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"I used to live independently, that part was not a problem. But the real struggle was when I kept on thinking about another life inside of me. I didn't even realize that I was pregnant at that time but someone so confidently said that I was. So, he literally threw me a pregnancy test and told me to take it and use it when I get home."

"That he?" he asked and emphasized the first word as he remembered I once told him that I met someone. "He's a doctor, right?"

Seeing the expectation for confirmation in his eyes was funny. He was frustrated enough when I didn't tell him right away about the someone I met during my time away.

"Well, he is a specialist." I nodded my head.

"But?" He pressured me into telling him more of the story. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "What else."

"Nient'altro," I replied.
(Nothing else)

"You can't just tell me he's a guy and there's no more story to that, Jamee. Seriously, tell me everything or I'll look for him myself." I laughed and pulled his head down again.

"Won't you go to sleep?" My effort was useless. His head came back up and turn to me again. He slowly crawled up, he stop when our faces were looking at each other. "I will tell you."

"Do it now." He lowered his head until the tip of our noses touched. "Per favore."

"Tutto quello che vuoi sapere è se ho qualcosa o meno con lui," I said which was only confirmed when he showed me a pleading look.
(All you want to know is whether or not I have something with him)

His hand went up behind my neck as he tilt his head and lean down to capture my lips. When our lips touched, my eyes automatically shut. My lips moved with his when he took it deeply. He kissed me so passionately and I fell for it.

"James," I moaned and tried to push him away. We had gone too far, I didn't want to be carried away. "No."

I had to tell him sternly so he didn't object to me. He pulled away but still looked into my eyes, then he whispered, "I love you."

"Where is Diane's place? Should we visit her? I haven't heard from her since she took her left." I glanced at him with a questioning look.

"You really don't know about her house?" I asked.

"No, she never told me and it was not in her profile," he said.

"It's on the other side of the bay. If we are to visit her, we should go when we leave. So, we don't go back and forth because it will be a long drive," I told him and he nodded in agreement.

"That's not a bad idea," he replied and that moment finally come, I yawned. "You want to go to sleep, huh?"

"Of course, James. Who wouldn't?" He pointed at himself and I frowned at him. "What's that supposed to mean? Well, you can stay up but I'll go to sleep now. Sounds good?"

He pouted but lay back against the chair again. So, I got up from the chair to go to bed. I leaned down and peck his lips before leaving. "Good night."

I walked up to our bedroom and saw our baby was still sound asleep. I lay next to her and kiss her before trying to fall asleep. She was put in the middle, so she wouldn't fall over.

"I thought you were going to sleep." I felt arms wrapped around my waist. I didn't even realize I couldn't fall asleep. I let out a sigh and turned around to look at him.

"I'm not even sure why I couldn't fall asleep. You should sleep on the other side." I pointed at the other side of Fiorelli. He was currently occupying my side, behind me. I knew that the bed was huge but still, we should sleep on both sides of Fiorelli just in case.

"You can't sleep, why?" He whispered close to my ear making me shiver down my spine. "Because of this?"

He placed his lips on mine, capturing them perfectly.


"Because I keep on thinking about these lips, this feels, and you." I put my hands on his shoulders, stopping him from going forward.

"Are you flirting with me?"

"Did I? I was just saying what I feel. If that was flirting, then yes." I blocked his lips when I saw him going to make a move again. He frowned when I stop him and silently asked why.

"Stop it, James. Let's go to sleep." I pushed him off the bed softly, so he would just go to his side.

"I love you," he said.

"I know."

"You know?" He pretend to be surprised. "So, why don't you say it back?"

I gave him a pointed look and then told him to go to bed. Because I was not going to play along with him again. This time we really needed to sleep for tomorrow to not be tired.

He eventually goes to bed and we finally could go to sleep.


When I opened my eyes, I looked at my side to see no one was there. James and Fiorelli were both not in bed but it was only seven in the morning.

"James?" I called out his name just in case he was still in the room but when I hear none, I decided to leave the bedroom and look for him.

I go downstairs and as expected, they were by the swimming pool enjoying the water. Fio looked so cheerful playing with the water while James was also having fun accompanying her.

"Good morning," I greeted them as I approach them. I leaned down to give her a kiss and I glanced at him and saw him waiting expectantly.

"Morning." Fio smiled brightly.

"Morning kiss," James replied as well, pouting his lips to receive the kiss.

"Give him a kiss, baby." I pointed towards James, so Fiorelli knew what I mean. She obediently did and I smiled in satisfaction. "Good job, my sweet."

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