Lasting Impressions | Webgott

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Lieb pulled his lips together in a scowl as he side eyed the guy with Carmel brown hair and seemingly perfect everything as he told Perconte about how he was studying Literature at Harvard.
"Who does this guy think he is." Lieb scoffed to no one in particular as he made his bed in the barracks to Sobels seemingly too high expectations.

"Who? Web?" George looked up from where he was lacing up his boots on the bed next to Liebs.

"Fuck." Lieb rolled his eyes as he could suddenly feel everyone's eyes on him.

Web was uneasy around Lieb from that day on. He had a spit fire attitude and seemed to really hate Web for no reason.

"Y'know I still don't hate you." Lieb tapped his cigarette against the ash tray on their table as Web was zooming around the kitchen getting ready for his work day.

"What?" David turned looking at his boyfriend. It had been five years since the war ended and for only one of those years had they been sharing a small apartment in San Francisco.
Yeah it was 'just as friends' but surely that's the exact opposite of what the two did behind closed doors.

"How you said I hated you back at Toccoa?" Lieb brought it up every once in awhile.

Web sighed not in the mood for an argument or whatever Lieb was looking for when he brought it up. "I know, Joe." Web sighed sliding his journal into his brown satchel.
"I know you don't hate me anymore because you love me. You won't say it but I know you do." Web bent down giving Lieb a kiss on the cheek, "Now have a good day. I love you."

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