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"I saw her... in my dreams." He spoke dreamily. I rubbed his back, didn't know what to do and how to respond to him. I just listened.

"She was so pretty... like you and me, of course." At this rate, I had a feeling that he might fell asleep while dreaming about his daughter that he saw in his dream.

Will he be surprised when he found out that the daughter he dreamt of actually exists? Will she be the her he expected, just like in his dream?

"Take some rest, James. I have to go now." I placed my hand on the back of his neck and squeezed it lightly. I tried to broke away while pushing him slightly.

He looked defeated as we broke away. I gestured for him to sat down and he did. I caress his cheek before taking my leave.

He didn't stop me this time. So, I don't have to face his pleading face. I walled out of the house and found Nicholas and Benjamin.

"What are you two doing there?" I asked them, looking at Benjamin and then to Nicholas. A car is ready behind them which confused me even more.

"I'm taking you home." Nicholas started and I raised my eyebrow at him in question.

"I don't need a ride home, Nicholas." I replied firmly, giving him a look that said so.

"You do, Ma'am." I frowned deeper when I heard him called me 'Maam'.

"Are you out of your mind?" I whispered screamed to him and took closer steps towards them.

"No, Ma'am." Once again, he shook his head. I knew this better. He only did this when he wanted me to oblige him. They would annoy me with that 'Maam' thing until I gave in to them.

"Open the door then." I sighed, pointed to the door with my chin. Nicholas smiled and happily opened the door for me. I got into the car and waited for him to got in as well. I am not sure if Benjamin is coming along, but when he hopped in, I knew the both of them had something to talk to.

"So, where am I taking you?" Nicholas asked, looking through the rearview mirror.

"Diane's house." I replied.

"You live there now?" I nodded. "By yourself?" He asked again and I answered his question with a nod.

"You really divorced him," Benjamin stated. "He must have hurt you deeply." He continued and then looked back at me. "Are you okay?" He looked concerned as he asked about my wellbeing.

"Of course, those times heal me." I was not lying about that.

"I hope it does." Benjamin said and Nicholas agreed with him. They were my family and I am glad that they were concerned about me and still waiting for me.

We arrived at my house, but Nicholas turned off the engine. I panicked for a second but quickly regained my calmness.

"Thank you for the ride, guys. I appreciate it, really. Take good care of him while I'm away." I said as I was getting ready to hop out.

"We've been doing that since you were gone. Well, we're not doing a very great job at that, but he lives." Benjamin said a matter of factly. He was right, there was no one else but them and Diane.

"Well, I should thank you. See you soon, guys." I bidder goodbye and hopped out of the car. I made my way to the house with a quick-paced before they called me back.

I'm going to start working soon and my thought drifted to my daughter. I couldn't leave her all day, I'll miss her then. But brought her to his house was not an option too.

Vincenzio hired the babysitter and paid for her, but I felt bad for him to do such a thing. Because my daughter was not his responsibility.

"Ma'am." Nina, the babysitter called me as soon as I walked into the house.

"Yes, Nina?" I asked, facing her to see what seem to be the problem.

"Mr. Nicole was here before you got home. He wanted to see baby Fiorelli, but she was asleep." She informed me and my heart picked a quick pace. Did he stoop so low that he tried to meet Fiorelli when I was away?

"Did he saw her?" I asked timidly.

"No, ma'am. He didn't want to bother Fiorelli, so he left." I mentally sighed in relief.

"Okay, thank you for telling me. You can go home now."

"I won't be coming tomorrow... Since it's Sunday." Nina nervously told.

"Of course. Sunday should be spending with your family or friends." I told her and smiled warmly. She smiled in appreciation and nodded.

After Nina left, I got changed into some fresh and comfortable clothes, then I went to saw my baby. It's some time in the afternoon and I missed my daughter. I missed her smile, the one that was like her father. I missed her voice, just because she loves to spoke and was starting to learn how to do so.

"Oh... My baby." I picked her up out of her crib and cradled her in my arms. Gave her kisses until her eyes slowly opened by itself.

"Mama." She sleepily called.

"Yes, my baby. Mama's home now, did you miss me?" I asked as I gave her one last kiss before we moved to my bed.

She nodded surely and my heart just felt so full by seeing that.

I laid her on the middle of the bed and I did the same beside her. "You're so precious to me, Fio. Don't forget that." I tapped the tip of her nose gently seeing her eyes dropping slowly to drifted back to sleep.

"Whether it will be your father or uncle who got to meet you first, know that you will have your right to choose. They won't make them for you." The Nicoli guys were not persistent men and had to have their way no matter what. They were loving and respect opinions unless that one old man.

I could forgive the sons, but I don't think my heart could accept his apology, he didn't even offer one until now. He's just that typical mafia leader.

 He's just that typical mafia leader

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