21. Mason; confessions

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I’d pre checked the film times seeing the only chick flick that was on anywhere near the time of our film started a little before ours meaning If I turned up slightly after seven I wouldn’t miss our film but I would miss seeing her.
I’d spent the day at my brothers house because yesterday he begged to hang out with me and I didn’t tell Brandon because I knew he would want to come too.

Charlie would of been fine with it, another reason I didn’t tell him because he also knew that my brother liked him and would want to hang out with him as well. The reason I wanted my brother alone was simple, he seemed to be hinting a lot about me and Brandon being a couple and he even seen us acting pretty close and personal yesterday but it didnt seem to faze him. I wanted to know his exact thoughts on it and if he was okay with it then I’d tell him I’m gay. I wouldn’t let slip yet about me and Brandon but the first step to making things perfect is telling people and my brother seemed my next best option.

So after spending a few hours at his house I finally began easing into the conversation beginning with questions about characters I knew were gay to see if he liked them. He passed not even mentioning their sexuality so next I moved onto gay singers, a new song just came out which initially everyone loved until the singer announced he was gay. He passed that question to still agreeing with me it was a great song. My final test was being straight forward and asking him what he would think if I decided I wasn’t all that into girls anymore. “I’d say that probably makes you gay?” He trailed slowly testing the water waiting to see my reaction. I looked away embarrassed sensing he had a really good idea about me already. “Mason.” He sighed my name reaching his hand out resting it on my knee. “I couldn’t care less who the hell you were into. The fact your scared to tell me that hurts dude. Come here!” He mumbled opening his arms out to me instantly making me fall apart at his acceptance as I hid my face in his shoulder.

“Your the best brother man really. I love you.” We normally aren’t very open with our feelings with each other but he just made me feel amazing and so unjudged something I only dreamed for. It really made a difference that he was on my side no matter what.
I stopped at his some time after and he questioned of course if me and Brandon were together. I answered his question by telling the truth however not being clear saying he has a girlfriend which he looked more surprised to hear than me being gay. He swore he wouldn’t tell anybody which I needed to hear and we said our goodbyes.

At half five I left and headed home to get ready for the cinema in a great mood even if I knew tonight would more than likely suck.
I heard Brandon text me at about half six but I ignored it wanting to make him wonder what I’d been up to all day without him. I headed out to my car whistling as I swirled my key on my finger wearing dark grey skinny jeans with a really tight blue shirt, blue toms on my feet. The cinema was about a fifteen minutes drive so I plugged in my phone finding my song ‘I like me better' before I headed that way.

I skipped inside the main doors into the lobby spotting a large group of people standing around some my friends and some girls, a blonde hanging off Brandon’s arm as he stared at me making it seem like he had been watching the door waiting for me. I hardly smiled his way it being so hard to not check him out as I changed course going to the food counter and ordering a hot dog as I hadn’t had any dinner yet and clearly I’d been too eager to get here because that bimbo hadn’t gone off with her friends yet.

After paying I heard the guys calling me and I turned being faced with them alone, no more girls, great. I smiled warmly at them again not giving Brandon eye contact as I approached them pulling both Blair and Louie in for a quick hug. “I can’t believe your eating already.” Louie laughed shaking his head at me.

“You know Mason Lou he can’t help himself, especially not sausages.” Brandon spoke up very clearly fighting for my attention making the innuendos. I glanced at him just long enough to make him smile before I turned away back to Louie.

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