58. Mason; 7 minutes in heaven

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*apoligies for long chapter*

We didn’t stay long in the arcade and honestly Blair was the hardest to drag away because he had some sort of issue with the claw machine saying he promised his girlfriend he would win her one.

After about sixteen pound going in the machine he did finally win something, a unicorn teddy that had sequins for eyes, pretty creepy if you ask me. Blair and Levi followed the three of us to our cars as they were next to each other and Tony wasted no time in getting into his car and driving away with nothing but a brief see you all soon and a side hug to Brandon...

I was kind of dreading being left alone with Levi and Blair because I could see what was coming, the accusations to which I didn’t particularly want to own up to just yet. I didn’t regret telling Blair because he knew everything and I was a little excited to be able to spill to him what had happened between me and Brandon after he left the other night. Levi however I wasn’t thrilled to have bugging me. Blair knew when to stop, when was appropriate to tease me and when he shut keep his mouth shut where as Levi was the type to shout it from the rooftops what he knew. He would never of been mine or Brandon’s choice of people to find out first.

“So you two going home to make out?” Levi began as soon as Tony was seen leaving the car park not able to last two minutes. I span around to start on him but was surprised Blair had beat me to it when before I could open my mouth the sound of him doing so stopped me.

“Just drop it Levi. Why are you always on them for. Does it matter to you if they do or don’t?” He seemed just as irritated as I was about to he.

“Whoah okay.” He laughed holding his hands up to Blair. “Since when did you become their bodyguard?” He joked us all cracking a smile at his playfulness, I suppose he doesn’t mean any harm his just being his dorky self.

“No but really just stop pushing them. Just because they got-" I could practically hear what he was about to say quickly interrupting him before he told all our secrets about me and Brandon hooking up. “-Just because we are into each other a little doesn’t mean we will be anything more.” I looked to Blair my eyes speaking more than my mouth him having to contain a laugh as he realised what he had almost done.

“How many girls have you fancied before and never had sex with? Like everyone?” Brandon teased making Levi roll his eyes.

“Whatever guys. Kiss fuck hug I’m just saying I’m cool with it don’t hide anything just because your not alone. I don’t care who your both into.” I honestly was warmed. That was his acceptance speech of me liking guys, he knew and nothing was changing. Nothing had changed. Not with Brandon when he found out I liked guys, or Blair or Levi... so why was I still so absolutely terrified to be myself?

“You know I feel the same just- don’t fuck in front of me like he said.” He thumb pointed over his shoulder to Levi. “I’m going home to give this to my girl.” He hold up the stuffed unicorn over his head cheering silently at his victory.

“Night.” Me and Brandon both mumbled after each other, Brandon’s hand on the door handle unlocking the car.

“Have a good night guys.” I think it actually hurt him to not wink at us as he lingered his face clenching as he tried to stay innocent before giving in. “Be safe.” He added now with a wink making me laugh at his effort. I gave a wave as I climbed into my seat and secured my belt the guys now locked out away from us as both out doors closed... finally alone.

It was silently until we were back on the main roads heading home a couple of minutes later. I was reaching for the radio when I heard Brandon’s voice stopping me in my tracks hand still hovering near the centre console.

“Where do you see yourself in ten years?” I settled back into my seat knowing we wouldn’t need music this drive.

“I want a different job, something I enjoy. I want my own place and-" I stopped with a sigh. “I want to be out to everybody.” I finished a little quieter that being my main focus right now.

“Children?” He asked it before quickly continuing. “I mean working with children. That’s what you always said you wanted to do?” His eyes were flicking from the road to me reading my body language as I slumped a little.

“Yeah but I can’t.” I sighed.

“Why?” His voice was confused. He was having a longer look at me making me a little nervous as the road a head narrowed and traffic approached.

“Because I can’t afford College.” I answered simply glad when he moved to look at the road again reducing his speed a little. A honk interrupted us as a car sped around us joining the road in front of us, Levi.

“Of course you can.” He said once everything went quiet.

“Not if I want my own place too which is more important.” I’d thought it through a million times before. Teaching children was something I’d always been interested in after all I loved kids but after I finished school I was too afraid what people would think... my Dad would think. So I found a job and stuck to it just to make money. Now I’d have to pay being over eighteen and I regretted it majorly.

“What about if you got with someone, a guy. Moved in with him and shared the bills. Then you’d afford it.” He was in fantasy world right now but unfortunately for him I couldn’t pretend not even just for now to make him happy.

“Who in this world would be happy with me going to college all day then working at night making pennies only barely paying some bills?” I turned now in my seat to face him but his was now glued to the road his face looking flat.

“If it made you happy?” He said just as loudly as me, I hadn’t noticed I’d raised my voice a little.

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