mike meets D.H.O.R.K.S

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(On earth)

Mike and loona were just spending mother and son time together just relaxing but Mike spotted something Shiny.

Oooohh. Said Mike.

What are looking at sweetie. Asked loona.

Something shiny and sparkley. Said Mike with stars in his eyes.

Just than he grabbed it and a cage formed around him. Loona panicked and she tried to break the cage but ended up getting shocked.

What the fuck!? Loona.

Just than two familiar faces came out it was agent 1 and 2 from d.h.o.r.k.s approached loona with guns and tried to shoot loona but a portal opened up and she fell in. Loona reached out to Mike but than the portal closed on her.

Miiiiiiikkkkkeee! NO NO NO NO NO NO! Cried loona with tears forming in her eyes.

omg loonie are you okay. Asked blitz.

No I'm not okay I left Mike back there I need to save him now! Said loona.

Alright I'll get the others. Said blitz.

In loona's mind, mike I hope your Alright.

(Back on earth)

Mike in his normal form is chewing on a toy for puppies while agent 1 and 2 were asking him questions.

Alright you start talking what are those monsters up too? Asked agent 1.

And why are you so fluffy. Asked agent 2.

2 why did you ask that? It's nit even what we're up too. Said agent 1.

I'm curious plus look at him he's so cute and cuddly and I just wanna hug him. Said agent 2.

Mike than made a puppy bark noise to see how they react towards him.

Awwww I wanna hug him. said agent 2

Wow remember he's one of them don't forget what happened last time with the other four..

Right right sorry I let this one trick me with his cute little face.. said gent 2 pointing at Mike.

Hi there can I  come out now? Asked Mike.

Nope you can't. Said agent 1.

Pllllleeeaaasssee?. Said Mike with giant puppy eyes.

Only if you awnser a few questions about your friends. Said agent 2.

You mean my family. Asked Mike.

Sure whatever just tell us about them. Said agent 2.

Okay well..... my grandpa blitz loves horses and loves rock music, my grandma mayberry was a teacher and now my schools new principal after Mr scorpion retired, my uncle moxxie and aunt millie love spending time with me and we love watching marvel movies together and my mommy loves me her phone and some yucky drink. And my pet toothless loves to eat fish, fly around and sleep next to my bed. Said Mike.

But both agents look at him with confused looks on their faces. Well at least he talking. Said agent 2.

(Back in i.m.p.)

Alright everyone let's get my son back. Said loona with an I'm gonna kill you attitude.

Let's show these dick faces how we deal with someone who messes with our family. Said millie with her axe.

Okay let's go kill these fucks. Said blitz.

Moxxie opens the portal and all four of them prepare to start a huge massacre. But something else happened insted.

Please take him I can't take it anymore plus agent 2 gave him a chew toy and he won't stop chewing it. Said agent 1.

Mike ran to his mother and cuddled her. But the rest of them didn't know how to react to what happend.

Oh wait here's a chocolate milk for ya for being such a good boy. Said agent 2.

Thank you miss spy lady and thanks for being so nice to me. Said mike.

Aren't you gonna call more agents to attack us or... asked blitz before agent 1 said, no no no I can't take this kid he's just so so so optimistic. He cried.

Okay well we're going home now bye said millie. Moxxie grabbed the book and handed it to loona and she opened the portal and they went home.

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