Chapter 3

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Veer POV

Ghosh!! I hate these client meetings. How do people even manage to sit for these meetings for so long. I can't bear that but for professional and business reasons we have to.

I was deep in my thoughts when Mr Mehra announced that meeting was over. I decided hurriedly to leave the place as I was quite bored.

I was leaving the room when Mr Mehra approached me to discuss something. We started walking and discussing at the same time.

I was not paying attention when I realised I hit someone but me and Mr Mehra continued walking.

But after some steps I stopped to see who I hit inadvertently and to apologise for my mistake.

I turned to see the person . when I turned I couldn't believe my eyes. she was in front of me. thousand of memories flashed before my eyes.

What is she doing here right now?? I can see that due to our collision her phone fell on the floor.
I was going to approach her when she hurriedly pick her phone from the floor and ran away.

Akansha POV

after picking my phone, I ran as fast as I could. No I couldn't stand in the same place where he was present. I can't face him after all those things.

I went to the washroom and stand before the mirror. I checked myself in the morror. Tears were escaping from my eyes . My face was all sweaty.

I tried to calm myself and splashed water on my face.
I have to go from here.  I have to leave this place as early as possible. don't want to see him again.

After composing myself, I left the washroom and directly went  where my whole family was present.

"this much time in phone call", my mother asked me.  I ignored her question and told her that I want to go home.

She looked at me shockingly and asked me if I was fine.

I told her" I am fine maa  but feeling  a bit sick . Please let me go home ".

she understood my feeling and  gave permission.  she told me to take one of the cars and I agreed.

I told her to inform other family members of my whereabouts so that they don't feel tensed.

I went to the parking lot  and started the car. The morning dark clouds  have given their way to the falling rains.

I drove as fastly as possible. at the same I couldn't held my tears.  tears were falling my  eyes. It was making my vision blurry . I wiped my tears with my hand and focused on the driving. the falling rain drops  on my car front window were not helping me either to drive fast.

  Somehow   I managed to  reach home.   After reaching home, I directly went to my room and  locked the door.

All the tears started again and this time I can't control it . I collapsed on the floor and let all tears fall freely.

"why you have to come again after all these years"


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