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We arrived home late in the evening. Fiorelli was still asleep when the car stopped. I turned to him, watching him kill the engine of the car and then my eyes went to our daughter who was in her car seat.

"I'll carry her," James said while looking at me. "Go ahead and get in the house. You must be tired."

"But you are the one who's driving," I replied, weird to hear him saying that. I should have been the one who said that to him and not the other way around.

"And you took care of Fiorelli all the way here." He put his hand on top of my head and caressed it softly. He smiled and gestured for me to go.

"Okay." I nodded and opened the car door. Then, I made my way to the house I stayed in. Fiorelli's clothes and necessities were in this house, so it would be difficult for me if I had to carry them out to the main house.

I opened the door and turned on the lights and the house lit up. Going straight to the bedroom, I prepared the bed for Fiorelli to sleep in. It must have been dusty all over the place after we left it for a short vacation.

I got it done before James and Fiorelli entered the room.

"Baby." I snapped my head towards the door as I heard him calling me.

"Put her on the bed," I told him while gesturing to the bed. James was carrying her in his arms and Fio was still asleep.

While he put her in the middle of the bed, I walked myself into the bathroom to freshen up. I needed to wash my face because I wouldn't be able to sleep right away.

Once I stepped inside, I turn on the lights and walked up to the sink. So, I did my business, washing up my face and everything.

When I had just gotten done and was about to grab a towel from the drawer below, I heard the door crack open. Still, with my wet face, I turned around and found James walking in. "What are you doing?"

"I also need to use the bathroom, baby," he stated the obvious. Of course, what would he do in the bathroom if he didn't need to use it? Thankfully, I was done when he came in. So, I walked myself out as I heard him peeing into the toilet bowl.

When I got out, I walked up to the bed to check on my daughter. I softly put my butt down on the bed and leaned in to kiss her forehead. I was being careful and quiet as I didn't want to wake her up.

"Let her sleep, let's get out of here," James whispered, his voice was barely heard, but I could see his lips syncing. He held his hand out to me, so I grabbed it and then he pull me up from the bed.

We walked out of the bathroom hand in hand and I left the door ajar.

"Do you want some coffee?" I offered him. I knew we were going to the living room and sitting on the sofa, so I thought coffee or tea would be good company for us.

"Yes, please." He brought my hand up and kissed it before letting it go.

We separated midway and I walked to the kitchen to make some coffee for him. I didn't want any, but I would make some tea to standby.

I put the cup of coffee, tea kettle, and two empty cups on a tray, then brought them to the living room where he waited. When I got there, I saw him on the phone.

"Do you have work to do?" I asked him who was seriously looking at his phone. I thought he might have some important work that couldn't be postponed anymore.

"Nothing serious, just catching up with emails my secretary sent," he replied. He patted the space next to him, so I went to sit there. He pulled me close and embraced me. "I have to go to Mom's house tomorrow, do you want to come with me?"

"No, James. I'll be waiting for you to come home. I don't want to expose Fio," I said, turning my head to look at him. He nodded in understatement.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

The silence broke out when his phone suddenly rang. James glanced at his phone but decided to ignore it. But the phone kept on ringing.

He sighed loudly before getting his arm off me to take the call. "Mom," he informed me out loud.

"Hello, mom." After he picked up the phone, he stayed silent, probably listening to his mother talking on the other side. "You're talking to one."

"You don't have a daughter." I heard him say that to her mother. I watched as he rolled his eyes before handing his phone over to me. I looked at him in puzzle first and then took the phone hesitantly. "Don't cave into her wish," he warned me.

I slowly put his phone to my ear and answered the call which was from his mother. "Hello."

"Lena, can you come to my house tomorrow?" His mother asked to the point and got me silent for a few moments. Was this the reason he said not to cave in?

"I'm sorry, mother, but we just got back home a few minutes ago. I would like Fio to rest for a day and just be home," I replied rather than saying I refused to go to her house. Because I knew his father would also be there and I had not decided whether to let him see our daughter or not. I was so against it and still it.

"Don't you think my husband deserves to know now? I promise he won't talk to you or even speak a word. Just let him see his granddaughter."

I sighed, I knew in the end Veronica couldn't resist telling her husband that they had a grandchild which was Fiorelli.

"I'm sorry," I told her apologetically. Then, I handed the phone back to him before getting up from the couch to head into the bedroom. "I'm tired, I'll go to sleep now."

He took my hand as I was about to take a step away. He brought me down to sit again next to him and then he pulled me into his arms. "Don't get upset, you have the right to refuse her."

He kissed my temple and then cheek before finally, his lips met with mine. "It's okay."

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