It was not a mistake

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Ri-Young's POV:

The next morning I woke up to an empty bed beside me. I furrowed my eyebrows thinking of where Jimin could've went.

Is there any chance he went to see Mina this early in the morning?

Just as I thought of that, the hotel door opened with Jimin holding bags of snacks and drinks. I bought snacks a few days ago...

"Oh good, you're awake." He said as he closed the door. I eyed the plastic bags that he set on the table with a questioning look.

He seemed to take notice of my expression and decided to answer.

"Since we will be going back home tomorrow, I've decided that today we just stay in. You know, maybe put on some movies and watch the sunset from the balcony?"

Honestly, never in my life had I thought that this would happen. THE Park Jimin falling in love with me, having a vacation together and staying in one room. Years ago, this wouldn't be possible. Right, how could it be possible?

"Chim," I called out, fidgeting with my hands. He hummed in response and continued to put drinks in the fridge. I opened my my mouth to ask the question that I have been wanting to ask but then closed it again out of hesitation. What if I sound like I don't trust him? Will he get offended? Upset?

"A penny for your thoughts?" Jimin joked as he was suddenly next to me in bed, smiling. I widened my eyes as his lips pecked mine before getting under the covers to lay his head on my stomach. I smiled softly at the sight and decided to softly pat his head and raked my fingers through his hair. Its so soft..

"When did you realize that you love me?" I could feel him tense up before slowly relaxing after hearing that question suddenly coming out from my mouth. He took a deep sigh before getting up to sit straight.

"I-i'm sorry, its fine if you don't want to answer-" I could feel the sweat on my palm as I looked away from him, nervous. I knew I shouldn't have asked that, now he's gonna get grumpy and question my trust in him. But, I couldn't help but feel a tad bit curious. Okay, well not really little but I'm curious. It was quiet for some time before he decided to speak up.

"You know the saying, 'you don't know what you got till it's gone' ?" I nodded in understanding as he turned his face to look at me.

"During High School, I never really understood what they meant by that. I thought that if I got it, then i got it. My old cocky self truly did believe that whatever I got wont leave and will always be by my side. Even if it did leave, then I wouldn't care as much since that thing or that person was already mine once. I don't know if you're understanding this very well, but anyways. You know how my parents have been to me. Mom stopped caring about me when I entered middle school so it just became even more worse. Never once showing that they care, money is all they thought about. Fame, power and money is far much more important than their own son. So, me being the trouble maker and a dickhead I am in high school was just for show. Dating different girls, hanging out with the boys, bullying you when you first came, everything was just for show. All I ever wanted was attention and affection." He sighed and showed me a painful smile. I pulled him in to a hug and slowly rubbed his head. I never knew that all of the things he did in high school was just for show. We sometimes talk about our day back in high school but he never opened up more than telling me his parents are super busy parents that dont have time for their son.

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