my friends from the hotel

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Mike was just going to school as normal he was just studying for his test he has tomorrow and he has been very nervous about his score.

When ms Mayberry walked up to him she gave him his test with a smile he looked at his paper, he got an A.

Hey mike I just got a call from your folks their taking longer with their clients target. So do you want me to take you home. Asked ms Mayberry.

Its okay. It's not very far just around the corner from here. Said mike.

Okay stay safe kiddo. Said ms Mayberry.

As school finished up mike was walking home but little did he know somebody was following him he turned around and saw someone never wanted to see.

It was rampurt dokely the goat demon that treated him horribly.

I told you I'd be back boy. said rampurt.

Mike only ran away passed some people then into an ally where he was at a dead end.

No where to run now boy just give up like before. Said rampurt.

As mike panicked two people jumped in between them. Mike looked at them and they looked like sinners of some kind.

As he looked up at them he saw who they were they were angel dust and cherri bomb.they seemed pretty pissed that and old man picked on a little kid.

Hey fuck head leave the kid alone! Yelled Cherri bomb.

Yeah this kid obviously belongs to someone. Said angel dust.

Great no I have to deal with more youngings in my way. Said rampurt.

He saw that he couldn't take them both on her decided to scram. He threw a smoke bomb On the ground and escaped.

Mike came out and looked at the two people that saved him and blushed when he saw them.

Cherri bended to his height to ask if he's okay. While that happened Mike was intimidated by angel dust because he looked like a spider. But Cherri bomb seemed nice.

Don't worry about him he's a softy said Cherri bomb.

Mike thanked them for saving him.
Angel dust offered to take him to his house and make sure he's safe.

Okay ms...

Cherri bomb

I'm angel dust nice to meet you.


When I.m.p. returned from. There job loona rushed to the door completely forgetting about Mike.

As she opened it mike hugged her and asked she saw who was in front of her she had a lot of questions.

Cherri bomb and angel dust were In imp city just to pick up cherries new granades. When they saw mike run past them and some old guy chase them they knew it was trouble so they decided to go help him out.

Thank you so much for helping him. said loona.

No problem right Cherri. Angel dust waited go hear Cherri bomb but it was quiet for now angel looked at Cherri bomb only to see cherri kissing mike on his cheeks.

Wow. Angel dust he is so cute I just wanna keep kissing him. Said Cherri bomb.

Loona was in shock and blitz was recording it the whole time. Well better then nothing said angel dust.

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