61. Brandon; confession time

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My Dad to my shock hadn’t said anything more about me and Mason’s love life the entire morning not even when he spotted the marks on his neck only looking to me with a very knowing grin and a wink. I tried to ignore it but my belly flipped over not because I didn’t like people knowing but because I did. I liked him having marks and knew at work on Monday that guy who was all over him last week would hopefully back off, Bryson too if he was to see him.

We watched a basketball game together then my Dad made us all lunch even though we hadn’t long had pop tarts for breakfast, a lot of them too turns out mine and Mason’s nightly activities had left us both starved. We were now stood around the kitchen table everything bright shiny white like always as we dug into our ham cobs mine stuffed with almost an entire bag of cheese and onion crisps too Mason a little more lady like than me having his tipped out on his plate.

Dad somehow had his down in no more than three bites his hands flat on either side of his plate as he eyed the two of us across the table.

“Can I just say something?” Mason spoke up as I mumbled a noise that he could through an overly large bite of food.
“Sure go ahead mate.” My Dad turned to him a worried look plastered his face.
“I’m into guys.” He said very quickly making me snap to stare at him shocked. My Dad just laughed but I wasn’t really thinking about that, more so that Mason just admitted that. I was proud of him and kind of felt like me and him as long as we were in this house wouldn’t have to pretend anymore.
“I know Mase. I’ve known since you walked into this house that you did.” I just as confused span to look at my Dad my mouth pretty much hanging open. “Your so calm and just emotional not in a bad way but your sensitive and I’ve always been aware of how you looked at Brandon even when at first he didn’t look at you the same way. I mean he does now and has for about two years.” He was acting like what he was saying wasn’t new to us as he turned his back to put his dish in the sink seeming unfazed.

“Why didn’t yo-" My Dad cut Mason off before he could fully ask his question chuckling real belly laughs. “Why didn’t I say something? Sorry I didn’t know it was my job to point at people and decide their sexuality Mason. Plus it never mattered to me just like it shouldn’t you or anyone else for that matter.” He was giving him the stare down now Mason backing down first looking over to me my Dad then doing the same.

“I’m not gay.” I filled my mouth with another bite just to avoid having to speak. Mason groaned rolling his eyes at me. “What? I’m not!” I tried my hardest to not spit any food out as I said it.

“Were you guys playing with the vacuum again last night?” My Dad randomly asked mine and Mason’s faces matching scrunched up in confusion. “Because you have hickeys.” He pointed to Mason laughing.

“Actually Dad I’m not. I like Mason but I’m not gay. There’s something about him I mean I have no idea why I do but I just like him.” I teased making Mason again roll his eyes.

“Maybe it’s because I’m so amazing and you can’t live without me?” He asked cockily finishing the last on his plate which were just a few stray crisps before he too carried his plate to the sink.

“I’m not getting into this because I’m pretty sure one of you will say maybe because your so good at fucking or sucking or who knows what my ears are too old to hear.” My Dad waved his arms around for our attention before he left the room laughing as I made grossed out noises just hearing them words from his mouth.

Mason turned the water on rinsing off the plates so I hurried mine down so he could do it too taking it and dumping it in over his shoulder. “By the way...” I began being muffled by the food before I swallowed it to continue. “What he said.” He shook his head smiling as I went to walk away. “And your amazing and I’d be nothing without you.” I quickly peaked his cheek embarrassed before I turned to get out of the room quickly.

“Is there a reason why people don’t know about us. I mean other than mine?” Mason spoke up a few hours later as he lay against my chest, my Dad in his room, us watching rubbish on T.V.

“No. Not that I can think of. Not now I’m not with Nora anyway. I want you to tell people when your ready.” I thought out loud.

“Are you ready?” He moved from out my hold to look up at me with questioning eyes. I nodded with a smile knowing I couldn’t care less who knew how much I liked and wanted to be with him. “Soon.” He lay back down against me getting comfortable just how I wanted.
I admit it’s a little strange how things seemed to go from about ten to one hundred since last night but I wasn’t complaining I’d just have to get used to it that’s all.

We didn’t end up all over each other for the entire weekend, we weren’t acting too different in fact to how we normally would. Only now when I looked at him I knew if I wanted to I could storm over and kiss him even when in front of my Dad. Saturday night we didn’t hook up again instead we watched a film downstairs with my Dad then another after he went off to bed finally going up ourselves at almost one again. Sunday afternoon he went home and it was maybe an hour if that before I had a text from Blair.

Blair. Mason told me everythin!
U best not b playin him

Brandon. Omg why would I be?

Blair. U forget i know u... having
meaningless sex is ur thing
not Masons

Brandon. Okkkkk but  that’s with girls

Blair. U think im going to believe
that mason bein a bloke
makes it any different?

Brandon. No but its mason! I know if I screw him over ive lost how many years of friendship!
Plus I actually feel like his the one... just dont tell him that because I havent yet

Blair. Wowwww ok. Good!

Brandon. Don't mention any of this to levi he winds me up

Blair. Only cuz u keep denying
it if u admit it then he would
stop! Mostly haha

I ignored his final message and not long later I crashed out.
Work the following day wasn’t as bad as it could of been but that was probably helped by the thought of me and Mason being together. I hoped he would be at mine tonight after work even though he hadn’t said that to me at any point maybe he’d surprise me. I left work at the usual time and drove home singing to the radio joyfully on cloud nine. I parked on my drive and headed into the house just as my phone vibrated in my pocket with a message, hopefully Mason saying he was heading over.

Mason. Finished work heading home now

Brandon. Arent u coming around?

I kicked off my shoes not bothering with my jacket yet as I took a seat on the sofa phone in my hands unlocked still on our text screen waiting for his reply.

Mason. I can’t Brandon.
Everything going on with us...
My dads catching on I think
I’m gonna tell them this week...

Brandon. I want to be there with u tho. What’s happened?

Mason. He saw the marks on me he knew I was at urs so he
told me to get out of his sight
without even asking. I kinda
wish he had so I had reason to
admit it
U can’t be here when I do

Brandon. Wht bout if everyone flips out? I want to be there for support! Wht happens if they are ok with it? I want to proudly show u off x

Mason. I’m sat outside my place
I got to go in so talk to u later

Brandon. Are u telling them today?

I didn’t get a reply all evening and honestly I was still sitting staring at either the walls or my phone waiting for him a few hours later debating if I should just go to his place or not. I kept telling myself no but when ten came and still no answer I grabbed my keys and bolted out the house needing answers.

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