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Andreas and Sierra took a road trip to Missily as they planned days before. Sierra had a day off and Andreas asked to visit his patient and get his letter of assignment. That way, he could get involved in Jamee's treatment. So, he didn't visit as a visitor but as a doctor.

"It's going to be a long drive, isn't it?" Sierra turned to her fiance as she asked that question.

"It is." Andreas nodded his head. "Want to get something from the cafe before we hit the road?"

"Yes," she replied with a big smile, feeling happy that he knew her so well. They needed something to accompany them on the road. Snacking was the way to go and drinks to keep him stay focused. They didn't want anything to happen on the road now, did they?

Andreas stopped by the cafe they went a few days ago. He stayed in the car as Sierra went to buy something for them. He was watching her from inside the car and smiled when he saw her interact with other customers. He was grateful to have such a lively and cheery woman like her.

"I get you black coffee and some cookies." Sierra came back not too long after with two small paper bags and coffees for them each.

"Thank you, baby," he said and tucked the coffee in the cup holder in the middle of the car along with their cookies.

"Let's hit the road!" Sierra excitedly exclaimed and Andreas laughed at her excitement. It was not just her who felt excited about the trip, he did too. They rarely do things like this and when they did get a chance, it was like a new experience to them. On top of that, they were experiencing it together.

Sierra had her side windows down to enjoy the wind and the view. On some road, they took the seaside and the view was just mesmerizing.

"We should go sailing on a yacht. Look, doesn't that look so much fun?" Sierra pointed at the sailing yacht in the middle of the sea. There were not only one or two, but there were a bunch of them.

"It does. But, who's going to sail it? I don't have a permit for it, baby," Andreas said, pointing at the fact not many people would think of.

"You're right. But, don't they include the captain as well?" She raised an eyebrow in question. She looked like she didn't want to let go of the topic.

"I'm not sure, but we can find out later. We can plan to sail when we have time, okay?" Andreas smiled at his fiancee and caressed her cheek lovingly. He didn't want her to be misunderstood, he just wanted her to put that topic aside for now.

"Promise?" She put her pinky up to her, so he could see that she was serious.

"Promise," he accepted her pinky finger and entwined them together as a promise.

The car ride went smoothly and they arrived in Missily before lunch time. Andreas going to the hospital right away. Sierra would wait outside if the visiting time was over, but he would bring her up if there was time.

"Let me go inside and check first, where do you want to wait? Garden? Cafeteria?" Andreas asked his fiancee as they were right in front of the entrance.

"I'll just wait here, in the lobby." Sierra pointed at the waiting area in the lobby. Andreas followed where she was pointing and nodded to confirm that he agreed.

"I'll be right back," he said and pecked her forehead before leaving her to go inside and check on his longtime patient.

Andreas went over to the receptionist to ask for Doctor Melanny. He was asked to wait while they were calling for her after checking on his working ID. As he waited, he looked around the hospital lobby. This would be his first time visiting Rowee Hospital, the biggest hospital in the city.

The environment was very appealing to hospital life. A huge garden with a lot of flowers was planted all around the place and there was also a playing site for kids. It would still feel like a hospital even though it looked comfortable.

That was what he thought until he got interrupted. "Doctor Andreas?"

Andreas turned around and found a woman dressed in her white coat. He knew immediately that she was a doctor and the person he was looking for, was Doctor Melanny.

"I'm Doctor Melanny, it's a pleasure meeting you in person," she said as she greeted him. She found out that Doctor Andreas was someone close to her patient, Jamee Eilena.

"Thank you for meeting me." They shook hands and Doctor Melanny asked him to follow her to Jamee's room.

Before they walked away, Andreas stopped her and asked if he could bring someone up with him.

"Who might it be?" Doctor Melanny asked. She needed to be precautionary in accepting guests for Jamee because it was James' order.

"My fiancee, maybe she could accompany Jamee in the room, so she could have a friend. They have met before," he explained seeing how cautious she was being.

"Okay." Doctor Melanny nodded and Andreas went to collect her from the waiting area in the lobby.

Seeing her fiance walk towards her, she stood up. She was expecting to hear good news. "I can go up with you?"

"Yes, let's go." He held his hand out to her and she grabbed it with no hesitation. The both of them walked to Doctor Melanny who had been waiting for them by the elevator.

They greeted each other briefly and got into the elevator. Andreas on the other hand was paying attention to his surroundings. Because this was the first time he visited Rowee Hospital, he was being curious.

They stopped at the 10th floor before the elevator's doors automatically opened. The couple followed Doctor Melanny quietly until they reached a door.

Doctor Melanny knocked on the door three times before pushing the door open. She immediately greeted James who was sitting on the couch on the side of the room, surprisingly with Fiorelli. Of course, it was a surprise to Doctor Melanny. Because she had never seen Fiorelli brought to the hospital.

"As!" A loud voice was heard and all heads turned to Fiorelli.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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