Dog Park-Luztoye

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       Joe smiled as he unclipped Petunia's leash and she ran free into the dog park. While kinda did her little hop as fast as she could. Considering she was missing her front right leg. Something George was far too proud about when he brought her home.

"Joe!" George smiled, greeting his husband at the door after he'd arrived home from work. Gym bag slung around his shoulder and his empty coffee bottle in the other.

After Joe's amputation George and Joe decided to open a gym together although George literally hates working out and if you get this reference 'would rather sit on the couch and eat potato chips' but he does all the business part and Joe does fitness classes and personal training. He loves that fellow amputees come to the gym because they feel welcome and George is so Proud of Joe.

"Hey pumpkin," Joe set his bag down and untied his shoes.

"So you know how we kept talking about getting a dog?" George smiled nervously as he clasped his hands together.

"Yeah..." Joe raised his eyebrow suspicious of what his husband was up to this time.

"Well," George hurried out of the mudroom and down the hallway into the laundry room. Joe heard some scuffling before a very round brown and white pitbull hopped down the hallway over to Joe. Joe's smile was ear splitting as he carefully kneeled down to greet the dog. He of course noticed she was missing her right leg in front.

"She's just like you Joe! Strong, tough, and missing her right leg." George smiled and petted the dog as she gave Joe kisses.

"What's her name?" Joe looked up at George.

"Petunia. Babe called me when animal control brought her in and I knew she'd be perfect for us." George kneeled down too and petted the dog giving her all the love.
That day on Petunia became like the child they never had. They did all their family pictures with her, brought her everywhere, hell they have brought her to the gym while they've worked.

Stupid county law, Joe seore had it out to get Joe. But pit bulls were required to wear muzzles while out of the home. Joe thought it was the most ridiculous law. His Petunia would never hurt a fly.
Joe was on his early morning walk with her while George slept in.
Joe sported a grey muscle shirt with black athletic shorts on his prosthetic protruding out the leg of the shorts. Joe sat on the bench and watched Petunia run free. He rubbed the top of his thigh where the flesh disappeared into the socket of his leg.
He took out his phone scrolling through instagram, posting on his Snapchat pictures of Petunia at the park, looking at recipes for the week's meal planning.
Joe had been there for about fifteen minutes when a blonde woman in her late 30's entered the dog park. Joe looked up and noticed the car parked had three barking chihuahua's in it. The woman stomped over to Joe. Petunia hopping over to her owners side.

"Excuse me sir would you mind leaving the park?" She crossed her arms looking down at where Joe was sitting on the bench. He sighed standing up and looking at her.

"Ma'am my dog won't even bother yours, she's really friendly." Joe sighed trying to reason with the lady. Petunia was panting and drinking from the collapsible dog bowl thru her basket muzzle Joe brought with them on the walk.

"Well dogs like that can't be trusted." She motioned to Petunia.

"Because she's a pit?" Joe raised his eyebrow looking at the women.

"Yeah. There's a reason there's county laws about them." She rolled her eyes like Joe was stupid.

"Unless your dogs aren't friendly there's no reason why I'd have to leave. Petunia doesn't take interest in other dogs and if she does she's playful and not mean." Joe was ready to lay down his life for his Petunia, "She plays with my friends dogs just fine."

"Well," the woman began.

"No, we will leave. People like you are the reason my darling has to wear a muzzle for no reason." Joe started rambling as he clipped Petunia's leash back on her harness and poured out the rest of her bowl of water,  putting it in his pocket, "Ignorance." Joe rolled his eyes as him and Petunia left the dog park.

"I'm sorry sweety you don't listen to her. You're perfect and sweet. Me and mom will take you down to the lake to play fetch in the water later." Joe spoke to Petunia as they began their walk home.

Joe filled Petunia's water bowl with fresh cold water and started preparing her breakfast. Kibble, some cooked stew meat they had for her. Some oils for her coat and muscle soreness. Joe set the bowls down for her and she chowed down.

"What's got your panties in a twist?" George yawns recognizes his husband's negative body language grumbling to himself as he comes down the stairs.

"Some fucking Karen saying Petunia would hurt her dogs so we had to leave the dog park." Joe rolled his eyes as he made his assortment of workout drinks for work today.

"Fuck her," George rolled his eyes walking to the coffee pot.

"For real, Petunia is literally scared of flies and Malarkey's cat." Joe sighed watching the pit chow down her breakfast.

"For real, some people are just so ignorant." George put coffee grounds in the coffee pot and watched their gentle dog daughter.

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