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A Week Later


I awoke in an unfamiliar room, surrounded by machines connected to my body. Unable to recall the events leading to this, confusion overwhelmed me.

Attempting to sit up, a sharp pain from my head hindered my efforts. Surveying the room, I noticed a sleeping girl beside my bed and a boy, seemingly my age, on a nearby couch. Deciding to wake the girl, I gently patted her shoulder, saying, "Hey, miss, wake up." Startled, she opened her eyes and exclaimed, "Oh, Evo, you're awake! Dave, wake up!" After a quick hug, I questioned, "Evo? Who's Evo?" The girl whispered, "Oh, no. I'm so sorry, but I have no idea who you guys are."

"Don't remember us?" the boy asked after a yawn. Feeling guilty for disturbing them, I confirmed, "Yeah."

Suddenly, the boy shouted, "Ady, call the doctor!" The girl, presumably Ady, rushed out, leaving me bewildered.

After a few minutes, a boy clad in white entered, introducing himself as Dr. Curtis. Agreeing to answer questions, I listened as he inquired about my name. Apologetically, I admitted, "I couldn't remember everything, including my name, right after waking up."


The doctor joined us after examining Evo.

"Evo has amnesia based on the test results," the doctor revealed. "You can talk to her and explain everything." Uncertain, we approached Evo.

"Hey," she greeted with a smile. Confused by our tears, she asked, "Why are you guys crying?"

"We're just happy you're okay. We missed you," Ady said, hugging me.

"Don't cry. I'm fine now. What happened to me, though?" Evo inquired.

"We'll explain everything," I reassured her.

"You had an accident, resulting in amnesia. You ran away on your wedding day after your fiance left you at the church ceremony. Heartbroken, you got into a car crash that caused your memory loss," Ady explained.

Realizing her past, Evo chuckled, saying, "I'm so stupid."

Introducing ourselves, I continued, "Your name is Evo Acosta. I'm Dave, and this is Ady, your best friend. Your parents passed away long ago, making your ex-fiance's family your own."

Evo sobbed, feeling the weight of the revelation. Comforting her, I said, "We're not leaving you, I promise."

Grateful, Evo admitted, "I'm just sad that everyone important in my life is leaving me."

Hugging her tightly, I reassured her. "We're here for you."

Evo had one more shock awaiting. "One week before your wedding, you discovered you were pregnant. You planned to reveal it after the wedding, but the accident prevented that," I disclosed.

Overwhelmed, Evo cried, and Ady added, "We planned to move you abroad for a fresh start, away from your past traumas."

Accepting the support, Evo said, "I want to know more about my ex-fiance." Learning the unexpected truth about her ex-fiance being a girl left her astonished.

"So, she's intersex?" Evo asked, processing the information.

"Yes, she's a girl with male anatomy," I explained.

Expressing gratitude for their support, Evo acknowledged, "Thank you guys for being with me."

Ady replied, "That's what friends are for, Evo," as we cherished the return of her smile.

BROKEN VOWS // BILLIE EILISHWhere stories live. Discover now