Day Three: Aliens? -Baberoe

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Character A turns up at a support group for people who claim to have been abducted by aliens.

Character A turns up at a support group for people who claim to have been abducted by aliens

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The red head bounced his leg nervously as it was his turn to speak at the support group.

"So I haven't been abducted by aliens but, I think my boyfriend is one of them." Babe spoke up, the group shared gasps and sat forward looking at him.

"I feel like I'm crazy but I lost my favorite pair of socks the other day and he knew exactly where they were. Plus I swore I saw his eyes change from blue to green. Then he just seems to know so much about space and other planets." Babe explained.

Gene had somehow beat Babe home, it was weird Babe usually never left the house after five.

Babe kicked off his shoes as he blindly hung up his keys by the door. He saw Genes work shoes on the floor and realized he had about 10 seconds to come up with a valid enough excuse of where he was.

What if Gene was gonna abduct him and cut him open and perform experiments on him. Take him a million light years away to his planet, oh my god what if Gene could shape shift?

"Edward?" Gene called from the kitchen. Babe looked around as he poked his head around the corner.

"What're you doing?" Babe asked keeping himself safe from the wall between the kitchen and the dining room.

"Unpacking my lunch...what are you doing?" Gene furrowed his eyebrows, confused on why Babe was acting like this.

"Nothing," Babe shrugged, walking into the kitchen keeping distance from Gene and refusing to make eye contact.

Gene was really good at reading body language and he felt his stomach drop. "You don't have to answer me but are you cheating?" Never in a million years would he think that Babe was cheating but this was strange behavior for him.

Babe turned bright red and then made eye contact with Gene, "No...god no...never. If I tell you where I was will you not get mad at me or think I'm crazy?"

"If you're gonna tell me you're sleeping with Bill I don't wanna hear about it." Gene narrowed his eyes as he opened up the empty container and put it in the dishwasher.

"No! Why would I? No...I, uh, was at a support group for people who have been abducted by aliens..." Babe looked up at the ceiling. Gene felt a smile grow onto his face and he bit his lip to keep himself from laughing. Babe had a very overactive imagination.

"Have you been abducted by aliens, Babe?" Gene came over to the other side of the island table and took the other's hand.

"Are you going to abduct me right now?" Babe looked down at the absolute love of his life.

"Abduct you to our bedroom? Maybe. But definitely not abduct you to Planet Louisanna." Gene smiled and kissed Babe's knuckles.

"Planet bedroom sounds kinda nice." Babe smirked and shot a wink to the other as he squeezed Gene's hand.

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