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Evo's POV

Today, I'm planning to hang out with Billie and our little baby girl, Vall. It saddens me to see her jealous of Zoe and Drew. I've already explained to her that she doesn't need to be jealous because no matter how you look at it, she's the one who brought Vall into this world.

I want Vall to grow close to Billie, so I've decided to take them to the beach. It's time for Vall to get to know Billie better.

It's already 8 in the morning, and Ady and Dave are already at the office. They said they're giving me a one-week break so I can spend time with Billie and Vall. Zoe and Drew, on the other hand, are getting ready to fly back to LA. But don't worry, they'll be back in a month; they're just going there to take care of some paperwork for the house. Yeah, Zoe is wealthy. I'm buying a house in LA so we have a place to stay when we visit Billie's parents.

Billie's parents, Claudia and Finneas, are also flying back to LA with Zoe and Drew. They offered us a ride home on their private jet since they're aware of my plan to buy a house in LA. Only Zoe and Drew know about it as they're helping me with the process. I plan to surprise everyone with the house, especially Billie, because I know she wouldn't let me do it if she found out.

Billie is still asleep in our room. She's a deep sleeper, just like Vall. They both love to sing and play instruments. I can see where Vall gets her attitude from—it's definitely from Billie.

I'm in Zoe and Drew's room right now, helping them pack since they're leaving in an hour but haven't finished packing yet.

"Drew, where should I put these hoodies?" I ask.

"Just put the blue and green ones in the black suitcase. I'll leave the red, yellow, and black ones here," Drew replies while arranging her things.

"Zoe, should I pack your laptop, or are you leaving it here?" I inquire.

"I'll leave it here; we'll be back in a month anyway," she replies while organizing her belongings.

(After finishing packing)

"And we're done," I sigh, helping them put the suitcases in the car.

"Thank you for helping us, Evo," Drew says.

"It's nothing. I should be thanking you both for helping me with the house," I reply.

"Don't mention it; that's what friends are for," Zoe adds.

"Would you like to say goodbye to Vall?" I ask.

"Yeah," they both reply.

"I'll be back; I'll just wake her up," I say as they nod in response.

I return to our room to wake up Billie first so she can say goodbye to her friends.

"Love, good morning," I say, kissing her on the lips. She opens her eyes slowly and smiles when she sees me.

"Morning, love," she says in her raspy voice, which I find incredibly sexy.

"Let's wake up Vall so you two can say goodbye to Zoe and Drew. They're going back to LA with your parents," I inform her.

"What are they going to do in LA?" she asks.

"Oh, they're just going there to find jobs," I reply, not wanting to reveal the real reason. Zoe and Drew are part owners of our company, so they don't need to work.

"Okay, I'll follow you to Vall's room. I'm just going to brush my teeth," she says.

I make my way to Vall's room. She's already awake, holding her ukulele and playing some songs.

"Morning, Mommy," she greets me.

"Good morning, sweetie," I reply, kissing her forehead.

"Did you brush your..." I start to ask, but she cuts me off.

"Yes, Mommy. I already finished brushing my hair and teeth. I'm a big girl now," she says with a smile.

The door flies open, revealing Billie in my hoodie and shorts, with her hair in a messy bun.

"Good morning, Mama," Vall exclaims, running to Billie.

"Morning, sweetie. Let's go say our goodbyes to Auntie Zoe and Drew," Billie says.

"They're leaving again?" Vall asks, her expression changing from happy to sad.

"Yes, sweetie, but don't worry. They'll be back in a month," I assure her.

We make our way to the car where Zoe and Drew are waiting. Vall runs from Billie to them, tears in her eyes.

"Don't leave me again, Auntie Drew and Auntie Zoe," Vall says, crying.

"Don't cry, sweetie. We're just going away for a month. We promise, when we come back, we'll take you to the mall," Zoe assures her.

"You promise?" Vall asks.

"Yes, sweetie, we promise. Don't cry now; you'll look ugly if you cry," Drew jokes.

"So I guess it's goodbye for now?" I ask.

"Yeah, see you in a month," Zoe replies.

"Please take care of my parents, guys. I love you, and we'll miss you. I hope you find good jobs," Billie says, hugging them both.

"We'll take care of them. Love you too. Tell Ady and Zoe we'll miss them," Zoe says.

"Sure. Find nice jobs, girls," Billie adds.

"We will, Pirate," Drew jokes, knowing it's part of the surprise.

"Bye, everyone. See you in a month. Love you all," Zoe says as they wave goodbye and drive off. Vall is still sad about the situation.

"Are you sad, sweetie?" I ask her, and she nods in response.

"Don't be sad because I'm taking you and Mama to the beach," I announce.

"Wait, what? We're going to the beach?" Billie asks, surprised.

"Yes, love."

"Yay, going to the beach!" Vall exclaims, jumping around.

"So, let's get ready?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm excited to spend the day with you two," Billie says.

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