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Adonis can see wheels turning in her little head, however he can never understand where they turn. Sighing he stands and holds her hand to guide her back.
"Let's just head back to the dining area. It's not good for your health if you do not eat anything."
Sakura remained quite and surprisingly didn't shake his hand away. He ended up leading her all the way back with no confrontation from her part.
Darius quietly remained in the back following them. His head low and an air of sadness seeps out of him. When all three arrived by the entrance of the dining area. The guards quickly took notice of the strange atmosphere however they knew not to interfere lest they suffer for their meddling.
Sapphire called out in pleasant surprise seeing Sakura come back, even more so with her sons. However it turn to worry when she saw their attitude.
Adonis brought Sakura back, but they didn't argue or say anything snarky to each other like they would usually have. Even Darius who is normally like a active puppy doesn't say anything. The mood was awkward from what she can see and she wondered what occurred in those short minutes for the atmosphere to get like this.
"Saku! Are you ok?"
Adaline quickly got off from her seat and hurriedly ran to Sakura's side. From the beginning Adaline hadn't noticed the peculiar mood, but quickly after reaching their side noticed something strange.
Her older brother was actually guiding Sakura back while holding hands. To her, this situation is a miracle occurring before her eyes.
However, Sakura seemed different to everyone that moment. She just quietly looked to Sapphire and then to Adaline, a gaze that seem to say so much yet so little can be seen.
Hearing her nickname leave Adeline's mouth again she remained quiet for a while longer but then sighs and moves her hand away from Adonis's and silently walked to the chair she was on in the beginning. But not one word left her lips.
When she sits down, her back is straight and her posture is proper as a high noble.
"I apologize for the disrespectful behavior of mine. I do hope I have not ruined this morning-"
She paused when Sapphire stands and walks to stand beside her. Sakura's eyes waver in worry and she looks up to Sapphire who seems so tall to the 7 year old Sakura.
'Of course she would be mad. I disrespected her family and her authority with that bad attitude. Fuck, I ruined all my kissing up I've done all this years because of my stupid temper.'
Sakura didn't notice, but rather than anger at her careful planning maybe heading down the drain, she actually felt sad that she may have ruined her relationship with the first person she called "aunt" and who was so close to being a second mother to her.
However those feeling disappeared the moment she felt a caring touch on top of her head. Rather than scolding her or turning away from her. Sapphire choose to gently pat her and smile warmly at her.
Her eyes held gentle pampering and her touch was as if she was comforting her own child.
"Why apologize my dear Sakura? A child will throw a tantrum or two. I won't hold you in a bad light for just having one outburst."
Sapphire crouches a bit and looks at Sakura at eye level.
"You know Sakura. For the first time after so long, I sensed that may have been the first time you ever truly shown your anger and allowed it to move you. I actually appreciate that you were able to be.. "real?" Hahaha. No one would hate you just for showing your feelings. I am actually happy to actually see you show your emotions that much, usually I would only see a happy and a little spoiling attitude, but I'm no fool to not see what an act is or not. So it makes me feel you have actually opened up a bit more to me."
She moves her hand to carefully caresses Sakura's cheek and her smile warmed even more when she witnesses Sakura emotions full on display.
"But when you do get angry now and then. I hope you do not put such a distance between each other. It hurt a bit when I heard my sweet Sakura call me in such a distant way. I rather have my Sakura get mad while screaming out " Aunt Sapphire!" Hohoho! Now now, no need to cry."
"I'm not crying."
"Your not?"
"No. I just have dust in my eyes."
"Oh~ I see, dust huh. Then let me help you blow it away."
"I don-!"
Sapphire plants light kisses in Sakura's eye lids and brushed away the tears that appear.
"There we go! I blew away the dust. You feel much better?"
Sakura looked down and just let Sapphire gently brush her hands through her bang and again pat her head while standing straight again.
"It is fine to take your time my dear Sakura. I will always be beside you and will have my arms open to whatever you have in store."
She didn't want to push Sakura too much, and she feels that even Sakura may not know her own feelings at the moment, she begins to turn so she can return to her seat but stops when she feels a light tug. Looking down she sees Sakura's hand holding her dress.
"... Thank you aunt Sapphire."
She can see a light blush in those childish cheeks and had to hold back from letting out a earth shattering squeal when she saw this adorable display.
"A-any time my dear Sakura."
Sakura let's go and uses the time that everyone heads to their seats to compose her feelings. Looking up she sees Darius looking at her. When he noticed that she finally looked up and saw him staring he quickly looks away.
'... I may have really said too much to the kid. I mostly just took my anger out on him and was too rough with the way I spoke to him. I should apologize after eating.'
Sighing again she sees him glancing toward her now and then. She can see his emotions on full display and can even smell the depression seeping out of him with each glance.
'... I definitely got to get this kids mood up again. He was always so easy to read and feeling his gaze and air of deep sadness is starting to make me feel guilty. The dark mood really is seeping out of him... talking about dark stuff. My dark magic again seeped out at my emotion distress. I really have to fix that.'
Thinking about it some more, Sakura brows furrowed in perplexity.
'If I think about it some more. This and the incident in the forest isn't the first times I felt such emotional turmoil. Yet I never had an incident where my magic energy seeped out so much that others noticed... or maybe I have, but in those times no one said anything so I actually don't know.'
Finding something strange in it. She felt like her father may know something about it so she knew after this she has to head to the room and have a talk with him.
'Hopefully he is in a state to answer those questions.'
A voice unexpectedly called out to her and she turns to the person. Adonis looks at her and she can see question in his eyes. He glances around and only spoke when he made sure no one is in the dining room with them.
"What is it?"
Surprisingly Sakura didn't answer back with displeasure or a snarky response. But spoke quite calmly with him.
"How is it possible for magic energy to seep out of you in such a way?"
"!? Magic energy!?"
Sapphire was startle to hear that and quickly turns to Sakura.
"You can use magic at that age!? But how! That is dangerously for a child your age! Did someone teach you behind Mihkael's back!? Who dares too!"
Sapphire emotions begin to rile up at the thought someone forcefully teaching magic to a child before the 8th birthday. If taught any earlier than that, the child's life could be put on stake with their body not developing to take in that magic power, it may lead the magic to break the body like burning them inside or exploding the heart. She remembered when as a child she heard of the corrupted cult forming experiments on kidnapped or orphaned children and the horrid consequences those children had to suffer.
"Please calm down Aunt Sapphire! No one forced me to learn how to accumulate magic into my body! So please calm down, it'll be bad for the baby!"
"Then how!?"
"My body just does!"
"I-I don't know since when, but it seems when I get really really angry, a type of magic starts to seep out and- and I just don't know why!"
"To already being able to collect magic into your body at your age... how is it possible?"
This was an unheard of situation, especially since they don't know how to pinpoint at what age it began.
'But for her body to already release magic, it can be said to be quite the strong level. Yet if she wasn't taught how to collect it then her body itself gathers it! From what age did it start!? If it started recently then maybe her body developed a bit early before her 8th birthday, that isn't unheard of, maybe once or twice it has happened in our history. However if it was much earlier... then it is best to get the guys to learn of this and quickly teach her to control it. It would be quite the predictable if she releases it again and receives unwanted attention by the wrong people. But I wonder what magic it is? Maybe spatial or earth magic.'
Those two magic where the first to enter Sapphire thoughts. Mostly because from Sakura's appearance and especially the eyes, the shade of a light brown and silvery specks give those choices to her. When a person looks in another's eyes, they can guess what type of magic a person is proficient in. In a way, the saying "the eye is the window to the soul" can well be taken literally in this life.

Because which magic you are the most compatible with is displayed by the eyes. They say that the gods join together and decide who receives their blessing when creating a soul for their world, so whichever color it is, you receive that gods favor, even if it was just for a fleeting reason of creating you.
But it isn't unheard of someone being able to use other magic that isn't displayed in their eyes. Just that they can't use it to such high proficiency and it would not develop to a higher point of lower-tier. So people like Gabriel and his sons are considered peculiar that they can use magic out of their range of magic choices at such high proficiency. It can actually grow to maybe mid-tier or even high-tier. People believe they may be favored by the gods.
"It appears to be dark magic?"
Even Adonis found it strange when he spoke of the magic she was releasing.
"Dark magic!? But how, that does- wait."
Sapphire found it absurd when she heard her son's answer. She turns to look into Sakura's eyes and quickly took notice of her eyes again.
"... is it possible?"
'Her pupil and the rims of the iris is more prominent than most eyes. But normally no one takes notice and just takes it to be a bit more bold. It was over shadowed by the silver that seems to fuse with it, making people think it's a dark and light shade of silver. And the light brown that almost seems like amber takes the most attention and pops out. So people would actually expect it to earth magic to be her most comparable magic. Truly, what a well hidden magic! People would expect any type of spatial or earth magic, but would be shocked or immobile at the sudden use of dark magic. This is quite the trump card up her sleeves!'
"How fascinating! However we should speak to your father about this Sakura. It is best to not be noticed before your 8th birthday, lest you get unwanted attention like Adaline."
With that thought her expression became even more serious.
"We should speak of this at another time, where everyone else can come together and see what should be done. For now Sakura, I shall have my sons stay with you till we all can meet up together. Please allow it for just a while."
Sapphire knew of Sakura dislike of her kids but she knew her sons where someone to not to recon with. They already reached 4th stage of mid-tier with one type of magic and the other types  aren't far behind, and with their high man pool, people have to think twice about going against them.
Sakura easily agreed and looks to the boys.
'Looks like it's time to reconcile with this brats.'

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