16. Brandon; out gayed

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Work the following day was even worse than the last as the week started coming to a close, one more day, I told myself as I climbed into my jeep and began the journey home not even bothering with the radio as I was too tired to care. Once home I crashed onto the sofa finding some boring gameshow on, I let myself vedge out. Mason was home a little later sensing I was in one of these moods he patted me on the shoulder as he walked behind the sofa. We gave each other a welcome home smile before he went upstairs probably to shower.

I waited some time before I finally drew my body off the couch forcing myself to as I needed to shower. Once clean I emerged into the bedroom spotting Mason sprawled out over my bed on his phone. “Advert eyes.” I mumbled lazily as I dropped my towel still rumaging through my underwear draw. I didn’t care around him if he saw me or not and him being gay made no difference to me. We had been best mates almost three years if he wanted to stare at me while I changed I’m sure he would of done it before now so there was nothing he hadn’t seen before.

Once dressed in boxers and a tank top that had the sides cut out I jumped into bed next to him closing my eyes as he stared to the ceiling and that’s how we lay in silence until his stomach growled. “I’ll go stick some food in the oven can’t be arsed for cooking.” I pulled myself up.

“Need help?” He asked his first words to me since he walked through the front door. He sounded just as wore out as me.

“Nah. Find a film we can stop here.” I suggested tossing him the remote for the T.v then bouncing off down the stairs. When I returned he’d settled on watching Ted and I was fine with that. “Play it.” I told him as I found some trousers not caring if I missed any as we had watched this probably five times before.

“That’s so you.” He laughed as Mark Wahlberg jumped when it began thundering, punching me lightly on the hip as that was the closest part of me to his hand as it lay on the bed between us.

“With reason though.” I agreed knowing full well that I probably looked exactly like that when it thundered. I always had.

“What reason?” He laughed but continued before I could. “Okay your house got hit but it never killed you did it?” He teased.

“No but it could of!” I complained making a big deal out of it. “And anyway if that is me maybe you should be as good as a best friend as Ted and cuddle me.” I joked however there was a little seriousness behind it.

“Awww my baby.” He whined rolling so he was wrapped around me tangling his legs in mine. I didn’t even hesitate but cling to him too. It would of been totally normal only we stayed that way for another five minutes until I heard the cooker indicating our food was done forcing us apart. I had no doubt we would of stayed that way his head on my shoulder watching the film if it hadn’t.

I’d made a really boring dinner of a pre packaged lasagne with garlic bread but he didn’t complain actually eating it all and thanking me after. Tonight he did the washing up as I took a seat back leaning on the counter beside him just to watch him, my arms crossed and a grin on my face at how this felt. Him here everyday, us alone in this house. It felt homely. “You aren’t half bad at that Thomson.” I complimented without giving him too much credit.

“That’s because I have to do it all the time at home.” He explained but I heard the annoyance in his voice. “Oh I found out today that my Dad has some family meal tomorrow that apparently I’ve got to attend.” He broke the news. Sounds like he wouldn’t be here tomorrow and I’d have this house to myself... damn.

“Oh yeah. I’m family so I’m coming right?” I joked even though I knew his Dad would never agree. His Mom maybe on the other hand. He laughed at my joke but it went quiet. “What sort of family meal?” I wondered knowing his Dad has a habit of going all out.

“The usual except its his brother and their family coming who I haven’t met yet. So no betting he will have me in a monkey suit.” He groaned as he finished washing the last thing. I handed him a towel to wipe his hands, he sank next to me leaning on the counter too.

“They the ones in Australia?” I asked knowing he had family all over the place. Most of them he had met but I’m sure it was his uncle that lived the furthest. He nodded confirming I was right. “Tell him you have prior arrangements and it would be unfavourable to decline.” I tried my hardest to use words his Dad would normally use earning a half hearted smile from Mason. He clearly wasn’t looking forward to tomorrow night. I nudged into him my shoulder brushing with his making him turn to me again trying to force me a smile. “It’s one night. We will survive.” I tried comforting him.

“Can you come mine to help me get ready” He asked masking how bothered he was something he did a lot.

“Duh. Of course.” I smiled. “Shall we watch the end of this film or what?” I changed the subject. There was nothing we could do about the meal now so there was no point in stressing over it. He agreed and we went back upstairs to watch the film.

“You again.” He joked when they were sat at the teddy bears house smoking weed and he began coughing on it.

“One time jerk!” I snapped but I was still laughing a little at the fact he had even remembered. It was at some house party when we first met and everyone was sitting around smoking. I was trying to act cool because Mason was there and we had only hung out twice before that. I tried the bong and couldn’t breath straight for about five minutes after my throat burning even after I’d caved and admitted I needed a drink. I definitely thought Mason would never talk to me again but he found it the funiest out of everyone there.

“Are you sure? Because I also remember that time in your Dad’s shed when-" I cut him off not needing him to bring that time up either that was way too embarrassing. He was still trying to talk so I was climbing on his lap trying to cover his mouth with my hand to shut him up. “When you and that Casey girl were making out and she was a heavy pot smoker and you-" Finally I stopped him my body on top of his completely at this point.

“Okay okay. I was there I remember.” I smirked removing my hand from his lips. We were caught in one of those intense staring moments neither of us wanting to look away us both wearing the same matching grins. I had to break the tension before one of us leaned closer together probably me because I was so close and I kept licking my lips while looking at his. “Wow is that a ray gun in your pocket or are you happy to see me?” I quoted the movie almost perfectly but he didn’t laugh. His smile grew stretching up to his eyes even making them glow his teeth becomes visible as he smiled brighter than he had all day.

“You tell me.” He whispered yet it sounded way to sincere. I was tempted... Actually more than tempted. I was moving the hand that was not supporting my weight down his side trying not to feel too much of him, my finger tips hardly grazing as they finally found his shorts moving past them I continued down travelling slightly inwards towards his crotch. We were still locked onto each other when just before I could get there he broke out into laughter pushing me off him. “Alright you win.” He chuckled. I didn’t even know it was a game but I couldn’t let him know I was actually about to just grab his junk.

“Did I just out gay a gay guy?” I tried hiding my own boner from how intimate the moment had felt. It wasn’t a real moment though obviously as he was only kidding it felt like it had been though.

“Hey no gay jokes.” He went serious before smiling telling me he got me obviously seeing how my face dropped thinking he had took offence.

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