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Billie’s POV:

I’m about to call Zoe and ask her if she wants to meet EVO tomorrow, but I’ll surprise them. I won’t tell her that she’s meeting EVO tomorrow unless they want to come.


Billie: Hey Zoe

Zoe: Hey, pirate

Billie: Are you and Drew free tomorrow? Maybe we can hangout?

Zoe: Oh, we’re sorry, pirate. We can’t come tomorrow; we have important things to handle.

Billie: Please, Zoe, just this once. I want you and Drew to meet the love of my life.

Zoe: We’re sorry, we can’t. We’re out of the country visiting an old friend. By the way, who’s that lucky girl?

Billie: You already know her; she wants to meet you too.

Zoe: I’m sorry, but we have important things to do tomorrow.

Billie: It’s like you’ve already forgotten me as your friend, but it’s okay. I understand. Love you, see you soon.

Zoe: It’s not like that, but please, I promise we’ll make it up to you when we’re back in L.A. Bye, love you too. See you soon, pirate.

Billie: Okay, be safe.

End of call.

I quickly hang up and sit on my bed, watching the sky through the window. Suddenly, my family walks into the room.

“What’s up, Bil?” Claudia asked.

“Nothing, just Drew and Zoe.”

“What about them?” Finneas asked.

“I called Zoe and Drew to see if they wanted to come and visit here tomorrow, but she said they have important things to handle,” I said.

“Don’t be sad, Billie. Next time, they’ll have time to hang out with you,” my mom said.

“It’s like they’ve already forgotten me as their best friend. When I’m in LA, they never visit me; they’re always out of the country every month. When we hang out, they’re always on their phones,” I said.

“Yeah, I noticed that too,” Finneas said.

“It all started when I broke Evo’s heart. Why did I break Evo’s heart?” I said, crying.

“Shhhh, Bill. Don’t cry,” my mom said.

“When I broke Evo’s heart, everyone I know became distant,” I said.

“Finneas, Claudia!” I said.

“Hmm,” they responded.

“I’m so sorry for breaking Evo's  heart,” I said.

“Mom, Dad, I’m so sorry for hurting Evo's heart,” I said, crying.

“We already forgive you, Billie,” they said in unison.

“Thank you,” I said.

“Don’t cry, Bil. Just remember that tomorrow will be the day Mom and Dad will meet their supposedly daughter in law, and Claudia and I will meet our other sister in law. Most importantly, you’ll make her yours again," Finneas said, hugging me to lighten the mood.

“Thanks, Finneas. I needed that.”


Still, Billie’s POV:

I’m preparing to meet someone important to Evo's life.

I’m very nervous right now. Maybe that important person is her girlfriend? No, Billie, she said, ‘I love you’ to you!

But what if she already has a girlfriend? Don’t be paranoid, Billie! Maybe that’s just her friend because I remember Alex said that Evo is single.

I’ll ask Evo to be my girlfriend later, but before that, I’ll tell her the truth. I’ll tell her that I’m the one who broke her heart five years ago.

But what if she runs away? No, Billie, she’s not going to run!

But what if she never talks to me again? Quit that drama, Billie; you’re here to apologize and make her yours again.

“FIN!” I shouted.

“Yes, Bil?”

“I’m going to meet Evo today and meet that special someone in her life,” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Oh, is someone jealous?” Finneas teased.

“Shut up, just prepare for your dinner with us later. I’ll text you the restaurant Evo wanted to go to,” I said.

“Yeah, yeah, you know Mom and Dad are very excited. Mom said she can’t sleep, remembering she would meet Evo today, and the same with Claudia; she has been begging me to buy a gift for Evo, so we’re going to the mall,” Finneas said.

“Okay, okay,” I said, laughing.

I make my way to my car. I’ll just sit there for a while, trying to fix myself. I decided to call EVO because I don’t know where our meeting place is.


Billie: Good morning,love.

EVO: Good morning, Bil.

Billie: So, where’s our meeting place? I’m excited to meet that person you mentioned yesterday.

EVO: Maybe at the park where we hung out yesterday.

Billie: Cool, I’ll see you there. Bye, see you soon.

EVO: Bye, loves.

End of call.


“Vall, are you ready?” I asked Vall.

“Yeah, Mommy, I’m excited to meet your girlfriend,” I said.

“How many times do I tell you, she’s not my girlfriend?”

“Not now, Mommy, maybe later,” she teased.

“Haha, very funny, Rosshar. Let’s go,” I said.

I grabbed Vall’s hand and made our way towards the kitchen, where my squad is talking.

These people never get tired of speaking!

“Hey, aunties,” Vall said, running to them and giving them all a hug.

“Where’s my kiss?” Ady said, fake pouting.

“I can’t reach your cheek, Auntie Ady; you’re so tall. Can you please sit so I can give you kisses?” Vall said. Ady laughed in response.

“Okay, child,” Ady said, giving Vall a kiss.

“Where are you going, Vall? You look beautiful,” Dave asked.

“Yeah, you’re very cute in that hoodie. Where are you going, though?” Zoe asked.

“Mommy said I’m going to meet her girlfriend,” Vall said.

“Vall… What did I tell you? She’s not my girlfriend,” I said.

“Not yet,” they all said in unison. I rolled my eyes and laughed at their goofiness.

Ugh, these people will be the death of me. I’m no longer wondering where Vall gets his teasing attitude.

“Say bye to your Aunties, baby,” I said.

“Bye, Aunties, and Uncle Dave,” Vall said, hugging them once again.

“I’ll text the address of the restaurant later. Just prepare,” I said.

“Haha, we get it, Evo. Just be happy. I’ll wait for your text,” Ady said.

“Bye, guys. Love you all,” I shouted.

“Love you too. Be careful. Drive safely.”

“Yeah, I will.”

BROKEN VOWS // BILLIE EILISHWhere stories live. Discover now