66. Mason; memory lane

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I came out from the shower to find Brandon sat on the bed staring at my naked chest a smile spreading his face as he dove up and wrapped his arms around my waist kissing my neck as he moaned. “That was incredible.” He hummed against my skin his hands now sliding down over my stomach to my towel.

“Yeah.” I agree with a slight moan.

“I wasn’t too rough?” He asked sounding concerned as he removed his mouth from me his hands halting their actions. I quickly shook my head no telling him of course not but still trying to remove myself from his grip on me. “Good.” He moaned nipping at my skin again unhooking my towel and letting it fall to the floor. “Because I want you again. Over and over.” With each word he ground his hips harder against my ass. I was turned on but I knew no way was I ready for another round so soon. Finally breaking free from his hands I stepped away and brought my towel back to cover me. “What’s wrong?” He sensed it right away his face screwing up confused as I avoided his touch.

“Nothing.” I half lie walking over to his wardrobe to grab some clean clothes.

“Don’t lie to me Mason.” He pushed following me across the room trying to get me to look at him as he stood beside me fighting for my full attention.

“I’m not lying it really is nothing.” I promise him kissing him hard a single peck before pulling some boxers on under my towel.

“Okay it might be nothing but there’s something you aren’t telling me.”

“That makes no sense.” I laugh sliding my arms around his waist and cuddling into his chest loving how caring his being. He accepts me to him without hesitation his hand coming to the back of my head to hold me to him as his lips pressed a kiss to there too.

“No secrets Mase. There’s something you aren’t telling me.” He whispers his other hand that was resting on the small of my back caressing circles to my bare skin giving me more goose bumps the longer I thought about it. “I’ve been you’re best friend for how long? I know you too well.”

I let out the breath I’d been holding since walking in this room. It’s Brandon I have to remind myself. My best friend his right. The guy who says he loves me. I can tell him whatever I feel like and I know he will understand. “It hurt more than I thought it would.” I mumble the words to his skin moving my mouth so they come out muffled too embarrassed.

“Why didn’t you tell me if I was hurting you Mason.” He sounds annoyed at me his head pulling back from me and his fingers no longer soothing my skin. He isn’t happy with me and I can’t stand hearing him like this.

“No it’s not that. I really did like it.” I break away from his arms to look him in the eyes his hand still moving to hold onto my arm. He looks confused. “It’s just right now it’s sore.” I admit dropping my eyes to his feet. He lets out a long sigh planting a long kiss to my forehead. “I’m sorry but I don’t think we can do it again. Not today or maybe not tomorrow-" He laughs.

“Mason.” He drags my chin to force me to look at him. “You have  nothing to be sorry for. You are so much more to me than just some ass.” He smirks at me at the end. “Although it is one fine ass.” I laugh too relieved. “Let me go and shower to clean up and then we can hang out.” He kisses me again on the lips this time and it feels so right. I’d never of imagined that anything with a guy, in any relationship would feel this perfect, make me feel this happy and never would I of even pictured I’d end up with Brandon.
But if he can make me feel this comfortable maybe it’s fate. “I’ll be right back.” He promises before dragging himself away from me.
Smiling from ear to ear I throw myself onto his bed dragging his pillow to my chest and squeezing it unable to stop grinning like an idiot.

I just lost my virginity... to a guy. To Brandon and I couldn’t think of anybody better that I’d of preferred to take it. I don’t think this could be anymore perfect.

I must of been lost in thought some time because it seems like only a few minutes since Brandon left to go shower before I hear him back in the room moaning at me. “What a view.” He groans leaning over to kiss my shoulder. I roll to him checking out his naked torso knowing I’m biting my lip as I do. “How do you feel now?” He asks seriously stroking down my arm.

“A little better.” I smile shyly.

“Yeah? Well I’m going to get us a drink and I will be right back.” He grins standing and dropping his towel. “Advert your eyes pervert.” He jokes as I stare at his firm ass as he heads to get some clothes from the wardrobe.

“I don’t have to anymore.” I turn so I can see him better.

“Oh do you not? I think otherwise.” He slides on his boxers flirting with me.

“Why so?” I ask back to biting my lip as I try to take in every inch of his body to remember for another time.

“I’m not you boyfriend you can’t just eye grope me.” And with that he sticks his tongue out at me and heads towards the door to go and get that drink...

“I thought I was the girl? You have to ask me.” I shout after him feeling like a teenage girl when I hear him laughing as he hopped down the stairs.

His gone a few minutes. I’m tempted to go looking for him but first I get up and wonder around his room looking at all the things his kept that have any memory around us. On his bedside table he has an ornament of the Blackpool tower from when we went a few years back. On his wall near the window is a signed photo of a boxer he likes that I brought him. On his window handle hangs a necklace from two or three birthdays ago I brought him. My clothes scatter his room and not just the ones I’d been wearing before he stripped me of them. I have a phone charger here and spare phone cases and covers. Some of my games are stacked with his and there’s even a photo of us both pinned into the wall near his T.V. We surround this room. It’s as if we are already dating...

My trip down memory lane is cut short when I hear footsteps running up the stairs and then the door gets flung open and Brandon is grabbing me and pushing me against the wall his hand going to my mouth stopping my laughs before they escape. His eyes locked with mine as his body pinned to mine his face not showing any signs that he was playing around. He slid his hand down from my mouth trailing it over my chin before bringing it to his own mouth his index finger pressing to his lips to tell me to stay quiet.

“My Mom.” He whispers so quietly I can hardly hear. I’m confused but don’t question him. He takes a step away from me keeping his finger to his lips. He turns his back on me heading to the bed he picks up the bottle of lube that was left out silently taking it and putting it back in the bedside table.

“Brandon hunny!” She yells up the stairs for him it followed by his Dad’s voice.

“Brand someone’s here to see you.”

Brandon’s darting around the room collecting things that would give away what we had been doing like the condom wrapper stuffing it into the pocket on my jeans that his picked up along with my other clothes now throwing them at me. “Why are we hiding?” I whisper yell confused but still smiling liking the naughty feel this has.

“Brandonnnn.” His mom calls her voice now louder. She’s upstairs.
Brandon gives me these pleading eyes shushing me. He looks panicked in a way I’ve never seen him before immediately making me loose my smile my belly flipping uncomfortably.

“Brandon?” His door starts to creak open and he runs to it catching it before it can open fully and reveal us in here together.

“Mom hey! Oh my god what are you doing here?” His rushed blocking the door from opening further or showing his only in his underwear. I’m still holding my clothes not moving a muscle in case she hears me still no idea why Brandon doesn’t want her to know I’m here.

“I came to see you. I know I say that I will a lot and never really do but I meant it this time. And well I want to talk to you properly about it.” She tells him. I hardly know her voice. His Mom I’ve met on a rare handful of occasions not enough to really judge for myself what she is like. Brandon has told me things but she isn’t somebody he talks much about. Like why her and his father spilt up I don’t know or why she moved away and they don’t speak much.

“Okay well just give me a few minutes.” He tells her and I see how he side looks at me nervously as he starts to close the door on her.

“Sorry!” She suddenly bursts. “You have a girl over. I should of guessed from the rose petals downstairs and the wine and you being in your...” She sounds flustered. “And you had the house to yourself so who could blame you. Your young and...” She stops again. “I will let you see her out and get dressed.” Brandon nods and closes the door his head falling agaisnt it with a thud.

“Brandon...” I whisper not knowing if she’s eavesdropping outside. He must be thinking the same too as he again brings his finger to his lips walking over to me.

“I don’t know why she’s here. But there’s things that you don’t know. I will tell you but you can’t be here.” He whispers his hands on either of my arms forcing me to look at him. I’ve never seen him so serious. It scares me. I nod and push my clothes into his arms taking my t-shirt and pulling it on as he stands and watches and then my jeans.

“My shoes are downstairs.” I tell him a smile coming to my lips but he doesn’t smile back instead he goes to his wardrobe and grabs a pair of his favourite trainers that he keeps in the box them looking like new. “They will be too big.” I whisper laugh shaking my head knowing not only will they not fit but that if I wrecked them on the way from here to wherever the hell I’m going to go; I mean I can’t go home not so soon after telling them I was leaving, he will murder me.

“Mase please.” He begs. I sigh taking them from him and putting them on seeing how they look like clown shoes on me probably two sizes too big. I lean in to kiss him once they are on and I’m ready to leave but he looks away.

“Okay...” I drag confused. “I’m going by the looks of it then.” I say stepping around him towards the door.

“Mason.” He stops me and I wonder if it’s for a kiss. If his realising how stupid all of this is but no. “You can’t go that way.” Then he looks over to the door and then to his window. I sigh but do as he wants heading to his bedroom window and opening it as wide as it goes. The drops too much from here to the floor so I quickly plan the best route of things to hold onto it looking pretty simple thankfully. I slip out clinging to the edge still my feet hardly balancing on a skinny ledge below. I look down for my next foot placement it being the slope of the living room bay window.

“Mason.” I look up hearing my name from the only person who knows how to make my heart flutter so easily. As soon as my eyes click with his he whispers that he loves me finally.

“I love you too.” I smile before letting go of the edge and slowly slipping down the roof jumping when I get to the bottom of it landing on my ass as my legs give way. Hearing a small laugh I look up seeing Brandon still watching me. I like seeing him smile. I send him the middle finger before sneaking off keeping my head low towards my car praying nobody notices me.

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