32. Mason; Guilty minds

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I text Brandon hoping he was getting his lunch break at a similar time to me needing to speak to him. All it said was bad news I knew he would know right away what I meant. My lunch is for forty minutes from twelve onwards so hopefully I’d get to catch him. Knowing my luck his probably starts at one.

B..Oh man... tell me

It was exactly twenty seven minutes past when he replied meaning we would get some time to talk.

M. So manger just said we hav
trainin day tomorrow. So cant
come tonight :(

B. Damn that is bad news! Sucks...

M. Tell me bout it! I gotta work
from 9 on a Saturday D:

B. that’s even worse news! 1 week left :D

M. Cant believe xmas already
I havent got a tree or
started shoppin or anythin!

B. Shopping kinda thats all. I wasn’t feeling christmasy  before :(

M. Awww poor baby! Im gonna
buy u something awesome!

B. U always do

M. Remember when I bought u
tht drone!?

B. Duhhhh that thing was sik!
I got to go end of lunch.

M. Speak later

B. L8r bby ;)

I officially hated my job keeping me away from him tonight but at least when I get home I have time to spend looking for something to buy him for Christmas. I seriously need to start all my shopping and start getting into the Christmas mood. It isn’t just me though that isn’t celebrating yet it seems like no where has their lights up and I suppose I rarely listen to the radio to hear the songs but I hadn’t heard any yet.

I finished work at the same time as always going straight home to shower and eat before I had to start with online shopping. I text Brandon to let him know I was home but after he messaged me back I ignored it not wanting to be bothering him 24/7. I’d been looking for things to buy him for about two hours swapping between ideas on pinterest to watching videos on YouTube then scrolling through Amazon gift ideas but I still had no idea. It probably didn’t help that normally in the weeks coming up to Christmas I'd listen extra hard to him paying more attention when he said things like ‘I wish I had...’ or ‘I need one of those' when an advert came on or he seen something he liked. Obviously this year that hadn’t happened because I had barely seen him.

By almost ten I’d given up on Brandon deciding I needed more time to think instead going to look for the rest of my family. A couple of minutes in I got a text message.

B. Watch grinch with me?

It was Brandon of course. I finished putting something into my basket on Amazon for my brother having to choose colour and size before I would reply to him. As I picked my phone up it began ringing a FaceTime call. I didn’t have a shirt on but I answered it anyway straight away noticing he didn’t either, it was freezing outside for now December but I had the radiator on and was under my duvet meaning I felt cosy enough. He was laying flat on his stomach hanging his head over the edge of the bed his phone in his arm that was dangled over too.

“You okay there?” I asked smiling at how weird he could be at times. I wasn’t tying to cover up the fact I’m shirtless his seen me like this more than a million times before even kissing and licking it... His voice broke me from my naughty thoughts.

“Yeah I’m bored though.” He complained with a huff.

“I’m doing Christmas shopping.” I told him. “But I suppose I could watch the grinch in the background.” I gave into him caving for that lopsided toothy smile. He sat up in his bed pointing me up to the ceiling for a second as I heard his feet walk away from the phone. Seconds later he was back on the bed telling me to tell him when I was ready to press play. I balanced my phone on my laptop screen to keep it positioned correctly rolling to my bedside table I found my remotes and started looking for the film. “I thought you’d of had Nora over.” I half asked him again trying to seem polite and like the thought of them together didn’t make me want to throw up, like it did yesterday.

“Nah. I don’t know what she’s doing I never do.” He mumbled sounding annoyed but I left it because if I got into it with him I’d end up asking again why his with her and it would start a whole new debate again. “Did I tell you that I accused her of cheating yesterday?” He asked making me laugh and glance over to him on my phone before back to the T.v. for this film.

“Guilty minds and all? What she say?” I joked but wouldn’t let it be my only comment again knowing it might cause trouble.

“I was asking why she never knows if she can see me and she said maybe she had plans with someone else and was that not okay. So I had depends who with.” He explained making me laugh.

“Dude that’s... ouch.” I didn’t know what to say because I have no idea what their relationship is like. With Blair I know him and his girlfriend as well as I know just Blair, I would never expect either of them to be cheating or doing anything I didn’t already have my own opinions on. But Brandon and Nora I tried to know as little about them as possible so for all I know she could have very obvious  signs of being a cheat or Brandon asking her could of been out of order, who knows.

“She told me pretty much that her entire world doesn’t just revolve around me.” He continued making me laugh more before forcing myself to stop.

“Burn.” I smirked finally finding the film. “Then what?” I asked.

“Make up sex?” I forced myself to ask knowing they had been together yesterday.

“Nah that was before. I did the only normal thing hearing their girlfriend say that and be pissy. I opened my arms and apologised.”

“Whipped...” I coughed chuckling.

“I found this film ready? On one.” I told him us both counting down then clicking to play it at the same time. “I got to go I have loads to buy still.” I told him.

“Alright. Enjoy the film annoying we actually could of been watching this together oh and also my Dad brought the tree home today.” He kept the conversation going even after I was about to hang up getting me interested again.

“Your joking.” I groaned. “You decorated it yet?” I masked how upset I was feeling like I’d missed out. My parents had put our tree up while I was holiday so I hadn’t even gotten a chance to do that one either.

“Pretty much it’s bad luck to have an undecorated tree.” He was so traditional and superstitious if it was up to him he would of had it up and take it down on the allocated days your meant to I’m sure of it.

“Yeah yeah. Well I’m going. Speak later.” And with that we waved bye to each other and hung up the call. It was actually really nice having the film on in the background it put me more in the mood making me want to spend all this money on my family. I was buying for only my parents, my sister, my brother and his misses but it still took a big chunk out of my wages.

Once the film was finished all my presents were brought other than Brandon’s and they would all be here on Sunday night, because I had Prime so I could tell them when I wanted it to arrive. I turned everything off my room going black as I lay still trying to think of what Brandon might even want or need. I really needed to sleep because it was already twelve and my alarm in the morning goes off at five, but still half an hour later I was tossing and turning still thinking the same thing.

Getting an idea I sat back up reaching for my laptop I’d put down onto the floor having to boot it back up to look for what I wanted, hoping that I’d be in luck and they would have some left. I almost screamed excitedly when it was still in stock quickly ordering them then having to sort out everything else for it. All together I spent more than I had planned, around £160 but he was worth it and I didn’t have to worry about what to buy him anyway. It was almost two once I’d finished and got my laptop away and finally off to sleep. Work tomorrow was going to kill me.

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