6. Brandon; I like me better

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I hated nothing more than the sound of my alarm in the morning forcing me to get up. Today felt worse than normal as the sound of somebody else groaning to at the noise woke me up to the realisation that Mason was still here. At least today it didn't wake us too early. I had work at 12 and it was no 10 but I struggled to open my eyes knowing we didn't get to sleep until probably about 2. I sat up anyway smashing the buttons on the clock anything to make it shut up feeling guilty as Mason covered his head in the duvet.

"Sorry mate." I apologised falling back onto the pillows sighing. After silence continued I dragged myself from the covers heading straight downstairs to grab a coffee to wake me up and hopefully hide the smell of alcohol on me from last night. Mason couldn't stand coffee of any kind so I poured him a glass of water taking it up and leaving it on the bedside table as I found my work clothes and underwear. "Shit." I cursed remembering I didn't even have a car thanks to having to leave it in the carpark yesterday.

"What's up?" That seemed to wake Mason up as the covers quickly were removed from his head and he was sitting up staring at me wide eyed.

"My cars still at the pub." I explained shaking my head because I really didn't have time for this. In response Mason was getting out from my bed my t-shirt I gave him yesterday hung loose off his shoulders, it was big on me so no wonder it was falling off him almost. "What you doing?" I asked confused as he picked up the colourful socks I leant him yesterday pulling them on.

"You go for a shower. I'll go pick it up." He confirmed what I thought he was thinking about doing making me tell him it didn't matter. "Well how else you getting to work? I have nothing else to do. Just go. I'll see you when I get back." He waved me off as he crossed the room to my bedroom door.

"If your sure?" I confirmed with him he didn't mind thanking him repeatedly as I rushed off to the bathroom to get myself ready for a shitty weekend shift. I took my phone with me like always to listen to some music to get me in a better mood for the day. I wasted no time looking for the song that Mason said was his favourite yesterday, blasting it as I stripped from last night's clothes and sank into the shower water letting it do its job slowly waking me up.

"To not know who I am but to know that I'm good as long as your here with me." That sounded familiar. I replayed the song once it finished liking it myself, even if I wouldn't admit that to him not just yet anyway. I finished up with my shower letting my body air dry as I brushed my teeth and put deodorant on. I dressed in my suit trousers and a white shirt deciding everyone would understand if I didn't wear a tie just like they did yesterday. I must of been getting ready for about half an hour and Mason still wasn't back. I felt bad he went but he probably just saved my job, I owe him big time.

Bouncing down the stairs I made a quick breakfast, a massive bowl of cereals, sitting at the kitchen table I ate them as I scrolled through my phone. I had 40 minutes before I'd need to leave for work and I still had to finish eating and check on my Dad to make sure he got home okay after his shift yesterday. He worked a night I'm sure so he'd sleep all day today so me sneaking a peak into his bedroom wouldn't even stir him he'd be that tired this morning.

New message from Nora

Hey. I hav no idea what tht was about yesterday

Can we talk about it?

I was confused for a moment what she meant about what happened last night but quickly my head was filled with memories of what Mason had said and I was cracking up by myself trying to be serious with her though, its what she deserved.

Hi. Honestly Nora it was nothing. I spilt something on my mate and he was winding us up acting rude.

Im not gay...

I stopped there thinking my words through. I'm not gay didn't sound right. I deleted them and said something else.

Im not with anyone else...

Just then the living room door opened and I was greeted with Mason's smile again my body relaxing. "Your car sir." He joked in a royal voice joining me at the table helping himself to my now empty bowl pouring his own cereal from the box still on the table into my left over milk.

"Thank you. You could of got your own." I laughed loving how comfortable he was here but wondering why he hadn't just completely helped himself like normal. He shrugged me off filling his mouth eating from my spoon.

"Lover girls messaged." He changed the subject nodding to my phone lighting up on the table between us. I reached for it not wanting him to see that she hadn't already dropped the matter knowing he would find her too serious. He never seems to like anyone I'm with though always helping me find flaws in them, saving most of them though for after we break up.

If ur positive. We seeing each other 2day?

"What you doing today?" I asked wanting to know if he planned on being here still when I finished work at 5. If he would be I'd tell Nora I was working all day if he wouldn't be maybe I'd invite her around.

"I got to go home my mom text Dad got a doctor's appointment while she works. I have actually got to watch Sofia." He explained eyes meeting mine. I hated how his family treated him. Don't get me wrong I understand that his Dad isn't in the best health and his Mom works so hard for the family but they act as if his their slave at times. Not only would he be watching his sister today who by the way is thirteen so doesn't entirely need a babysitter for a few hours but he will be expected to clean up the house too. No wonder he liked it over here so much I didn't expect anything from him. He could lay in the same pair of boxers for a week and not move a muscle while I waited on him hand and foot and I'd still say he deserved it.

"Oh okay." I tried not to let how disappointed I was show but it was hard especially because I knew I didn't have to pretend with him.

"I know you'll miss me but don't cry too much." He teased and I shyly turned away hiding my blush. If only he knew that I really would miss him not being here for me to come home to. Instead it would be an empty house. My Dad leaves at 5 and that's when I finish work so by the time I'm home his gone meaning I'm alone all night.

"I'm checking on my Dad then I've got to go." I told him pushing myself from the kitchen stool not realising I still hadn't replied to Nora. As I walked past him his finger tips were on my forearm lightly brushing on me for my attention.

"Do you want your top back? I know this ones your favourite?" He questioned. Damn I didn't want him to catch onto that he knew me better than I thought clearly.

"Keep it until I return yours, unharmed." I empathised hoping he would take the hint and not damage my Stranger Things retro T-shirt. He hummed as if thinking it over making me smile bumping into him as a warning.

Once I spotted the shadowed lump of my Dad under the covers in the darkness of his room I was free to go to work. I closed my bedroom door so my Dad wouldn't see the mess that was in there before I headed down the stairs picking to wear my black Chelsea boots I wore yesterday mostly out of laziness. I looked up to see if Mason had left yet seeing him right at my side shoes on and waiting for me to be done.

"Ready?" He asked and I gave him a small smile of course it was forced I mean who smiles right before they have to leave their favourite person to go to work, on a Saturday too! We stepped out the front door together walking to my neatly parked black jeep that was now on the drive, Mason's car still on the road where he parked it yesterday. I opened my arms to him and like always he roughly crashed his body against mine it falling perfectly into me as he wrapped his arms around my back mine around his shoulders. We lingered like always him being the first to pull away this time as I could of stayed that way for longer.

"Catch you later bro. Have a good day." He gave me this half smile too just the one side of his mouth rising but quickly falling again.

"I really owe you for this morning." I was planning on dragging this out as long as I could.

"Nah it's cool no probs." He brushed it off his hands stuffed into his pockets pulling out his car keys fingering them from one hand to the other looking at them more than me. I looked down seeing he was standing his distance from me... odd normally we are right next to each other.

"I mean it. I'd be screwed without you man." I admitted needing him to hear from me just once that his my best mate. I'd be lost without him I truly would be all over the place. His hand came out as he burst out into a genuine smile gently he pushed into my chest enough to make me take a stumbled step backwards.

"Your going to be late. I'll text you later cheeseball." He chuckled taking a step away turning to look at his own car just to stop staring at me like we both were.

"Text you later." I repeated his words leaving it there I climbed up into my car putting on my seatbelt stopping to watch him get into his own. I waved him out first before I pulled out onto the road behind him. He had to turn left at the end of the street and me right. I wished I could of just followed him to his and we could of spent the day goofing about maybe play some basketball, his house has a net after all.

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