Day One: Put That PSL Down-Baberoe/Male OC

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Prompt: Character A tries to convince Character B that it's too early to put the Halloween decorations up OR that it's too early to get the house ready for winter.

Prompt: Character A tries to convince Character B that it's too early to put the Halloween decorations up OR that it's too early to get the house ready for winter

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"Babe Heffron put the pumpkin spice latte down now," Gene huffed as he came into the shared apartment at yet a too long pushed out day at the hospital.

"Are you gonna yell at him too?" Babe pointed to Graham who held his PSL too.

"Both of you where did you even get those? The house?" Gene looked around a stupid smile on his face. It was September first and his boyfriends had already decorated for Halloween.

"Doesn't it look nice?" Graham smirked as Gene came into the kitchen setting his lunch bag down to unpack.

"Yes it looks very nice but summer ain't even over yet." Gene looked at the both as they sat at the table. A bright orange table cloth with little black bats on that staring back at him.

"Yeah, yeah, in the bayou you don't do your Halloween voodoo till the 31st." Babe poked fun at Gene and his odd Pagan traditions.

"Makin' my sweet old grandmother roll around in her grave." Gene chuckled as he put away his lunch mess.

"We made dinner too it's just in the oven still." Graham said.

"Pumpkin flavored pancakes?" Gene raised an eyebrow half hoping it was.

"No! But I wish!" Babe pouted, "Tomorrow."

"Now are we gonna have pumpkin flavored everything and plastic skeletons in our apartment till Thanksgiving?" Gene asked as he sat at the table.

"You bet," Graham nodded.

"Should we tell him about the 12 foot skeleton George bought?"

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