No Thanks.

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It has already been four years since they met. Sakura displays her dislike of them, but she learned to coexist with no big issue.... Is what she would have liked to believe.
"Hey Adaline!"
Darius say right beside his sister and even gave her a plate of fruits. He choose her favorites.
"Thank you big brother!"
Adaline smiled up at him and allowed him to ruffle her hair. His eyes shared brotherly love and his relief of having his sister beside him. While thinking about what happened yesterday, he glances at Sakura and watches how she gets her own plate of fruit.
"Do you need help?"
He stands up but stopped midway.
"No thank you. I'm fine."
She didn't even glance at him and just continues scooping the fruit one by one. They all can see her struggling to scoop one piece by piece.
"It's no trouble. Let m-"
"Yeah, no. I'm fine. But thanks."
"Are y-"
"I'm sure."
Adaline was worried at her friends strange mood, she can already see from the moment she entered she was in a bad mood, but it seems to be worsen by the minute.
They can all see her mood plummeting when she didn't even allow him to finish his sentences. Usually she displays her dislike but she tries to be polite about it, yet she doesn't seem to even want to bother with pleasantries with them.
"He is just trying to give a helping hand. There is no need to snap at him. It's rude, especially if your a guest."
"Big brother!"
A 14 year old Adonis looked in disapproval toward Sakura, displaying his own dislike to her. Adaline rose her voice angrily at her brother, but Adonis just frowned her way.
"No one asked you for your opinion and I didn't expect to even stay overnight. Actually, I'm not hungry anymore. I'll head back and inform my father we should leave, I'm still tired from the recent incident and I'll feel more comfortable at my own bed."
He quickly shut up whatever he was going to say when he heard her last words. He quickly recalled that his sister wasn't the only one that suffered from a kidnapping, but Sakura as well.
Adaline glared at her brother in anger and quickly knew Sakura wasn't going to stay, even if her mother or her said something. Adonis as well noticed it and wished he hadn't spoke so soon.
He doesn't know why, but from the beginning of their meeting he knew she disliked him from the get go and he doesn't understand why. He tried to converse with her, yet she always shut him down before they could even get to know each other. He knew that over the years her dislike of them has lessened, but there is still a boundary casted by her to them and a few others.
But what surprises him so much of it all was this mixed feeling he gets from it, normally he wouldn't even bother with a person who is so blatant about their dislike of him, yet he actually tries to get close to her, even if it is just by tiny steps, he has a sense of need to be close to her.
'What is wrong with me? Why did I start an argument with her so quickly. I should have stayed silent and let her be. Dammit! I ruined the whole mood again and I really had no right to argue so quickly with her.'
Sapphire voice quickly snapped Adonis from his self-scolding and he knew he was in great trouble by the tone she used.
"Yes Mother."
He turns to look at Sakura's direction but she was already at the door without even waiting for the apology.
"Sakura dear."
Sapphire calls out to Sakura in worry. That's when the girl stopped and turn to look at her.
"There is no need for an apology. If you can excuse me Madam Envoy, I truly am tired and would like to rest."
Sakura did a light bow toward Sapphire, indicating that there is nothing else to say of the matter.
'I'm already in an unbalanced state with this new development of my father, I can't waste time acting with this two fools, especially when knowing because one of this idiots almost caused us to die.'
She grimaced and quickly looked away and didn't waste time waiting for the Stewart to fully open the door and has gone out. She quickly hears footsteps follow behind her, thinking it was the two guards who brought her there she just ignored it until she heard the voices.
The moment she heard that hesitant voice she quickened her steps and didn't bother to hear anything else leave those lips.
"Wait! Sakura!"
"Do not follow me!"
"I'm sorry! But please-"
"What did 'do not follow me' did you not understand!"
She quickly turns with a scowl and it deepened when she saw the fourteen year old who followed  silently followed behind the other one.
Darius followed her but didn't know why he did, when he saw her turn his back to him a sudden feeling of anxiety overcame him and he had to reach her. He didn't know why, but he was scared something would happen to her.
He wasn't a nice or naive guy who couldn't see her obvious dislike of them, but for some reason he can't leave her be, he feels like he has to watch over her and make sure nothing happens to her.
'But... from what? Why do I always get this fear every time I see her turn her back to me?'
"Are you going to say anything or what?"
He snapped out of his internal struggles and can see her already turning, he quickly reaches out and grabs hold of her wrist.
"Wait! I'm sorry! I must have done something to anger you, but please don't punish yourself without eating anything. Please go back and have something. You must not have had much to eat because of what happened. Please."
"Let. Go."
Her tone grew icy and her eyes stared at his hand as if she would cut it off if she could.
"Don't. Say. My. Fucking. Name you damn insect!"
Both boys flinched in surprise. Darius was startled with her dark tone, and he for the first time actually heard her curse at him.
"Do you know because of your stupidity both me and Adaline would have been caught much sooner and would have actually died out there."
"! Wha-"
Sakura at first couldn't think very logically when hearing the maid Rane in the forest, but after a while she quickly knew which of the two brother's told Rane of the hidden message and didn't even bother to inform another person after the maid told them to just wait in the room and "she'll inform the guards and his parents" about them needing assistance.
Knowing what type of person Adonis is, she can quickly tell it was Darius who unknowingly informed the enemy spy about the letter and giving them a head start on locating them.
'Adonis is a fool, but he isn't a total idiot. He would have quickly noticed if the maid sent for help or not with how his surrounding would react to the news of his sister being in danger. But this fucking idiot listened to the maid Rene and stayed in his room without bothering to leave it until much later when his worries just increased. I bet only then he noticed how quiet everything was and went running to find his mother; only to learn she hasn't heard anything and that's why they got a late start with sending reinforcements!'
"You fucking moron!"
Thinking of it more and more, her blood began to boil with rage when she looks at his clueless reaction.
"You stupidly let a spy find out that we discovered their plan! But that's not the worse of it! You listened like a well trained dog and waited in your room when she told you to. You fully trusted her when she said she'll inform the guards and your parents."
"! I thought s-"
"That is your problem! You thought and didn't act! I would have expected you who only acts before you think would leave  your damn room and looked for your mother to tell hers something stupid like 'I wanna go look for them!' Or something! Yet you "thought" and ended up delaying help on arriving to our side! You fucking baboon!"
A dark energy began to spread from her shadow and both boys quickly sensed it.
"Not good!"
Adonis quickly entered the fray to try appease her anger.
"Sakura! Calm down."
"Don't tell me what to do!"
Her gaze turn to him and her rage just grew.
'Both this bastards always annoy me in this life. Following me here and there when I come to visit Adaline! Why don't they act like they did in the last hundred lives of Sakura! Especially Adonis!! He would have cut his ties the moment he sees a person looking at him in distaste, yet here he is. Still conversing with me, looking at me and paying attention to me... I don't need it! I don't need you to still try and get close to me! You should have done that for the other Sakuras when they looked for people to believe in her, to stand beside her when she was falsely accused, when she wanted just the man she loved to believe her, but you never once did!'
After so many years, emotions she kept inside just burst; indignation, rage, jealousy, fear, and hope.
“Don't say my name with such care! Don't look at me with worry and care because I do not need it!"
She smacked Darius hand away and covered her ears and closed her eyes shut.
"I won't believe in you two, not again! I won't let myself break from being tossed to the side after letting myself to believe. So I won't! I hate you both. I hate you!!"
She said those last three words with a shaky shout. It looked as if she was telling them her hatred for them, but for some reason it appeared as if she was just assuring it to herself that she hates them, as if making sure that she still does.
"We know."
Adonis stepped in from of Darius and crouched to be on eye level to Sakura. He noticed something was happening but he didn't know what, however he at least knows he has to stop it before it causes damage to her.
He glances down and sees black magic moving around her and he narrows his eyes in concern.
'She is still too young to be able to release such magic, especially if she isn't in a state to control it. She can endanger her life if she keeps it up.'
"Sakura listen."
He reaches out and grabs her wrist and moved her hands to uncover her ears.
"Don't touch me!"
She moved her hand and unexpectedly slapped his cheek. The sound was loud and clear when her palm strike his face.
It snapped Sakura from her sudden mixed mind and astonished Darius that someone other than his mother and Adaline got his brother.
Adonis just slowly turns back to her and she can see a small red handprint form in his cheek.
"Don't worry. It is nothing."
Adonis disregarded what just happened and was relieved that that small smack was able to get her to refocus to her surrounding.
The magic she was releasing moments ago just diminished to nothing, as if it never appeared, and she looked at him with a complicated face.
"Why do you even try? I always show my distaste for you both, yet you two still stick beside me when I come to visit Adaline. Why?"
"... I do not know."
"I do not why I still bother with you. But I can not leave you alone. Maybe because I have watched you run around with Adaline and now view you as a second younger sister, or because I had watched you grow up. I just do not know."
His gaze was steady when he spoke. Not once looking away.
'I want to be there even if she hates my presence, it feels like I can never really hate her even when she is so adamant to hate me. Yet there are moments where I grow angry at her attitude, I feel like she has no right and I should argue against her! Yet they disappear just as quickly as they appear. My emotions always jumble up when it comes to her! Why Dammit!? Why being with her confused me so much that I end up becoming a mess? Where does my usual calm mind go? But I at least understand one thing; she can detest me, argue against me and ignore me and we may end up fighting, but I have to be beside her and keep her safe.'
Sakura can see some type of turmoil going through his mind and her own emotions calmed down. A contemplating look crossed her face and she began to wonder.
'Are they remembering? Do they receive fragment of memories of their past selves after the world repeats? Is that why so much is different in my life here? Because I'm not the only one who remembers!?'

A/N: can it be!? Are they remembering!?!?! Well IDK🤷‍♀️
I wonder how far this will go and I'm really getting writers block😅 each chapter I write from the top of my head with no real draft plans. I should really plan my writing better but them again I love my naps after a long days work. But anyway, here's the new chapter!! Enjoy

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