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Evo’s POV

It’s already 5 in the morning, and it’s VALL’S BIRTHDAY.

I wake up early to prepare for some things needed later. The party will start at 4 in the afternoon, so there’s plenty of time.

Before heading downstairs, I go through my morning routine. Once done, I head to the living room, hearing some people talking.

To my surprise, it’s my squad. What magic is this? It’s the first time I’ve seen them waking up at this hour. Long story short, they are not morning people.

“Woah?! I’m surprised you woke up early,” I say, laughing.

“Shut up, we don’t want to be late for our baby Valls’ birthday. As you know, we’re all the best aunties/uncles,” Ady says.

“I’m just surprised because you’re all not morning people,” I say, rolling my eyes.

“Is Vall already awake?” Zoe asks.

“She’s still sleeping,” I reply.

“Oh, shocks! I forgot to pick up the cake yesterday,” Dave says.

“Don’t worry; we have a long day,” I reassure.

“I’ll finish my coffee, pick up the cake, and buy gifts for Vall,” Dave says as we all nod in response.

(Timeskip to party time)

The party has already started. Vall is the happiest girl on the planet right now, surrounded by classmates and friends celebrating her birthday.

Vall is thrilled with the birthday gifts she receives. I also bought her a ukulele, as that’s what she wanted.

Although Vall is just 5 years old, she excels at playing the piano and ukulele and has a great voice. I wonder where she got her talent because, as far as I know, I don’t have any talents except for designing clothes, which she doesn’t seem interested in.

Now it’s time to blow out the candles.

“Come here, baby Vall. We’re going to blow out your candle,” I say.

“Mommy, please don’t call me baby; I’m not a baby anymore,” Vall pouts.

“Shut up, BABYYYYYY VALL. Whatever you say, you’re our baby; no one can change that,” Drew says, and we all nod in response.

“Okay,” Vall says, smiling.

“Come here, baby,” Dave says, picking up Vall.

“Hey, everyone, today is the 5th birthday of our Baby Rosshar Lilyvall. We want you all to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ for this wonderful baby girl,” Dave announces.

After the birthday song, Vall is ready to make a wish.

“Are you ready to make a wish, baby?” I ask.

“Yes, mommy.”

“Make a wish.”

“I hope that mommy, uncle Dave, and all of my aunties will have good health,” Vall says while blowing out the candles.

The room collectively expresses awe at her cute wish.

“You’re so cute, baby. Thank you for wishing us good health. But why didn’t you wish for yourself?” I ask.

“I’m content, mommy,” she says, kissing my cheeks.

After blowing out her cake, Vall quickly runs off to play with her classmates and friends. I’m so happy to see her laughing; she’s adorable.

(Timeskip after the party)

All the guests have said their goodbyes, leaving just me, my squad, and Vall sitting in the living room, discussing random topics.

“Mommy, thank you for today. I love you,” Vall says, kissing my cheeks.

“You’re welcome, baby girl,” I reply.

“Thank you, aunties and uncles Dave. I love you all,” Vall says, hugging each one of them.

“We love you, Vall,” they say in unison.

Vall receives numerous gifts from her friends and classmates, including one from me and my squad.

“Mommy, I want to open my gift,” Vall says.

“Sure, baby. Let me get all your gifts so you can open them here in the living room,” I say, realizing I can’t carry them all.

“Guys?” I question.

“Yes?” they respond in unison.

“Can you please help me carry Vall’s gifts?”

“We’re coming.”

We all carry the gifts and place them on the living room table. Dave counts the gifts.

“You have 45 gifts in total,” Dave says.

“Which one do you want to open first, baby?” Ady asks.

“This one,” she says, pointing to the one with Barbie wrapping.

“Open it, baby girl.”

She opens the gift with a huge smile on her face.

“Mommy, it’s a Barbie doll,” Vall says, showing her new doll.

(Timeskip after Vall opens her gifts)

Vall finishes opening her gifts, receiving a bunch of Barbie dolls and other toys. Drew and Zoe gave her a bike and a new iPad, while Ady and Dave gifted her with designer clothes.

“Say thank you to your aunties, baby,” I say.

“Thank you,” Vall says.

“What gift do you like the most, baby?” Dave asks.

“This one,” she says, pointing to the ukulele I bought her.

“I love this very much. I want to play some songs,” Vall says.

We all stare in awe.


“Mom, can you please bring me food?” I shout from the bedroom where Finneas and I are writing a new song.

“What kind of food?” she yells back.

“Maybe some burritos will do.”

I wrote a song about EVO, the love of my life, and it’s called “EVO" and  I let finneas listen to it.

"Good job, Bill. That was so cool. So when do you want to release that song? It’s actually really beautiful,” Fin said.

“I don’t know when, but I want EVO to hear it first,” I replied.

“Okay, just get EVO back as soon as you can,” Finneas said jokingly.

“Don’t pressure me, bozo.”

“No, I don’t. But please hurry the heck up because I want to meet her again,” Finneas said.

“Okay, jeez. We’re meeting up tomorrow, so hopefully, it’ll be a good start.”

“It will be, Bill. Just trust yourself,” Finneas said, patting my shoulder.

BROKEN VOWS // BILLIE EILISHWhere stories live. Discover now