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Billie’s POV

In Australia for the tour, I’ve been searching for Evo everywhere we go, but luck hasn’t been on my side. No one has given me information about her.

After my show, I quickly drove back to my hotel room and lay down. Not long after, I drifted to sleep.

Billie’s Dream

I was sleeping when I felt a small hand tapping my shoulder. “Mama, wake up,” a girl of 2-3 years old said. “Who are you?” I asked confused.

“Mommy said to wake you up; breakfast is ready,” she replied, not answering my questions.

Mommy? Is this my child? Am I a mom?

End of Billie’s Dream

My dream was cut off by my mom walking to my hotel room, banging the door loudly enough to wake me up.

“What the heck, Mom?” I said.

“Oh, sorry, I just wanted to talk to you,” she said. I nodded as she made her way towards me and sat next to me.

“How are you, Billie?” she asked.

“I’m good, Mom. I just – I just miss Evo. It’s been 9 months, but she hasn’t even texted me back. I get it; I know it’s my fault, but I’ve been calling her every day for 9 months straight, and she didn’t answer,” I said.

“So, are you gonna give up?” Mom asked.

“I think so. I think Evo has already moved on from me,” I said.

“That’s your choice, Billie,” my mom said, stroking my back.

“You know, Mom, while I was sleeping earlier, I had a dream. It’s about a beautiful girl who wakes me up, saying her mommy told her to wake me up for breakfast. Then you woke me up banging my door,” I said, rolling my eyes.

“I’m sorry for cutting your dreams off, but do you wonder who that child is?” my mom asked.

“It looks like me and Evo. The girl has blue ocean eyes, a cute little nose like Evo, and plump lips. I wonder if I didn’t break Evo’s heart; maybe she’s pregnant right now,” I said.

“Maybe. But what’s your plan now?” my mom asked.

“I will stop finding Evo. Maybe she’s already moved on from me, but I will not date anybody in the next 3 years,” I said.

“Why? You can date whoever you want,” my mom said.

“Yeah! I get that, but even if I stop finding Evo, I will wait for her. If she already finds someone in the next 3 years, maybe I can find someone too,” I said.

“That’s your choice, Billie. I’m here to support you,” Mom said.

“Thank you, Mom.”

“Okay, go to sleep; we have a long flight tomorrow,” she said, closing the door.


Evo’s POV

I’m in my office answering emails for our clothing line when I suddenly feel water stroking down my thighs.

“Oh, geez,” I mumble to myself.

“Guys! I think my water just broke,” I yell.

“What?” Ady says, running to my office.

“My water broke!” I sigh.

“Okay, okay, just stay there. I’ll get the things we need. Don’t move; I’ll call Dave to pick you up. I’ll prepare everything; don’t worry,” Ady says.

I sit on the chair and wait for Dave. After a few seconds, Dave barges into my room, picks me up bridal style, and carries me to the car. Dave is driving while Zoe and Drew are trying to calm me down.

“Can you please drive fast?” I ask.

“I’m driving fast, Evo. Just calm down; we don’t want to crash the car,” Dave says.

“Yeah, calm down, Evo,” Drew says, stroking my back.

Once we arrive at the hospital, Dave carries me again bridal style and rushes me through the emergency room. A few minutes later, a doctor comes to check on me.

“You’re 5 cm dilated; we need it to be 10 so you can start pushing,” the doctor says.

After a few hours of groaning from my contractions, a nurse barges into the room.

“Do you want some epidural, ma’am?” she asks.

“Hell no, I don’t want to be paralyzed after giving birth,” I say.

Ady, Dave, Zoe, and Drew laugh at my goofiness.

A few minutes later, another doctor barges in, checks on me again.

“It’s already 10 cm dilated, so you’re ready to push,” the doctor says.

Two nurses hold my knees to open my legs; Ady is holding my right hand, and Zoe is holding my left hand. Drew is holding a camera to record me, and Dave is sitting on the chair, looking more nervous than me.

“You can do this, Evo,” Ady whispers.

“Give me one strong push, Evo,” the doctor says. “Ahhhhhhh! Jesusss,” I yell.

“Again, Evo. I can see the head; give me one strong push,” the doctor says.

“Ughhhhh!” I yelp in pain.

“Another push, Evo. I need one strong push,” the doctor says.

“I can’t; it really hurts,” I say.

“Evo, just one strong push, and your baby girl will be out,” Ady says, trying to comfort me.

“Yes, Evo, just one push, please, for us and for the baby,” Zoe says. I nod in response.

“Okay, last strong push, Evo,” the doctor says.


After that one strong push, the room is filled with a soft cry coming from my baby girl, and you can see a beautiful baby girl coated with blood.

Dave cuts the umbilical cord, and the doctor cleans her up.

“Good job, Evo; we’re so proud of you,” Drew says, kissing my forehead.

“Thank you,” I mumble.

“Sorry to interrupt you guys, but here’s your beautiful baby girl,” the nurse says, giving me my beautiful baby girl.

“She’s so cute,” Drew says. “Yes, she is,” Ady says.

The baby girl opens her ocean eyes and smiles when she feels the presence of her mom and aunties.

“Look, she’s smiling,” I say.

“She’s so beautiful,” Drew says.

“I can’t imagine that I made this beautiful baby girl,” I say.

“She has blue ocean eyes,” Zoe says. “Yeah, she has ocean eyes, but it’s green,” we all laugh at Dave’s goofiness.

“I’m so sorry, you bozo,” Zoe says, hitting Dave’s shoulders.

We spent the next hour talking, laughing, and taking pictures of the baby.

The door flies open, revealing a nurse with a paper in her hand.

“Sorry to interrupt you guys, but have you already decided on a name for the beautiful baby girl?” the nurse asks.

“Yeah,” I say. “You do?” Zoe asks.

“Yes, I do. This beautiful baby girl is Rosshar"

“Rosshar Lilyvall O’Connell,” I said; their eyes widened when they heard me say the last name.

“Okay, so it’s Rosshar Lilyvall O’Connell,” the nurse said, writing it into a piece of paper.

“Thank you,” she said, exiting the door.

“O’Connell?” Ady asked, confused.

“Yeah, I wanted her last name to be O’Connell. Even if William leaves me, she’s also a part of Rosshar’s life,” I said.

“We’re happy for you, Evo,” Dave said, and they all hugged me.

“Oh, guys, I wanted you to call my baby girl Vall,” I said.

“That’s a cute nickname,” Ady said.

“Can I hold baby Vall?” Zoe asked.

“Sure! You are one of her aunties,” I said, handing Vall to her.

“Oh my gosh, she’s so cute I can’t resist kissing her. Sorry, Evo, even if you like it or not, I will be the one to spoil this little child of yours,” Drew said, joking.

“No, no, no, I will be the best uncle. So that means I will be the one to spoil her,” Dave argued.

“That’s the lie you tell yourself, Dave? Well, that’s definitely a lie. I will be the best aunt for this little Vall,” Ady said.

“Yes, you will be the best, but I will be the super-duper best aunt in the whole world,” Zoe said while we all laughed at her goofiness.

“Shut up, you guys. You know you all are the best because you helped me get through this. Without all of you, maybe I’d be dead now,” I said, joking.

“Don’t say that, Evo. We are here because we love you, and we love our little Vall very much,” Ady said, starting to tear up.

“Hey, Ady, don’t cry. You’re not as cute as baby Vall when you cry,” Dave teased Ady.

“Shut up, bozo,” Ady said while we all laughed.

We spent the whole day laughing for our goofiness. Even if I don’t have William beside me, I guess I’m happy with my squad.

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