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The whole ride back to the house, I couldn't keep my eyes off my little girl. She fitted perfectly in my arms and was just so perfect. She was still asleep and I didn't dare to wake her up.

I kissed her forehead gently and got out of the car. I was surprised to know that Vincenzio was still there with Benjamin. His eyes got excited when he saw me carrying our baby. He must have been waiting, didn't know for how long.

"It's Fiorelli?" He asked carefully as he examined my baby like he was mesmerized.

"She is," I replied, but still did not move to show him. I saw him gulped and then nodded his head.

"You should go using the back door, so no one will notice." He told me. So, I took his advice.

I walked into the house using the back door even though I had to walked around the house first. But that was okay if that meant I could go straight up with no interruption.

The door to my room was closed, I opened it and Jamee was still sleeping on the bed. I am glad about that. So, I put our daughter next to her gently to not woke them both. As I crossed over her, I stopped just to watch her sleep. It had been so long.

I leaned down and placed a kiss on her nape, then I breathe in her scent to wash over my longing for her.

"I'm sorry," I whispered to her. There were a billion things for me to be sorry for. From missing out on our daughter and not being able to protect her. This guilt was eating me alive, but when she was here with me, I knew it will be okay.

"Mama..." Her little voice calling for her mother brought me back and straightened my body. I turned to the side and found Fiorelli stretched out to wake up.

I stood up and watched her, didn't know what to do. I stood still, gawking awkwardly at my daughter. I couldn't do anything as I saw her tried to climb on Jamee.

"Mama." She called again and is now on the verge of crying.

"Stop," I said and it came out sternly. She stopped and looked at me. It was the first time I saw her eyes, she looked just like me. She had my eyes. We stared into each other's eyes in anticipation. "Don't touch her."

I regretted it right away after saying that to my daughter. Because she was about to cry. But when she pouted, she looked the cutest.

"No, no, no, no, don't cry." I quickly approached her and brought her into my arms. She sobbed against my chest and I tried to calm her down by rubbing her back gently. It felt like a heartbreak seeing her cry. Another one of those I couldn't avoid.

How could I forbid her from touching her mother? What I felt at that moment was like owning Jamee, so no one should touch her. I had to realize that Jamee was not mine anymore and I had to share her with Fiorelli.

I lied down where she was beside Jamee still in a full suit. It does felt highly uncomfortable, but Fiorelli was attached to me. So, I didn't have the heart to move her. This moment seemed too precious to me, I wished I knew sooner and didn't miss out on her, my precious little girl.


I didn't realize I fell asleep. Because Fiorelli never let me go throughout the night. I slept in my suit, but now the jacket was off.

Opening my eyes slowly, I felt my precious girl under my arm. She snuggled onto my underarm. As my eyes fully opened, I saw her in front of me.

"You're awake. Are you feeling okay now?" My voice came out deep and raspy but I made no move to got up, because of Fiorelli. I didn't want to wake her up.

"Yes. It's the morning now." She pointed out to sunlight coming in from the window.

"I noticed," I replied because I could feel the sunlight blaring against my eyes. "Let her sleep some more," I said as Jamee was about to take her away. I was not ready to be away from her just yet.

"Vincenzio is still here and there are some people cleaning the house." She informed me but I just turned my attention to our daughter. I kissed the top of her head and hugged her little body. "James, I'm talking to you."

"I know, baby. Let them be." I murmured and my eyes slowly closed.

"Were you here since last night?" She asked again and I planned not to answer her. I just wanted to spend the morning in peace and be in each other's arms. "Hmm." But I answered her anyway even with just hummed.

"What about the party? Where is she?" She fired me with questions as I just woke up.

"I don't know. Didn't you talk to Vincenzio?" I groaned and tightened my eyes, too lazy to answer.

"No, I didn't." She replied curtly and I knew something was going on between him and her.

"Did he do something to you?" I opened my eyes and looked at her. Vincenzio was the only person she was closed to. So, to see her talked about him that way indicated something was wrong.

"Yes." She simply replied and I was about to ask again but our little girl started to wake up.

"Mama." She sleepily called for her mother. So, Jamee picked her up and cuddled her to her chest.

"You don't look upset," Jamee spoke as she breastfeeds our daughter. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. She was waiting for me to answer.

"I don't know what to feel." I shook my head lightly. "And I don't think I have the right to feel angry. I'm just happy for now that you're here with our daughter." I expressed how I felt and hoped it was enough to let her know.

But this was far from our happy ending. Still, I am determined to make one for us.

 Still, I am determined to make one for us

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