the dinner party

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(At the i.m.p. building)

Loona's at her desk reading a magazine, mike is baking brownies with millie and blitz qnd moxxie are cleaning out the weapons arsenal. As loona was reading, her phone went off and saw octavia was calling her.

(Hey via what's up girl?) Asked loona.

(Hey loona I was wondering if I could barrow mike tonight for a dinner party). Asked octavia.

(Umm I'll ask mike first) Said loona.


(He said yes) Said loona.

(Great I'll be over to pick him up in 20 minutes.) Said octavia.

(20 minutes later)

Octavia arrives at the i.m.p. building picks up mike and takes him to the goetia palace.

(Hey aunt via who's coming to the dinner party?) Asked mike.

(Mostly some of the other royal families here) said octavia.

As they entered the palace mike greated stolas and stella. Stolas patted his head and stella hugged him. Then they went to octavias room to get ready(octavia is wearing a purple dress and has a ponytail for her hair). And (mike is wearing a comfy royal blue sweater that passes for royal attire and and some blue pants along with a cute little crown.)

(Alright are you ready for the dinner party) asked octavia.

(Yes ma'am but I have a question are there gonna be other kids there too?) Asked mike.

(Umm I don't think so but if you'd like you can stay with me the whole time.) Said octavia.

Then octavia and mike walked over to the party and saw the other guests and octavia held mike close to her. Everything was fine but then some other royals approached them and there names were Nichole galadon (resembles a crow) and Oscar denile.(resembles a toucan)

(Well well If it isn't little octavia goetia how's life with the commoners). Said Nicole.

(Better than being engaged to some snotty prince) Said octavia.

(And I see you fancy a angelpup I thought angels were banned from hell). Said Oscar.

(Actually since Charlie morningstar has taken the thrown and ended the extermination day by transforming sinners into angels to go to heaven. she lifted the banned on angels and welcomes them.) Said octavia.

Just than Oscar grabs mike by his tail and lifts him up. Octavia gets mad at this and tells him to put him down.

(Ugh fine!) Said Oscar dropping mike.

Mike rubbed his tail which hurt so octavia took him over to the food table and got him ice-cream.

(Are you feeling better sweetie) asked octavia.

(A little that guy was mean) Said mike.

(Yeah Oscar is kinda of a jackass just stay with me okay.) Said octavia.

Mike nodded OK to her then octavia saw her parents and she explained to them what happened.

(Don't worry those two will face the consequences) Said stolas.

(If not than I'll just turn them to stone and shatter them.) Said stella.

As they were talking some guy walked over to them and it was a weird guy who looked like a turkey.

(Oh hello John Altidore is been awhile since we last saw you. ) Said stolas.

(Yes it's been awhile so anyway octavia did you think about my proposal) asked John.

(I thought of it Altidore and the awnser is still NO I'm not going to marry you.)
Said octavia.

(Why not you are quite a sight to behold and I could provide very well.) Said John.

(1. I'm 18, 2. I have no interest in marrying someone I don't love and 3. I don't like you.) Said octavia.

(Oh come on darling perhaps I can show you by caring for this child next to you.) Said John as he reach for Mike only for octavia to smack his hand.

(DO NOT TIUCH HIM!!!!!) yelled octavia.

Everyone was surprised to hear octavia use her royal voice, even stella was shocked. So John respectfully backs away. And the party went on but octavia and mike were outside enjoying the stars and mike hugged her.

(Hey aunt via can I ask you something?) Asked mike.

(Um sure what is it? ) Asked octavia .

(Are you happy to be a princess). Asked Mike.

(Of course I do but sometimes I wish i didn't get approached by royal assholes trying to flirt with me all the time.) Said octavia.

Mike than lays his head on her lap and she smiles and decides to go to sleep with the young pup.

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