64. Mason; surprise

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*long chapter*

I told my Dad. Just like we thought he flipped out. I’d tried waiting for the right moment. All week I hadn’t seen Brandon, scared my Dad would think I’m keeping secrets because I’m pretty sure he saw the hickeys I came home with last time. All week it hadn’t seemed right and even when it could of been I ended up chickening out. Friday night I once again turned down Brandon’s offer of a Netflix and chill night apologising repeatedly hoping he didn’t think I’d lost interest in him. Telling my Dad was just something I’d have to do because the longer I put it off the longer I’d be delaying mine and Brandon’s happiness.
Anyway he sounded like he understood.

Saturday I somehow talked myself into it. I’d been up half the night rehearsing what exactly I was doing to say to him knowing today would be the day. He got up at about ten and after prolonging the inevitable I got myself up too and joined him on the sofa where he was watching a basketball game. Once again it didn’t seem like the right time as we both laughed and joked about players and had a real father son moment something I knew wouldn’t happen for a long time coming. So I gave myself one last game not feeling discouraged when my Mom walked in towards the end sensing what was coming she joined us hopefully to defend me when the time came.

Apparently I’m only pretending to be gay because I want Brandon’s attention. His a bad influence on me. Being gay is just a phase, something that isn’t even real because women were put on this earth for men so men can’t like other men. It’s not natural. It’s make believe stuff that’s all in my head.

I let him say his piece before I did mine. “Nothing you say or think or feel about me is going to change my mind Dad. I like men. That isn’t something I have any control over and even if I did I wouldn’t change it because I’ve never felt anything for someone like I do Brandon. He makes me happy. Yeah his a guy so if I only like men because I like him does it matter?”

“He doesn’t love you Mason! It isn’t possible! His using you and I’m pretty sure as soon as he realises your not what he wants he’ll be gone. Do you really think you are enough for him? His probably with a women right this moment even I know what his like!” He stood from his seat bellowing over me my body freezing as I tried to not let his words bother me. He could be right... but I wouldn’t let myself fall for it.

“This isn’t just about Brandon Dad. I don’t find women attractive. I don’t get off thinking about them.

Your trying to tell me that’s normal and I’m straight? I don’t want a girlfriend. I don’t want to marry a women and have a typical fairy tale life. I’m not trying to get your blessing Dad I’m simply saying I like men and if I come home with a boyfriend don’t be surprised.”

“No. You won’t be coming here with any men you hear me? Brandon isn’t welcome here anymore and if I find out he has been you won’t be welcome here either.” His face was blood red as he yelled at me my mother sitting to the side barely getting involved probably too scared to say anything because the one time she did my Dad turned on her too shocked she already knew and supported me.

I couldn’t help but laugh at his words. I gave him one last look in the eyes before turning to head off upstairs. I didn’t want to be here anymore. I wanted to see Brandon.

I sent him a text, be over soon. Then I grabbed a bunch of clothes stuffing them all into a backpack including my uniform for work hoping Brandon would let me stay at his a little longer than I normally would. Once done I headed for a shower hoping to wash away everything from today, get me out of this mood so I could see Brandon a happy version of myself. After all I had just admitted to the person I was most scared of who I really am. I should be proud of myself.

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