Sweet Serenity | Joe Liebgott

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      It was cold that day in Bastogne

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      It was cold that day in Bastogne. Helena and Joe cuddled in their foxhole as they awaited battle.
"Joe," she sniffled looking up at him. She wasn't used to his newfound scruff on his face.

"Mhm," he ran his thumb over her knuckles to keep her hands warm.

"When this is over, if we make it out." Helena began.

"Hey don't say that we promised each other were both going to live okay?" Joe sat up slightly pulling Helena up with him.

"I know, I remember. What's our plan?" She sighed.

"Well, I'm gonna get my job back at the cab company and you can do whatever you want for work hun. But we're gonna get our dream house and raise our kids there." Joe hummed holding both of her hands now her back pressed against his chest.

"We're going to have some cute kids," she smiled looking up at Joe.

"Yeah we are, I can't wait for all the little Liebgotts to run around." He smiled thinking of a future with the love of his life.
Gunshots were heard, "Enemy fire!" Someone yelled and Joe and Helena both than separated and started firing. Helena began to get out.

"Where the hell are you going?" Joe yelled at her.

"They need extra help over there!" She nodded down a few fields. Joe sighed as Helena ran off but not before getting hit and falling to the ground. This altered Joe and he ran across the snow-ridden forest.
He picked her up and ran over to where the medics with her.

"Joe I'm fine," she winced as blood ran from her chest.

"This is not the time Helena," he looked at a medic for help.
A medic got in the driver's seat of a Jeep and Joe held Helena with his hand pressed against her chest holding bandages.
Her blood was all over his hands and he was panicked.
They arrived at the makeshift hospital and he ran in and set her on a bed. Nurses gathered around and assessed the situation.
Joe sat down next to her and held her hand.

"Hey look at me," Joe rubbed Helena's hand. Helena chewed on her lip and looked at her boyfriend. She'd be lying if she wouldn't admit she was tired.

"Keep her awake Joe," one of the nurses said as they cut her open.

"Hey Helena," Joe held her hand and kissed her knuckles.

"Mhm?" She winced in pain looking at Joe. He knew this was serious even if Helena was downplaying it.

"Remember our plans? Yeah, I need you to pull through so we can get that big house in Frisco." He pushed some hair out of her face.
Her heart was failing.
Helena couldn't bear to keep her eyes open.

"Hey hey sweetheart," Joe turned her cheek gently so she was looking at him, "I need you to stay with me."

"I love you," she mumbled as she was growing weaker and could barely hold Joe's hand anymore. Her vision was blurring trying to keep her gaze on the love of her life.

"I love you too Helena, but you're not going anywhere," Joe kissed her knuckles again. He needed her to pull through, who else was he going to raise kids with?

"Joe, it's okay." She sighed trying to stay awake.

"No! Hey hey look at me you're going to be okay!" He pleaded with her. Deep down both knew she wasn't making out of this alive.

"Live our dream for me," Helena pleaded with him.

"Hey you're not going anywhere, she's going to be okay right Doc?" Joe argued with her, "Right Roe? Fuck! Helena stop it look at me." He clasped her hand around hers tighter.

"Joey it's okay," she said with another raspy breath as the bleeding wouldn't stop.

"Fuck! Helena! You're going to be okay!" Joe ran his other hand through her thick brown hair.

"I love you Joe," was the last thing she mumbled out.

"Roe! She's going to be okay right!?" Joe had tears building up in his eyes. He knew in his heart that she was gone.

"Lieb..." Roe looked at him, he took Helena's dog tags off of her setting them in Joe's hands.

"Get him out of here Nix," Winters said as they watched the two, young love birds finally be separated.

"Liebgott come on they need you on the front," Nix sighed resting his hand on the man's shoulder. Joe stood there silently with his fist closed around Helena's dog tags.

"Roe, open her jacket and under her shirt, she has a Star of David necklace. Send it back to her family, along with these." Joe tried to put the tags in Roe's hands.

"Lieb you're going to give them to her family yourself," Winters ordered as he unclipped the silver necklace off of Helena and put it in Joe's hands. Joe took one long look at Helena's lifeless body. This would be the last time he'd see her, touch her, hold her. God damn it he didn't know how to operate without her.

"Lieb we gotta go," Nix pushed the taller man out the door. Joe pocketed her belongings and put his helmet back on. All not in his favor, but he'd live and tell Helena's family how wonderful and amazing their daughter was.

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