Ice Cream-Webgott

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    Joe and David walked down the aisles of the local supermarket trying to find everything they'd need to last their household the rest of the week.
"Next on the list?" Joe signed, slowing down his pace so he could see David's hands.
"Gene's frozen vegetables, then ice cream." David signed and pushed the carts into the frozens aisle. Joe took the list from the cart and grabbed out two bags of broccoli, corn, and some mixed ones.
Joe put them in the cart and Joe led them to the ice cream aisle.

"What brand?" Joe looked over at David.

"Ben and Jerrys," David finger spelt, "We're getting Phish Food right?"

"No, it's my turn to pick." Joe signed, narrowing his eyes at David.

"You picked last week, I swear because Babe ate all of it." David signed fast an accusing expression on his face.

"No Babe picked last week and then it's my turn you picked the week before," Joe scoffed as his signing started to become a bit more aggressive.

"Joe, I swear we just had cookies and cream." David furrowed his eyebrows.

"No, we just had your shark ice cream or whatever." Joe hissed, his signing getting clipped.

"Whatever that's why you like the most basic flavor," David shook his head. They began to gather attention from the other customers in the store. Some stopped and stared as the two men aggressively moved their hands at each other. David was voicing some of it from it just being a force of habit but stopped once he knew people were looking at him.

Joe let out a hiss, "David this is ridiculous just let me buy the damn ice cream." As his hands moved a Walmart employee came over.

"Uh Sir, is everything okay?" The employee clasped his hands together looking at the couple. David turned and it took Joe a moment before he looked over.

"Yes everything is fine," David sighed, rubbing his forehead.
Joe grabbed two containers of Ben and Jerry's out of the freezer and put it in the cart.

"Can you direct us to where you guys have sun dried tomatoes?" Joe signed and David translated. The employee sighed and led them to the canned aisle.

"You guys got in a fight in a Walmart?" Babe signed, raising his eyebrows, listening to them as they put away groceries.

"Over fucking ice cream because Web won't ever be wrong." Joe signed and grabbed his ice cream out of the freezer.

"Yeah well it was my turn," Web rolled his eyes.

"No it wasn't," Joe started over again.
Babe grabbed a pudding cup and backed away to his room while the couple fought.

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