55. Brandon; caught

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*Slight smut warning*

The rest of that night somehow we managed to behave ourselves. The thing with me and Mason is that somehow we always end up going back to it feeling like nothing happened. I think it’s because we are so close anyway that we understand just because we just hooked up or made out or whatever it is that happens it doesn’t change the fact that his my best friend.

We stayed on the sofa even more surprisingly on different ends sometimes touching each other like when I swung my legs up and he caught them bringing them into his lap or when he moaned his neck ached so because it was the only thing I could reach I squeezed my thumb and calm into his feet massaging them. We watched a lot of rubbish on the T.v. but it was rubbish that we agreed on so at about one o’clock when I decided I wanted to watch Facejacker and he didn’t I was half expecting him to complain. “Brandon I hate this come on.” He groaned as I shook my head.

“It’s funny Mase. Just watch it with me.” I didn’t back down keeping a firm hold on the remote as he still huffed his discontent.

“It isn’t funny. Off come on.” He held his hand out as if he expected I’d just hand it over to him.

“Brandon.” He was warning me but I still ignored he was even talking, until he jumped up to his knees diving over me for it. I moved it over my head even further out of his way trying to avoid looking down to how close our bodies were to each other.

“Why can’t you just let me watch it?” I spoke fixing my eyes to his as he brought himself even closer to me almost rubbing against me now.

“I told you it’s rubbish. Hand it over.” He was fighting to get it out my hands tugging on my arm to bring it closer to him but I wouldn’t budge. I slipped up though when I let myself sneak a look at our waists practically brushing against each other. Not being able to stop myself I ground up grinding my clothed dick against his a gasp leaving my mouth at the feeling as he bit down on his lip ignoring me as he still tried to get the remote.

“It you were my friend you would just let me.” I mumbled half meaning watch the program but mostly have my way with him, this time without interruption. I couldn’t care less about it anymore.

“If you don’t hand it over I’m going upstairs.” He looked deep into my eyes his cheeks looking a little red as well as his lips from earlier on still.

“Great I’ll come up with you we can watch it in bed.” I called his bluff not breaking my eye contact with him smirking at this stupid situation we were in both acting like we didn’t want to just jump each other’s bones right now.

“Then I’d just have to find a way of distracting you...” He trailed his eyes moving from mine almost to my lips before he quickly stopped himself snapping back up to lock onto mine again. I caved again rubbing myself into him loving how he suddenly paused his breathing so he wouldn’t moan before letting it out finally guttery.

Knowing I had him distracted I lowered the control so it was in his reach but still he didn’t try to stop my hips moving or take the control confirming if I needed him to that he wanted this to.

“I’m sure you could reach that...” I trailed looking to the remote his hand rushing to get it before I tossed it over the room behind him flinching when I heard it land with a bigger thud against the wooden floor than I expected. He turned to look at it shock on his face at what I did still I saw the corner of his mouth turning up into a smile it growing wider as he started turning back to me.

Hurriedly I flattened his smile my lips smacking against his in one movement as he finally turned back to me fully his body freezing in confusion before he almost melted to me his hand going down to my waist forcing me to move with him again as now he too pressed his lower half into me. I freely moaned into his mouth at the feeling never before had we done this but the way it was feeling already was bringing me close to cumming in my boxers, my stomach turning filling with butterflies, making me want to continue.

Before I could open my mouth to deepen the kiss he was pulling back moving to straddle over me his knees on either side of my waist. I wasn’t sure what to expect but practically groaned when he cupped my face bringing my lips back to his sitting me upright our chests again flat together our breathing quickened. He slid his heated tongue out and I did the same swirling them together before he won dipping it into my mouth then out again letting me do the same to him. I shivered at the feeling of his hands slowly getting under my t-shirt pushing upwards taking it up with them only breaking the kiss to slide it between our heads dropping it onto the floor beside us.

Obsessively his eyes burnt my chest getting lower before settling on my trousers waist band immorally ripping them open with his eyes. His hair was much shorter than mine but still long enough that I could tightly grip the back of it to kiss him again my lips not being able to get enough of him now I had a taste.

Unfortunately the way we were sat now meant I couldn’t move myself against him anymore but that didn’t stop me trying, grinding up against his ass just begging for some friction. My spare hand run up his thigh not stopping as I slid it around the back to grope his ass my fingers gripping it roughly earning a moan into my mouth as I forced him to rock on my dick.

The sound of the front door clicking open and someone walking inside made us both snap away from each other Mason suddenly on the other side of the sofa as I jumped to find my t-shirt not quick enough though as my Dad entered the room stopping still and grinning at the sight as I yanked my clothes back on. “Hey guys...” His voice was filled with humour as he smirked between mine and Mason’s red faces it more than obvious what he just walked in on us doing.

“Your home early.” I coughed out having to clear the throatiness that was left from how turned on I’d been. It sounded so clique but he was...

“Yeah we didn’t have any work left for tonight.” He was still trying to hold back his laughing I could tell it seeming harder when he looked at Mason. Feeling protective I looked at him curled up on the opposite arm of the sofa knees in his chest to hide his boner his head down locked to his lap. “How are you anyway have you and Nora spoke yet or are you just moving on?” He was again looking between me and Mason again with that knowing look almost making me huff annoyance.

“I have no reason to talk to her.” I answered honestly him humming as he came around to sit on the sofa between us Mason very quickly excusing himself and I couldn’t blame him I wanted to do the exact same.

“I have to head to bed. Work tomorrow.” He jumped up his head still down as he avoided looking at either of us turning to leave the room me or my Dad not saying a word until he was lost up the stairs.

“Dad...” I began knowing this time there was no hiding what was happening between me and Mason. It was about time  I just told him... “Me and Mason have de-" He cut me off shaking his head speaking sternly.

“Brandon don’t. When you first started liking girls did you sit me down to tell me? No. So why do you think you have to now? I know I’m old but I’m not old fashioned. People these days have more choice and I want you to be happy Mason too so don’t even try explaining it to me.” He looked over at me seriously as he spoke warming my heart. I knew he would be okay with us but I still thought I’d have to try and explain it to him that I like girls and Mason not guys but Mason, only he seemed to understand more than even Mason had.

“I-Okay. I should really go and check on him...” I trailed as I slid my body to the edge of the sofa to head upstairs still embarrassed.

“Just next time Brandon not on the sofa please. I don’t want to walk in on one of you bent over naked.” He laughed embarrassing me further making me actually groan now at the thought as well as his words.

“Night Dad. I love you.” Suddenly I felt the urge to just hug him and I think deep down without me realising he had just put my mind to ease no longer secretly worried he wouldn’t except us.

“Yeah yeah enough soppy stuff. Go tell Mason I love him too sorry for ruining your night I’ll put my earphones in you can continue without worrying about me.” He teased making me laugh as I shook my head now heading towards the stairs to find Mason.

When I opened my bedroom door there he was face down on my bed face hidden in the pillow his arms over it to. I joined him on the bed laying beside him lightly tracing the curve of his back to get his attention. “What are you doing?” I laughed grinning like an idiot whilst staring at his ass.

“Dying from embarrassment.” I just about made out the muffled words into my bed my smile growing.

“No need to his cool." I laughed the pillow coming off his head as he span to look at me.

“He isn’t mad? Or grossed out?” He frowned his face screwed up and red eyes seeming to have an extra shine to them like he was close to tears. I was shaking my head before he even finished or before I could say anything.

“Probably embarrassed too but he thinks it’s funny.” I shrugged my shoulders making it into not a big deal. “He told me to tell you he loves you.” I was more sincere now relieved when he sighed contently coming over to me and wrapping himself around me head on my chest as I settled back down bringing him back with me holding him.

“At least when my parents eventually freak out I can hide out here.” He whispered making me laugh again even though I genuinely was terrified for him for when he has to tell them.

“You don’t know they will.” I tried keeping him positive even though we both knew his Dad probably would throw a fit over it. I hoped that even if the initial tantrum was inevitable he would eventually calm down and just except it.

“I have a pretty good idea that it will though.” He whispered his fingers burying in my t-shirt below his head.

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