Back Story | Baberoe

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A/N: hi I'm doing Writober and the first prompt was backstory! So I picked my favorite Baberoe au and decided I wanted to do a back story on Babe and Gene in Make Me Feel Loved Again! Hope you enjoy!

Babe and Gene first met when Babe moved to Frisco from Philly. Everyday since his 13th birthday he'd rub the faint words on his wrist.
"oh je suis désolé mon amour." Was what they read. When his friend Bill saw they googled it and odd enough it was "Oh I'm sorry my love."
So that always left Babe wondering if it was going to be some out of country trip where he would find his soulmate. He kind of sure hoped it wouldn't be. He didn't want to move out of Philly. He loved it there.

But then his parents divorced and next thing he knew his mother was dragging him across the country.
Away from Philly.
And away from Bill.

Babe walked into the big school and instantly felt lost. He sighed and walked into the office. He'd need to start his day here Anyways. He had gotten a tour earlier that week.

"Edward Heffron. Great to see you!" A short lady stood up out of her desk and sifted through some papers before handing Babe a schedule.
"Do you want someone to walk you from class to class or do you think you got it?" She asked.

"I think I got it, thank you." Babe nodded and looked at his paper before wandering off into the hall. He glanced up and down a few times trying to find his first hour.
Then he felt his body collide with another. Or maybe two. He looked up to see one of the boys had to collapse to the floor and the other rushed to help him up.

"Oh shit sorry," Babe mumbled. The golden brown haired one smiled as he stood up.

"Hey it's okay!" He nodded. Babe looked a little puzzled as the taller boy next to him had his hands signing all kinds of things.

"Uhm Joe here is just a little pressed but he's no harm." David signed and spoke and finished before grabbing Joes hands and placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Well if you don't mind I'm new and I need help finding some classes?" Babe asked.

"Oh! Yeah I'd love to help but I have a precalc test this morning. I'll text a friend he'd love to help." David signed and took out his phone.
"Oh I'm David by the way. This is my other half Joe."

"Hi I'm Edward but only the nuns call me that. I go by Babe." He nodded and watched as David translated to Joe for him.

"Okay we have a short boy coming probably in a cheer uniform. So yeah keep an eye out for him. Good meeting you Babe!" David spoke fast and pulled Joe along with him to finish their make out session.
Babe sighed and fiddled with his paper.
Had he already fucked up?
He couldn't have?
Maybe Joe was just moody today?
Maybe he's always like that?
Babe sighed and looked up as a bell rang and he panicked mentally.

"Oh you must be the newby!" A short boy with brown hair smiled as he jogged over. And as David said sported a cheer uniform.
"Hi I'm George," he shook Babes hand, "Sorry about the outfit we have a game tonight and it's just school tradition."

"Uhm hi, can you help me to my class?" The red head asked as he was over whelmed with anxiety by this boy's peppiness.

It wasn't until next week he'd meet Gene.
He sat on the bleachers with his new friends as Joe lit up a blunt and passed it around.

"Want some hun?" George took a drag and passed it to his boyfriend that was also named Joe.

"No! You know they piss test us on the football team stupid!" Joe sighed and watched as George passed it to Babe. He looked down at his hands. The rolled paper with the green herb tightly rolled. He brought it up to his lips and took a hit.
He had only ever had edibles with Bill before. He started coughing and the friends erupted in laughter.
He heard bouncing steps coming up and didn't pay no mind to it until the person tripped and fell into Babe. The lit end hit Babes leg and he hissed in pain as it burned onto it.

"oh je suis désolé mon amour." The person spoke. Babe didn't even notice as his wrist stung and the words disappeared. He couldn't stop thinking of the searing pain on the new found burn.

"What!?" Babe raised his voice slightly as he clenched his eyes shut and held his hand over the burn.

"Let me help," Gene pushed George aside and sat next to Babe. Both of them going so fast they couldn't process that they had found each other.
Gene poured the contents of his water bottle onto the burn making it feel better for a split second.
Gene looked up to grab something else and his face went pale as the words disappeared.
Babe noticed and the pain was gone with shock and they stared at each other.

"Soulmates..." Gene spoke and signed slowly.

"I think..." Babe tripped over his words as his eyes laid open and shocked.

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