60. Mason; all yours

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Brandon collapsed onto my chest the both of us panting to catch our breath neither of us yet saying a word to each other. His hand came up to lay on my stomach reassuring me he was okay, we were okay. It stayed there his thumb brushing patterns onto my sensitive skin only helping my breathing to regulate again as he calmed me.

With a small moan I gave in to being so far away from him rolling onto my side I tucked myself into his the only distance between us was our stomachs which were both covered in our own messes. He excepted me to him throwing his arm over my shoulders he continued his caress there instead.

“One to ten rate it.” He spoke up making me chuckle at his first choice of words. I quickly answered a ten making him move me in his arms so he could face me a surprised smile on his face.

“How? I mean Bryson gave you head?” He looked like he didn’t believe me again bringing up Bryson like always showing how jealous he still was over what had happened between us.

“But he was just a hook up there was no connection where as with you your all I want.” It was so cheesy and I was slightly scared to admit it but I did anyway because it was true and he should know it. If I could be like this with him, all the time, I would be and what annoyed me the most was remembering him saying he would too. I was the reason we weren’t together, because I was too scared to tell my family. What other people thought about me was a massive hold up for me and I needed to just over come it before it ruins everything.

He kissed my forehead squeezing me a little tighter. “We have got to get cleaned up before my Dad gets home. We don’t want to freak him out again.”

“Bagsy first.” I dragged myself away from him somethings never changing.

“Go for it.” He surprisingly gave in far too easily but I ignored it feeling really sticky and smelly right now not wanting to wait until after he was done to clean up. We had been laying side ways almost across his bed so I pretty much crawled down from out of it trying my hardest to not drip any mess anywhere as I hurried down the hallway naked the first thing I did turning on the shower. “I’m joining you anyway.” I heard Brandon by the bathroom door looking up he too was still completely naked arms crossed over his chest leant against the frame watching me.

Holding my hand under the running water I tested the temperature before I ducked under it entirely tipping my head back to flood my face with it.

When I looked ahead again and opened my eyes there he was water splashing from me onto his chest starting to step closer towards me. “I thought you said you wouldn’t shower with me?” I asked trying to not let how good he always looked bother me as I continued to soak my hair the water completely covering me scolding my skin from the heat I liked.

“Did I?” He was so close to me now the water managing to pour over his chest too washing away our orgasms.

“Pretty sure.” I turned my back to him to find the soap hoping to hurry this shower along the last thing we needed was his Dad getting home to find us this way, especially as Brandon had left the bathroom door open.

I jumped at the feeling of his big hands finding my hips holding me as he stepped again even closer. “Well who cares.” His lips planted a sweet kiss to the curve of my neck where it meets my shoulder making me close my eyes to savour the feeling. I never wanted this to change. I loved all of this attention and wasn’t looking forward to when he well we both go back to being just friends. “It’s felt like ages since we done anything like that.” He continued speaking as I lathered up my hands bringing them to my chest rubbing the bubbles into it and then up to my shoulders Brandon’s hands meeting me at my stomach to help me clean myself up. “I’ve missed it.” He again was kissing me making me hum a slight moan his smile being felt on my skin as he lingered there.

“I missed it.” I repeated dropping my hands down to my sides letting him take over my body as he washed me all over my upper half my hands soon going behind myself resting on his thighs.

“We don’t have to stop this time. I’m all yours whether you decide to tell people or not. I’d rather have you in private than not at all.” I span to face him hearing his words almost wanting to cry. I was happy of course, so happy but I felt guilty too. He had said a hidden type of relationship was something he would never want or be happy with but now he was saying he’d rather that than just a friendship. I wished I could just be brave enough to scream it from the rooftops like he would be able to but I just couldn’t.

“I don’t think that’s fair.” I shook my head frowning because all I wanted to do was say okay and smash my mouth back onto his for round two.

“No what isn’t fair is having to keep our hands to ourselves when we both know that’s not what we want. Just let yourself be happy Mason.” And with that he kissed me again. It was so sweet and caring I felt everything he was feeling. I felt love, want, need even but not just in a sexual way this time. When he called me his home I knew exactly why because right now he was making me feel that too, like this is where I belonged.

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