15. Mason; time flies when you have flour to clean up

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We had been playing PlayStation for what felt like hours and for those hours I’d been complaining I was hungry as we tried to figure out what to eat. I was trying to convince Brandon of a take away but he wasn’t listening saying if we had one tonight we would tomorrow and the next night and that we would live off junk food for the entire week his Dad is away. It didn’t sound too bad to me. At nine we finally quit whining and turned the PlayStation off to go and find something to eat clear to me Brandon wasn’t going to order any food.

He began searching the cupboards as I drummed my fingers on the island table at this point not even caring what we ate. “Oh remember that once you had those homemade pizza things? What about those?” I asked practically running to his side at the fridge remembering that he had promised to show me how he made them after I finished the lot last time I found the leftovers in the fridge.

“Ermm...” He left me on edge as he scanned his fridge. “Yeah I can make them.” He answered making me cheer about to leave to crash on the sofa as he made them for me. “But you’ve got to help.” He made me groan as he started searching the shelves for what he needed bringing it all over to the table and starting on mixing them in a bowl.

“Okay. What have I got to do?” I committed myself hoping I wouldn’t be a total failure at this.
“Have a look in the fridge what you want on the pizza. You need cheese and I think there’s a salami in there.” He spoke eyes glued on his hands now kneading something in the bowl which quickly was looking like a dough. I did as I was told coming back with the salami, cheese and some ham putting them all out in front of me. “Now grab the cheese grater from in the cupboard above the sink.” He was laughing like it most the most simplest thing but I had no idea what I was doing.

“What side?” I asked standing behind him.

“Your left.” He laughed and soon I was coming back around opposite him on the island to grate the cheese... something I had no clue how to do.

“What side do I use?” I asked staring at the grater that had different sized sharp hopes all over. Brandon found me hilarious shaking his head like he couldn’t believe the questions I was asking telling me the big holes. I slid the cheese over them and behold it worked. I kept going until I thought I had enough to cover a pizza before I put the cheese back into the sealable bag and then looked up to Brandon for further instructions.

“The salami will need slicing. Grab a knife.” He was enjoying this. I’m sure that he had the easy job just stroking and playing with the dough literally as if it was his stress ball. What did he have to be stressed about it was me about to cut my finger off.

“This one?” I asked holding a knife from the draw up to him. He burst out laughing.

“Easy there tiger. Smaller.” He chuckled some more. I held up another. “Smaller Mase its only a sausage.” He was having too much fun and I was getting irritable.
“It’ll be your sausage on the table soon mate if you don’t shush.” I mumbled under my breath selecting my knife finally and going back to the island deciding I didn’t care if I did it right anymore I was cutting this sausage however I could be bothered.

“Board.” He smirked pushing a chopping board that was already on the table over to me. “Your mom does all the cooking doesn’t she?” He asked no longer laughing probably noticing I was getting antsy with him. I nodded concentrating now on doing it right feeling calmer.

“Good job you have me to teach you then or you’d be screwed when you move out." He wasn’t making fun of me anymore in fact he actually looked like he was doing something now making a mess with flour all over the table.

“I’d be fine because you’d be there with me.” I smirked thinking about us in our own place. I suppose it wouldn’t be too different to this but we would have separate rooms...

“Oh would I now?” He laughed forcing his single left dimple out. “Who said I’d want to go out to work all day come home and have to cook for you? I’m not your house wife.” He was looking between me and the dough he now had on the table.

“Okay fine you better start teaching me better then.” I put the knife down finished with the cutting. “Now what are you doing?” I joined him side by side as he flattened out the dough a little.

“Here do it like a proper Italian pizza boy.” He was grinning uncomfortably now taking my hands pulling them out flat in front of me. “I’ll give you the dough but be fast or it’ll flop. You got to throw it up and spin it. Okay?” He spoke his eyes locked to mine his hands still holding mine how he wanted them. I nodded.
He put the dough in my hands and straight away it began wanting to fall and drip everywhere. I threw it up just a little hearing Brandon tell me to spin it out. I tried but it wasn’t working and when I lost focus to watch him loving how happy he seemed the dough just slopped down over the sides of my hands stretching lower in a slumped mess making Brandon take it from me.

“Here.” He rolled it back to a ball then flattened it out. “Throw, spin.” He demonstrated exactly how it was done three times and the pizza was pretty much perfectly formed when he dropped it onto the table it landing just as pristine.

“Okay show off.” I rolled my eyes taking a step away. “Now what you doing?” I questioned as he squeezed the edges around.

“Making a crust. Want it cheesy?” He asked back genuinely. I scoffed and pushed on his arm.

“Okay Gordon Ramsay.” I teased. He didn’t say anything as he went about finishing the pizza edge. I was missing his attention so I scooped a small amount of flour from the table and blew it at him from my hand. It littering all over his t-shirt.

“Really?” He was trying to act serious but his eyes were giving it away shining with humour his lips turning up slightly at the edges. I winked and turned away only to hear him tut at me earning another handful to be thrown his way. “Mason!” He yelled still the amusements there as he stepped back holding his arms out looking at himself.

“You got a little white stuff.” I joked not noticing until I said it how it sounded us both breaking out into giggles. “Sorry should I say that louder when your speaking to your girlfriend next?” I couldn’t help but bring her into it jealous raging in me that I forced myself to ignore knowing full well however that the word girlfriend sounded snarky.

“It’s not funny Mason. My Dad said he trusts that you won’t make this place a mess.” He patted himself off the majority of it sprinkling down to the floor.

“Your Dad adores me. A mess in his kitchen is something I’d never do.” I leant back on the counter sneakily taking another hand of flour. Once Brandon was about to speak I threw it at him again making him almost growl my name. “I would never get the blame.” I winked. “Nora however...” I trailed on but he stopped me.

“My Dad met Nora and he actually likes her.” Okay that was a low blow but nothing I couldn’t handle.

“Never as much as me though. Not when she talks so like this. And prances around after you.” I imitated her rubbing my still flour coated hands down his chest leaving smudged hand prints.

“Okay true.” He surprised me by admitting it. “He may not like her very much... but he also knows she won’t be here all week because he asked me not to so he knows it is you that must of  maked the mess.” He was talking more but all I heard was his Dad didn’t like her and she wasn’t allowed over all week... yes! He hadn’t bothered to brush himself down this time instead he was back to working on the pizza finishing it quickly then moving around me to the fridge coming back with a tube of something red. “Tomato puree.” He read my mind as I wondered what. “Get your stuff.” He nudged me the joking around gone now but still a playful feeling in the atmosphere. I came back and he helped me place everything on the base before he slid the entire thing onto a cooking tray from the oven which at some point he had turned on.

“How long?” I asked groaning in hunger pains when he said almost twenty minutes.

“Time flies when you have flour to clean up.” He smirked and like that I was back to my normal pretty sensible self getting onto my hands and knees I swept all the flour into a pile then found a dust pan and brush to get it all up as Brandon moved everything we had used on the table to the sink starting on washing it up.

He was right because by the time everything was away and we had found some plates and the pizza roller the oven was beeping that it was ready and god did it look good. It was the perfect amount brown and crispy and the cheese was melting bubbling over the crust. I licked my lips excited to try it.

Even after we ate the hand marks were still visible on Brandon’s t-shirt and every time I seen them I’d get these giddy butterflies knowing that’s where my hands had actually been. I wished I’d of done it slower, took my time in feeling him as I did it. I still had the memories of how he felt in the car, how his body reacted to my touch breathing sharply as we got skin on skin contact. I also wish I’d of took that moment in more when it happened, let myself linger on every inch of his body but instead I was too caught up in needing his t-shirt off rushing through the motions for more of him. I’d want nothing more than to go back and savour him.

As we flopped onto the sofa still in a food coma from how good the pizza was his phone rang and instantly I turned to look for his reaction. It was a FaceTime noise and I both hoped it was and wasn’t his girlfriend. If it was I’d purposely think of some joke to wind them up about us. Would he answer if it was knowing what he knows now about how I feel about him, about her and them?

He answered it before I could see who it was cheerily saying hi as he moved forward in his seat away from me. It must of been her... Before she could answer I already had my line ready. “Brandon the cream is melting can you come lick it off please.” I cooed and he very quickly punched me in the leg harder than he normally would of.

“What was that?” A male voice asked. Male? Oh my god. I went bright red realising who he was talking to. It wasn’t his girlfriend it was his Dad and I’d just very loudly mentioned his son licking cream off my body.

“It’s just Mason being an ass.” He was just as embarrassed as me as I rolled onto the sofa giggling now like a school girl all while holding my dead leg Brandon watching me with a remorseful smile.

“What have you two been up to are you behaving?” I heard him ask and Brandon quickly tell him what we had been up to before he called, about to find a film to watch. “I was just calling to say I’m here now safely. But don’t let me interrupt your date night.” He was teasing us like he always does but this time Brandon didn’t even angrily deny it he simply laughed looking over at me laying on the other side of the sofa my feet his way one hanging on the floor the other leant on his knee. I looked down over my body when he did it silent between us as his Dad said something neither of us heard. I smirked at him moving my hand behind my head and opening my mouth signalling him giving me a blowjob by nodding my head back and forth. He laughed again but pushed my leg off him turning his attention back to his Dad. “Am I missing something?” His Dad stopped saying whatever he had been talking about sensing we were up to something.

“Not at all Mr. Jones” I shouted so he could hear.

“Okay well like I said I will speak to you when I get the chance it’s so busy here. Mason would love it Brandon. It is his birthday soon remember.” He whispered but I still heard. His Dad was in America for business something he does quite a lot and he was right I would love it there and Brandon knew that from the many times I complained how badly I wanted to go there but couldn’t afford it. “Oh and Brandon.” His Dad stopped as he was saying his goodbyes making him raise an eyebrow waiting for him to finish talking. “I hope my kitchen isn’t as dirty as your shirt.” I couldn’t see his Dad’s face but I could hear the humour in it as he hinted to more than just flour being in his kitchen. Brandon was looking over himself groaning as his Dad laughed saying his goodbyes hanging up.

I couldn’t stop the laughing again holding my sides as I covered my face. “Your not funny.” Brandon moodily kicked my leg but as I continued his face broke into a smile too. “No wonder he thinks we are together.” He mumbled reaching for the T.v remote to end this conversation.

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