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Loona woke up to a loud scream she bolted out of bed only to find that the pup she found last night is hiding under her bed in fear and looking terrified.

Hey hey its okay kid I'm not going to hurt you said loona in a calming voice.

The pup peeked out one of his blue eyes staring at loona not knowing who she is.

Hi I'm loona what's your name? Asked loona. But the child spoke very softly. M...mike my name is mike.where am I? asked the pup.

Loona told him he was in her room and she found him in an ally next door all hurt and bruised up. So she decided to take him inside and let him rest and heal.

Mike was a little shy so he didn't talk so much. Loona got up and asked. Mike, Why where you out there alone and  hurt?.

Mike didn't talk for a couple of seconds only started sniffling and a tear started showing up. Loona saw that and decided not to bug him about it.

Hey its okay don't cry. Whatever Happened to you is over now your safe. Said loona.

As she made mike feel better a knock was on the door mike got startled and hid behind loona. It was just blitz asking if everything is okay.

Its fine blitz hold on for one fucking minute said a annoyed loona. She turned to mike seeing him covering his ears knowing loona cussed in front of him. Sorry about that mike anyway you want to meet my friends. Asked loona

Mike nodded yes to her.

(Outside of loonas room)

Its been two hours, is she coming out or not. Said moxxie.

Giver time moxx it isn't easy to get a child who was hurt to talk to someone they just met. Said blitz.

Com on hun give loona a chance she seemed very concerned about that kid she found outside. Said millie

Since when did loona start carring about anyone. Said moxxie

Look moxxie we all have bad vibes from that kid who was a complete dick and the kids from that psyco family mayberry hired us to deal with. But loona thinks this kid is different said blitz.

As moxxie was going to continue loona opened the door. Hey assholes he's awake now but just to let you know he's shy so be very careful around him. Said loona

As they nodded yes loona told mike it was okay to come out now. Mike was. holding on to loonas leg. the others were speechless seeing him a young hellhound with blue eyes no one in hell ever had blue eyes and he was really young too.

Um hi there I'm mike. Well hi there cutie I'm Millie its nice meet you. Hey there kid I'm blitz the O is cilent. Im moxxie nice to meet you.

Mike started to smile loona was happy too. So kid why were you out there asked blitz. Loona got a little angry telling him that mike really doesn't like talking about it. So he decided to leave it at that

Mike started to yawn so loona picked him up to put him to bed. As loona found him some pajamas that weren't girly she layed down with him snuggling close to him making him feel safe.

Good night mike. Loona said before giving him a good night kiss on the head mike then asked what did you do on my head? I gave you a kiss. What is a kiss asked mike.

Its nothing try to get some rest.
As mike fell asleep next to loona but loona just layed there its just broke her heart hearing mike not knowing what a kiss is.

She moves him closer to her then she fell to sleep with mike in her arms.

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