Frankie Morales-Night Angel

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Frankie has decided to take you up into his helicopter and you can't wait.


"Oh my god, Frankie! I can't believe you're doing this!" You so excited. (And kinda nervous, too!)

Frankie's taking you up in a helicopter! Talk about crazy! Frankie grins as he helps you climb into the tiny space.

Then he walks around and climbs inside himself. He passes you a  headset with a little mic attached. You place the headphones over your ears and adjust the little mic as Frankie puts his headset on and fires up the chopper.

The blades start out slow, but soon they're twirling super fast. You let out a little squeal of delight as Frankie messes with the controls and soon, you're both being lifted into the sky.

"Holy smokes, Frankie!" You exclaim as you look out the helicopter window and watch everything down on the ground become smaller and smaller.

You've been on an airplane before, but this is much different! You grin at Frankie, who's expertly piloting the helicopter.

"This is an experience, huh, baby?" Frankie says, grinning. You nod enthusiastically. This is so crazy!

Frankie flies you over a large lake in the area and the view is absolutely breath taking. You feel like you can't look enough. It's amazing how different everything looks from the air.

"This is amazing, Frankie. Thanks for sharing this with me. It means so much."

Frankie reaches over and gently takes your hand, giving it an affection squeeze.

"Wanna take the reins, mi amor?" Frankie asks, his brown eyes dancing with mischief. You nod. Hell yeah! You're not passing up the chance to fly a real, live helicopter!

"Just tell me what I need to do." Frankie begins barking orders at you and you quickly follow them. You're so giddy, it feels like you might float away.

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe I'm doing this!" You cry excitedly. Frankie laughs. He knows you're having the time of your life up here.

And you totally are, too! This is the most exciting thing you've ever done in your life.

You ask Frankie to take back control of the chopper and he does. You just wanna sit back and enjoy the incredible view from the helicopter.


Frankie keeps you both up in the helicopter until it's nearly dusk out. Everything is beginning to look so soft and beautiful in the fading daylight.

Frankie at last lands the helicopter on the heliopad and starts turning off the controls. You reluctantly pull the headset off your head and hand it to Frankie, who accepts it and sets it aside, along with his.

Frankie waits until the helicopter blades stop spinning and then climbs out of the helicopter, coming around to assist you out.

You walk hand in hand along, heading home. You gently squeeze Frankie's hand.

"I had the best time this evening, Frankie. It was amazing!" Frankie leans down and gently kisses you.

You smile as you touch his lips.

"I'm glad you loved it, mi amor. Maybe we'll do this again."

"Definitely. My night angel."

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