The First Meeting of Lifelong Friends Pt.2

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While his parents get interrogated by their friends in their child raising, Gabriel just arrives at the group of friends who are chatting away. He stands behind them awkwardly, he doesn't know how to interact with other children close to his age and was thinking of millions of ways how to start a conversation.

But it seems he didn't have to worry any longer, a boy with blue hair and deep blue eyes, as if seeing the sea and seems to be the oldest already noticed Gabriel, and his predicament. He looks at his friends and then at Gabriel, so they get to notice the new boy too.

"Hello, is there something you need?"
The older boy walks up to Gabriel and spoke to him, Gabriel looks up at the boy and quickly did a noble bow.

"Um! Uh.. y-yes! Oh um actually no. No wait um! I- I was actually sent here by the adults, they said their children are here, so they send me here to interact with you all. Oh! I'm sorry, I should introduce myself first, my name is Gabriel Envoy" Gabriel was stumbling with his words, he was nervous since this will be the first time he got to speak to children his age, he didn't know why he was rambling on and felt that he is making the situation go downhill.

'You idiot! Did you forget all that etiquette classes and how to begin conversations just like that!'
Gabriel started to reprimand himself and didn't know what else to say.

The older boy can see Gabriel's dilemma and looked at where the boy pointed at, only to see his mother give him one of those looks 'you better behave! Or else.'

When he thought that was what the look signifies, he can only let out a self pity laugh, he then turns back to the awkward kid.

'He seems to be 10 or so years old, this is the first time I have ever seen him' the older boy looks at Gabriel and the first thing he notices was the light mocha skin of the boy, it represents the boy being of mixed blood, since in this area there are few who have such skin, the boy has soft wavy hair, the color of mixed green, but the one that pops out the most was emerald.

Then the eyes that were round, the irises a mix of emeralds and dark pink, giving his a unique feel, like a rose blooming while surrounded by greenery. The boys lips downturn, but all together, seems like a lost forest nymph, descending the first time in human society.

While thinking that, the boy leaves his thoughts and smiles down at the kid.
"Hello Gabriel, my name is Jonathan, I'm the son of Mike and Elena Topaz, it's a pleasure to meet you, from what I can see, you must be the son of uncle Luke and aunt Ivory."

The boy reaches his hand out to shake Gabriel's. When he saw how welcoming the older boy was, Gabriel smiled, flowers seem to bloom out around him, causing Jonathan to feel even more so as if Gabriel matches a tree nymph.

Taking Jonathan's hand and shaking it, Gabriel was too happy that he didn't let go after, causing Jonathan to stare at their hands. The boy just sighs and turns to his friends, adjusting the hands so they were holding hands and not in an awkward handshake pose. Gabriel became even more happy and started to swin their arms a bit.

"...I see a puppy wagging his tail happily." One of the children blurt out, while another hits her in the back of the head for speaking her thoughts out loud, yet they were all thinking the same thing.

"Guys, this is Gabriel, the son of uncle Luke and aunt Ivory, introduce yourself to him."

"Hey, I'm Adam, 12 years old, son of John and Emerald Evergreen" The boy had marigold hair, the eyes the same with a mixture of honey, giving a autumn calming feel, the exact opposite of his personality, then another girl pushes the boy away and does a lady bow,"and I'm Eve, daughter of John and Emerald Evergreen, twin sister of Adam." Her hair was the color of honey, but the eyes the same as Adam's.

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