52. Mason; giving me a problem

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He was more than distracting me. As I tried getting on with my job serving customers and keeping the tables clean I could feel his eyes on me constantly even as he drank the few hot drinks I took over to him. I got a lunch break at eleven just before our busiest time which was normally twelve until two. Me and Brandon stayed sitting in the window where he had been all day he mostly spoke while I ate and checked my phone. I’m not sure if me doing so was what finally made him think to check his but just as I excused myself to go get back to work he was booting up his phone.

He had been on his phone almost non stop since I left the table and got busy with taking orders and making drinks. People flooded in the line across the shop floor meaning I didn’t have the time I wanted to head over and ask him if everything was okay. He looked stressed his hand tangled in his hair grabbing at it before he would type something then pause and stare at the screen. I stopped in my tracks the drink I was making accidentally being overfilled with cream as Brandon stood up my concentration on him. I could of sighed relieved when he joined the back of the now slightly shorter line.

“Mase can I get the black forest hot chocolate please?” He asked me after what seemed like hours since he got into the line as I had to serve maybe five or six customers before him. Nobody was behind him at least so we could talk now without people complaining.

“You okay? Anybody text?” I looked to his phone in his hand before the bell on the door indicated someone else just came into the shop and I started walking backwards to start on his drink.

“Of course. Nora trying to apologise again and explain everything and Louies just being a total prick. His trying to rub everything in my face and act like he won. He can have her mate.” I placed the drink on the table between us giving him a thoughtful smile. “How much?” He asked making me quietly shake my head turning to make sure nobody was noticing I’d been giving him free drinks all day at first just boring coffees or lattes and now the fancier ones.

“Thanks.” He grinned before moving aside so I could greet the girl patiently waiting behind him.

“So whose the guy who can’t keep his eyes off you?” Troy, my co worker who normally serves the pastries asked crossing his glove covered arms over his chest pushing out his biceps as he smirked at me.

“Brandon. My friend.” I shrugged pretending I’d not caught onto just how much he had been looking at me today. I acted clueless as I continued sprinkling the mocha powder onto the drink for the girl who still had her head in a book she was holding onto.

“Well Brandon your friend clearly is more than your friend.” He was teasing me as I handed the drink to the customer being handed the correct amount of money before she scooped up the drink her eyes not leaving the pages of the story.

“Someone loves you.” He chuckled making me laugh too as I shook my head no. “He so does.” I couldn’t keep the smile from my face just at the thought, trying to distract myself I grabbed a wet cloth and started wiping down the counter. “The question is are you into him too...” He trailed with a slight hum watching me intently as if the way I was cleaning up sticky spilt drink would answer his question.

“You know Troy you act like you can spot love from a mile off so how come your still single?” I tried changing the subject diverting the attention from myself to him.

“This isn’t about me it’s about you and your guy over there.” He nodded towards Brandon and I fought to not look over to him knowing it would be too obvious that I wanted to watch him all day just like he did me. “Wow he looks pissy.” He laughed my smile disappearing that I’d been sporting this entire conversation looking to Brandon scared what he could be upset over. I expected he would be fixed on his phone again probably texting with Louie about something he should probably just ignore. Instead he was sat back in his chair turned my way a little his arms locked across his chest his stare on me again face like thunder, hard and stern.

“That’s probably because you keep winding me up. He gets possessive over me your making him mad by teasing me.” I joked Troy fake laughed at me picking up a towel and tossing it at me.

“Go clean his table.” He winked making me fake pout before I broke out into laughter snatching the cloth that was slipping from its settled position on my shoulder.

I was still laughing to myself as I got to Brandon’s table not realising he was still staring behind me to Troy then quickly to me as I bent over his table to reach the far side.

“I don’t like him.” He spoke up my grin dropping as I heard his words. “Why is he so all over you for? I didn’t even know you worked with anyone.” He sounded irritated watching my every move as I cleaned his already spotless table.

“Am I not allowed work friends?” I laughed a little liking that he seemed jealous. I pulled out the chair beside him sitting in front of him my back to Troy blocking his view of Brandon not needing to give him anymore ideas about us.

“You can have female work friends.” The corner of his mouth turned up a little threatening to smile as his eyes met mine.

“Careful mate you sound jealous.” I winked deciding he wasn’t actually mad at me so I didn’t have to stay here and try to calm him down. I stood up tucking my chair back under being watched by Brandon the entire time.

“Would that be a problem?” He mumbled and I tried acting like I hadn’t heard him continuing to wipe the last part of the table down.

Once clean I stepped closer to him my body over his leaning down to his ear I whispered hoping Troy wasn’t staring at us or anybody else for that matter. As long as Brandon smiles when I move away and doesn’t look shocked this would probably look innocent, two friends whispering... “It could give me a problem...” I made sure I lingered enough for him to notice my deep breath as I acted like he made it hard for me to control myself. Once I pulled back I didn’t wait to get a reply I instead went straight back to the counter ignoring as Troy woof whistled and teased me. I could still feel Brandon’s eyes on me as I tried avoiding them but the more he looked the harder I got knowing he could be noticing, it not being helped by how my attempt at letting out some frustration was cut short yesterday.

I stayed to close up the shop telling Brandon I’d meet him at his place as we came in separate cars anyway. He hesitated for a moment seeing I was still with Troy but alternately I think he decided he wasn’t a threat and nodded telling me he would see me at home. He took off while I finished locking up before I took off after him pulling into his driveway only a minute or two after him as he was still unlocking the front door. “How fast do you drive evil conveval.” He chuckled as I joined him in his doorway that he waited at for me us both kicking off our shoes at the same time as he tugged the door closed behind us. I laughed at his joke groaning as I arched my back stretching it out. “Blair somehow knows about Nora, Levi too.” He told me making me almost scream angry that Louie was probably going around telling everyone before Brandon could himself.

“They are coming around later on to hang out. I told them both not to but they must be conspiring because they said I don’t have a choice.” This time I did vocalise my annoyance whimpering I dropped my head on his shoulder making him chuckle as he wrapped his arms around me pinning my body to his.

“I wanted us to get to chill out.” I sighed knowing with the guys here I wouldn’t be able to fully be myself worrying how some of my actions with Brandon would come across.

“We will before they come and after they leave. We have another hour or so.” He explained and again I groaned pulling myself from him.

“I better shower then.” I told him before very quickly I dove towards the stairs knowing him too well as he did the exact same thing our bodies clashing as neither one of us stopped, shoving and pushing as we climbed the stairs fighting to get there first.

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