51. Brandon; personal problems

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I was currently lay on Mason’s bedroom floor down the side of his bed, one of his pillows stuffed under my head after just binging on ice cream. It was just past eleven and everyone in his house had came up to bed light still streaming in from the hallway light that they always left on through the open door that we promised to keep like all night. I shifted to lay on my back flat staring up to the ceiling trying to process everything that had happened since I finished work today. I’d expected everything to be just a normal boring night in but was I wrong or what. Mason was brushing his teeth still and getting ready for bed as I tried to wind my mind down to a sensible state hopefully I’d be able to get some sleep tonight.

It was as I heard Mason in the hallway turning off the bathroom light making the room some what darker I realised I hadn’t text to explain any of this to my Dad and he would probably freak out when he sees I’m not home in the middle of the night. My phone was purposely turned off because I didn’t need any notification off either Louie or Nora massaging me tonight. Knowing Mason wouldn’t care I found his phone on the floor beside me rolling over on to my side I unlocked it easily remembering his password because unlike Nora he never changed it neither of us ever having anything to hide. I was instantly greeted by the familiar colours of a porn website and my attention moved to the name of it instead of texting my Dad.

‘Boyfriend likes it rough control him.’ I smirked seeing what he was into hoping he was the submissive one and not the controlling one because if he liked to be in control we may face some problems when I want to throw him around and be harsh to him. More light filled the room as Mason came inside and very quickly I was exiting the internet page and opening his messages trying to not snoop who he'd been texting. “I’m just letting my Dad know I’m here.” I spoke into the room feeling his eyes on my back still locked in place. Once I explained what I was doing they moved from me to his bed as he walked over getting under the covers.

I was wearing a pair of shorts he had let me borrow as well as my t-shirt still feeling a little uncomfortable with the door being open not feeling like I could take anymore clothes off. I sat up onto my knees sliding his phone across the bed to him once I was finished with it, noticing he too was wearing a t-shirt still.

“Goodnight Brandon.” He whispered his face clear in the light of the doorway. He looked tired, shattered even bags now appearing under his eyes that sunk heavily as he took a slow breath.

“Night Mason. Thank you for being an amazing friend. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” I kept my eyes on his tired features glad when he smiled at my words even through his sleepy state.

“Your my bro. I’m always here. Let me know if you need anything.” He was now closing his eyes meaning he was done with talking.

I lay back down dragging the thin blanket his Mom had found me out over my shoulders as I lay on my stomach arms under my crunched up pillow. I closed my eyes hesitantly expecting I’d probably see images of Louie and Nora together tonight, maybe not straight away but my mind would probably slip there, more than likely when I’m unconscious. Instead the first thing I saw was Mason. I stared at his lips before crashing my own onto his as my hands very quickly groped his body. I opened my eyes to stop the thought before it went too far only minutes later when again I closed my eyes they came back instantly only this time we had noticeably less clothing on.

I woke up to Mason’s alarm the next morning making us both groan awake, me throwing the sheets over my head to block out the bright bedroom I was now more than aware of. I didn’t want to face people today. It’s stupid really because it’s not like anybody would know. People I work with didn’t know me on a personal level and even if they did even my friends didn’t know yet what had happened yesterday. Strangers that came in the shop certainly wouldn’t look at me and know I’m the Brandon that found out last night his girlfriend has been sleeping with his friend. It didn’t mean I was ready though to throw on a suit and pretend I was interested in anything that was work related. I listened as Mason finally got himself up and to the side of the room I was on rifling through his wardrobe for clothes.

“Brandon I’m taking a shower. I think your Dad text.” He spoke in that deep voice that screamed sex on legs to me convincing me that coming out from these sheets wouldn’t be the worst thing. As I stripped them back off me I caught sight of a bed headed Mason leaving the room clothes in his hands.

After some time I climbed from the floor to Mason’s bed propping myself up against the head board I found his phone that was neatly on the beside table just like yesterday I unlocked it and went straight for my Dad’s message, the only reason I was on his phone, I reminded myself.

Ok thanks for telling me. See
you tomorrow x

I decided it wasn’t exactly snooping to just quickly look who he has been messaging with recently. I wouldn’t read his messages I was just scrolling through his recent history it’s not like I will find anything that will surprise me, famous last words...

My Dad obviously was at the top because he hadn’t gotten or sent any messages since my Dad replied last night. It was then me because I text him after work yesterday, then Blair, then his Mom and then... Bryson. Now I was tempted to read his messages but once I do that there’s no going back. They last text Monday night and the only message I saw from the chat box was an okay. I don’t know if it’s from Mason or Bryson but I was more than curious. I trusted Mason though and knew if it was anything important he would of told me or will tell me.

I’m not going to spy on him and be a creepy crappy friend.

I instead found my phone and dialled my works number not giving my phone a chance to tell me of any messages I may or may not have. Luckily it had been a few weeks since I last rung in sick, when I went to collect Mason from the airport, and before than I’d taken no other days off in the almost two years I’ve worked there. I explained I had some personal problems going on and I needed the day off and they understood. I hung up after thanking them for being so considerate and again apologising for leaving it a little last minute. I turned around as I again turned my phone off coming face to face with a now wet Mason his hair standing in random directions some pushed back over his head some flopping down. “Did I just hear you phoning for the day off?” He asked but I wasn’t thinking about the answer as my eyes moved past his work polo clad chest to the jeans he was wearing that I brought him. I was aware I was staring but they fit him so perfectly almost making me drool at the sight of him. I didn’t realise he asked me something until he was moving to his bed breaking my stare on him.

“Oh yeah. I just feel like having a day to myself.” I forced a half smile even though he had his back to me.

“That sounds good. Give you time to think.” He was making his bed even collecting the pillow I used from the floor and the spare blanket finding their places on his bed.

“I was actually wondering though if I could come to work with you...” I trailed nervous of his answer. He paused his movements his body going still before he went back to flattening his sheets. “I’d like to have the day to think with you but I’m not going to ask you to bail from work. So maybe if I could have a few coffees and just hang out at your place, have lunch together then straight after your shift we can go to mine.” I tried explaining myself a little better my nerves not being settled as while I spoke Mason didn’t even look my direction finding himself some shoes from his wardrobe and sitting on his bed to put them on.

“If you want to. It might be a boring day...” Finally he looked up to me a smile on his face making me melt. “Just hurry up and get ready because I’m almost done.”

He continued now slipping his last foot into his original converse quickly kicking me into gear as I hunted for my jeans hopping around in my boxers to get them on last nights shorts discarded who cares where.

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