42. Mason; naughty picture

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We had stayed out at the market until almost twelve, more than four hours we spent all joking around like usual when we all get together.
Blair drove us all back to Brandon’s the car ride full of more laughing and over the top signing and chanting Brandon not caring about anything in his drunken state his hand on my thigh most of the drive tapping it as he joined in on the chant. “When we get home. When we get home. Gonna put a pizza in when we get home.” He spoke loudly kicking his foot into mine wanting me to join in too.

“Let’s go to bed. Let’s go to bed. Let’s go to bed when we get home.” I copied their rhythm only more enthusiastically them all woohing and whistling at me seeing as I said it whilst looking over to Brandon him blushing a little but laughing as he slapped my leg jokingly. Blair pulled onto the road outside Brandon’s sighing glad to get us back in one piece.

“Now all of you out I’m heading home.” He ordered us calling him a spoil sport and whipped and other things as we bailed from his car loudly heading up Brandon’s front  garden us all stumbling and swaying as we went waving bye to Blair as he pulled away and Brandon fiddled with his keys to get the door open. I was trying to help him my hand over his when he finally got it into the lock and the door swung open us both grabbing each other so we didn’t fall inside with it.

Brandon was first to fall onto the sofa taking up the entirety of it laying on his back staring at the ceiling. I stopped to look at him for a minute the guys brushing by me Levi falling into the one seat on the other sofa then Jack joining him making Levi shove him as he almost landed on top of him. I walked over to the arm of the sofa where Brandon’s feet were before I dropped down on top of him making him groan as I didn’t bother supporting my weight. Still he didn’t bother moving me letting me lay with my head on his shoulder our bodies flush together the guys not even saying anything.

“My phone.” Brandon suddenly tried moving feeling it vibrate between us a small moan leaving my lips as it sat agaisnt my dick. Brandon ignored me as he pushed me to my knees over his legs forcing his hand into his pocket to answer it. “Hello?” He croaked out a smile coming to his lips as he heard who it was. “Nora hello good to hear from you finally.” He reached down his hand cupping himself through his jeans as he zoned out across the room. Luckily for him I was blocking everyone from seeing him with my body. If I knew he wasn’t holding himself because his girlfriend was on the phone I’d of happily watched as he squeezed himself closing his eyes at the feeling only now it was annoying to watch. I sat my hand quickly on his upper thigh pushing it against his skin bringing it up until it wrapped around his hand continuing to push up to remove it. He did it as his tongue came out licking over his lower lip his eyes looking down to my own crotch groping me with his eyes as I heard Nora go on about something on the other end of the line. “Well you didn’t say you’d be coming over.” He groaned his hand moving from himself to sit on my thigh.

“Trouble in paradise ot-oh" Levi laughed making me look over my shoulder to see him smirking at Brandon.

“I’m allowed to go out am I not?” He asked making me turn to look back at him. It was clear he wasn’t happy with whatever he was talking to Nora about as his hand that was on my thigh clung to me tighter as she spoke again my name being the only thing I heard clear enough from her. “So what? And Blair and Jack and Levi. Your not getting pissy over them are you why is he different?” He pulled himself upright a little his hand slipping from my thigh out of reach instead settling on my knee the closest he could reach. “Oh whatever Nora.” He groaned louder before pulling the phone away from his ear and hanging up.

“Somebody take this please.” He shouted as soon as the call was ended tossing his phone carelessly across the room it landing with a thump on the floor Jack laughing reaching down for it.

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