brush silently going back to cleaning. “My Mom said if we could change Sofia for a boy would we and we both said yes because two brothers would be amazing. Then Charlie admitted his jealous because I have two brothers... meaning you.” I trailed as again he spat swilling his mouth out then drying it on his jumper sleeve.

“I was getting jealous for a second that I don’t have a brother.” He chuckled moving so he was facing me.

“Charlie then wouldn’t shut up about you. He wants us all to hang out.” I told him happy when he agreed.

“Sure. But can we get some food I’m so hungry.” He asked his stomach agreeing with him it not letting me answer before it grumbled loudly.

We raided Brandon’s fridge helping ourselves to junk food, it’s Christmas after all. Brandon set us both a plate with stuff that for sure wasn’t breakfast food, sausage rolls, cake, pork pie, chocolate and more cake eating more as he did surprising me how much he was putting away. The mess he made in the fridge was quite embarrassing, food wrappers being left open things being put back like the mini sausages that only had two left in.

He didn’t seem to care though making us both a tea as he helped himself to some biscuits that were in a jar on the counter munching away one after another before we headed back off upstairs.

We crashed onto his bed before he headed to load up his PlayStation and I dug around in the rucksack I bought for my game he got me that I’d brought over.

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