mikes growing up

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After Mike got home from school loona asked him if he wanted to play some video games with her.

No thanks mom I have to get my homework done maybe later. Said Mike.

Oh...okay. said loona.

(The next day)

Mike was on the phone talking to Gregory about the new school he's going to than loona asked if he wanted to go to the park.

Sorry mom I can't I have to finish a project for school, I'm making a replica of queen Elizabeth's crown. Said Mike.

Okay...well I'll be here in the living room. Said loona.

(A few days more....)

Mike was just listening to his music on his phone after finishing his homework and he just decided to read a book afterwards. But little that he knew loona was watching him and she frowned lately because Mike has been busy with his own thing and she felt distant from him.

So she went to her new step mom mrs mayberry to ask her about advice on how to get close to Mike once again.

Well honey listen I know you want to get close to him but it's just kids don't stay the same forever sometimes they grow apart from their parents. Said mayberry.

But than what do I do to reconnect with Mike. Asked a worried loona.

Well I don't know I haven't raised a child since I married your father, so I'm afraid I don't have the answer sorry. Said mayberry.

After hearing that loona went to Mike to try to hang with him but he really didn't want to be bothered because he's making a model of the white house.

Hey hun do you want any help? Asked loona.

No thanks mom school said I had to do this on my own with no parental aid. Said Mike.

Come on hun what's the big deal I'll only help. Said loona.

No mom I really need to do this for my grade. Said Mike getting a little annoyed.

"Just let me see"

"No..mom stop your gonna break it"

After that loona accidentally crushes it. And mike is beyond mad he's furious.


I..I'm sorry I just wanted to help. Said loona.

Just leave me alone mom I just... I just need some space. Said Mike as he walked away from loona In anger.

Loona than walked over to blitz wanting comfort from her dad. And like a nurturing father he leads a listening ear.

Hey looney what's wrong. Asked blitz.

I don't know it's Mike I wanted to connect with him like we used to and well, it only made him mad. Said loona.

Look loona he's always going to need you no matter what your his mom and that's not going to change. Said blitz.

Well lately he hasn't I mean he's been avoiding me and he's not interested in the things we used to do together I mean have you ever dealt with that before. Asked loona

Yeah you. Said blitz.

What? Said loona.

You always were distant from me and I decided to roll with it and look how you turned out. Said blitz while drinking coffee.

A mean arrogant  asshole who be littles everyone she is in contact with.said loona.

Well yeah but that was before you adopted mike. Said blitz.

Thanks for trying but I'll just leave Mike alone... it seems Mike doesn't want me around so I'll leave him alone. Said loona depressed.

Later she walks into her room and finds an album filled with old photos of mike and loona when he was younger and she looked at them and started shedding tears and then she started crying.

Later Mike was looking for loona to talk to her and to apologize for him freaking  out on her, but the he heard his mom crying in her room so he checks in on her.

Umm hey mom are.... are you okay? Asked Mike.

Oh.....hey Mike I'm fine just walking down memory lane. Said loona.

He than saw pictures of the two of them in his early years, hey I remember that day said Mike it was the day you took me to Tex's party that one time. And grandpa's wedding day wow that felt like a long time ago. And then he saw a Halloween photo of all of i.m.p. in there costumes blitz was dressed as pinkie pie, mayberry was catwoman, millie was freddy crugar, moxie was the phantom of the Oprah, loona was violet Bearegarde from 2005 and mike was captain america. Wow mom I forgot you whore that costume. Said Mike.

Well I thought I looked good in blue. Said loona.

Then they both laughed together and then Mike said. Hey mom I'm sorry I got mad at you I've just really been busy it just makes me so tense and you didn't deserve that.

No it's my fault I've been bugging you for days now and I wanted to reconnect with you from old times but It didn't work, I just thought you'd be so busy that you wouldn't need me anymore. Said loona.

Oh mom I'll always need you no matter how old I get I'll always care about you mom. Said Mike as he hugged loona.

Same here kiddo I love you. Said loona.

I love you too mom. Said Mike as he started yawning.

Hey sweetie is it okay if I sleep with you tonight. Asked loona.

Sure mom. Said Mike.

Than they both get comfy and say goodnight to eachother and fall asleep in eachothers arms. With a beautiful smile on their face.

(Authors note)

Hey everyone I made this story to show that sometimes in life you get frustrated with the ones you love and even if they seem distant from you, there's always time to appreciate them when either they or you need it.

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