Too Close | Joe Liebgott

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        It was hell

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        It was hell. That was the only way to describe Bastogne. It was none stop fighting and shelling, it seemed like everyone around Joe was dying. Besides that it was so cold.
Faye snuggled up into Joe as she was beyond cold.
She was tiny and barely 5'2.
Joe kissed her head cheek and wrapped his arms tight around the girl he fell in love with at Toccoa.
"It's chilly today," Faye broke the silence.

"Yeah it is," he sighed rubbing her knuckles to keep them warm. She leaned her head against his chest
Shelling started to go off and men were getting pulled from foxholes bloody and dead.
Faye sighed and put her helmet on and slung her gun onto her shoulder and climbed out of the foxhole.

"Where are you going!" I yelled at her.

"They need help Joe!" She ran over to where Toye was laying. Before Joe watched her get hit with shelling.
It all happened in slow motion, Faye laid on the ground staring up at the sky.
Why could she not hear anything, everything was momentarily glossed over.
She hurt so bad but she didn't know what was going on.
She saw a figure above her that instantly started pressing pressure to her shoulder. Along with screaming something and momentarily looking back at her.

"Medic!" Joe yelled, Doc was with Toye. Joe sighed and wrapped the bandage around where Fayes arm was now gone and around her chest.
He pulled her up and over his shoulder as he ran through the shelling to where he could find an ambulance.

Faye sighed as her vision was clearing up at the slightest. There was a strong grip on her as the person sat in a Jeep and it started moving.
There was hot, gooey stuff all over her.
She could feel a strong hand pushed to her shoulder as she took shaky breaths. Even if it felt like nothing was making it to her lungs.

Joe stared at Faye as they drove in town. She had mud and her own blood splattered over her face. Her eyes were glossed over and she was taking short breaths.
Her blood was all over Joe.
Her blood.
As the Jeep stopped Joe ran into the hospital and they got her on a cot right away and began working at her.
"Keep her awake Liebgott," Roe instructed after he had gotten Toyes bleeding to stop.

Fayes vision came back and she could hear the rushing and screams of injured soldiers.
Why was she here?
"Hey Mousey," Joe smiled at her, except Faye knew this smile. Faye even used this smile on dying solider before.

"Joey," she breathed out almost inaudible.

"Yeah I'm right here," I smiled at her.

"Liebgott hold the bandages," Doc called. Joe sighed and pressed the bandaging against her missing arm.

"Joe what's going on," she turned her head slowly and made eye contact with the man she loved.

"Mousy you remember our plans for after the war?" Joe asked desperately trying to make sure she would stay awake and live through this.

"Mhm, we're going to go sight seeing. You're going to show me all around Frisco'" she mumbled. Doc gave her two shots of morphine. Joe returned the look to her as the blood seeped through.

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