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After the phone call with Jamee's doctor, Andreas on the other hand kept on thinking about her possibility of surviving the cancer. He was thinking about how James handled the situation, he must have been in shock to find out about Jamee's illness.

The whole day, Andreas spent his time almost doing nothing and only had one patient come in for a check-up. And the rest, his head was a mess. He even caught himself daydreaming, he knew because some nurse came in to check on him. One of the reasons was they didn't find him at the cafeteria during lunch break like he usually did. So, as a social worker, they checked on him for anyone's pleasure.

He left his room only when it was his time to clock out. He took off his coat and hung it on the hanger at the corner of his room and then he walked out of his room. He greeted some doctors and nurses who passed by as he made his way out.

"Andreas." He jumped out of surprise when he heard someone calling his name. He turned to the side and saw his girlfriend smiling at him. At that moment, he felt like his mind freshened just by seeing his girlfriend coming to pick him up.

She ran up to him and immediately wrapped her arms around his neck. Andreas didn't waste any second to hug her back tightly. Just by the feeling of his hug, she knew she made the right decision to come and get him before going home.

"Did I come in the right day?" Andreas just nodded in response. Because she did. "Do you want to talk as we walk home?"

They eventually broke the hug as they were still in front of the hospital where he worked. They couldn't risk his job by doing something reckless, even though it was needed. He needed the hug and he had the best fiancee for that.

"Long day at the hospital?" Sierra asked as they started to walk. They were holding hands, like a romantic couple out there. Even though they were busy with work, Andreas was one of a man many women could ask for.

"You can't imagine." He sighed, showing how tired he was after work.

"Did you have many patients or an emergency?" Sierra tried to guess. His work involved saving lives, bringing new life to the world, or seeing one die in front of him.

"No, I only have one patient today. But ... my long-time patient came bringing expected news to me or so, what I had expected," he replied, glancing at her with a long face. He was not physically tired but mentally. He wanted to give the best solution for Jamee's situation but he got nothing more than the existing result for her condition right now as he and her doctor knew.

"Jamee? What happened?" Her mind instantly thought of Jamee. He only had one of a long-time patient, Jamee.

"She got admitted to the hospital a few days ago and her cancer is bringing her to this life-and-death situation. I asked about Fio, but her doctor said she never saw her at the hospital. I wonder who takes care of Fiorelli while her parents are at the hospital," he told her, his hand on hers tightened as he didn't want to let go of her like he didn't want to lose her.

Just by telling a story about Jamee, Andreas felt like it was easy to lose someone we love within the blink of an eye. He saw how James loved Jamee and the way he looked at her. He adored her and made her the world he walked on.

"His family must be taking care of Fiorelli, I'm sure." She tried to assure him even though she knew nothing about them to be precise.

"He nor his family had ever visited Jamee while she lived here. She was all alone in this area, pregnant, giving birth to her daughter, and taking care of her as well." He shook his head, shaking off all the unpleasant thoughts.

They stopped walking as they were about to cross the street. Sierra saw one of the cafe she usually go to and they serve the best desserts.

"Can we stop by that cafe?" Sierra pointed at the cafe building across the street.

"Sure. What do they have?" He asked.

"The best cakes I've ever tasted," she replied with the biggest smile which was contagious and it made him smile just by looking at her.

"I approved," he said and Sierra smacked his arm jokingly.

"You haven't even tasted it yet," she said while chuckling.

"If you like it, then they must be crazy good," he praised her taste bud. He smiled proudly at her and messed with her hair.

They walked into the small homey cafe and they were hit by a strong smell of coffee. It felt really nice for him because the smell was out of his daily routine. When he usually smelled disinfectant, he got to smell some nice coffee and freshly baked goods.

"We will have two lattes to go and three croissants and one tiramisu," Sierra ordered and Andreas just agreed to whatever she had. When it came to payment, he pulled out his wallet and handed his card to the register.

They moved to the side to wait for their order and as they were waiting, Andreas was quiet for some time which concerned her.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she knew this topic was still bothering him.

"Yeah, I'm just worried about Fio. Do you think you can get a day off to visit her?" Andreas looked at his fiancee.

"Visit her?" She repeated to know where he was going with that question.

"Yes, to Missily. I'll get my permission to visit the hospital Jamee got admitted to and maybe, I can meet her doctor before they do the surgery," he said, explaining what he wanted to do.

Seeing him being so concerned about Jamee and Fiorelli made her feel happily jealous. Because she knew, she had the most responsible man in her life.

"I can take a day off," she assured him and he immediately hugged her out of relief. He was grateful to have such an understanding woman by his side.

"Thank you, I love you." He kissed her temple and right after that, their order was done. What a timing.

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